What's an easy way to check if you're autistic or not?

What's an easy way to check if you're autistic or not?

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Who gives a shit if you are or aren't?

Worst mistake of my life getting checked, didn't change shit, there ain't no cure all it does is let everyone else know so they can treat you differently.

I spend my days hiding that fucking record.

If people say you are, then you are
Its like ADHD now. if people think you are that's enough to give you a medical diagnosis

>you come to this board

There are a bunch of tests/questionnaires online that will give you some idea of if you're on the spectrum.

You're on r9k so no need to check

Don't check. Just try your hardest not to be an autist. Knowing isn't going to help you, it'll just decrease your self-worth and other people's impressions of you. Just work hard user.

If you struggle more than others with interpreting figurative language, that's probably a decent indicator.

Fug I guess I don't even need to check
I just kinda feel autistic in all social situations

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That's most people on the board. You can fix that, user. If you really want to stop being this way, there are plenty of online resources that'll help you be more sociable and approachable. .

>What is an easy way to check if you're autistic or not?

Attached: Sally-Anne_test.jpg (450x642, 49K)

In the basket because Sally didn't see Anne put it in the box.

I have autism but I catch myself out on it usually before it happens. Honestly wish I just lived in ignorance.

This is a stupud way
I thought she alredy checced her basket so i said the box but certanily she looked in the basket first time
So this is just a non logical confusing piece of shit
If you are really curious see a doctor tho

I'm 26 and I feel that I've outgrown a lot of my autistic tendencies. I would say that outwardly I appear pretty normal. People might say I'm a bit odd but I think I pass as a normal human at this point.
I also dont let anyone see who I really am though, because who I really am is someone who wants to be left alone.

Theory of mind is being studied for being moreso OCD related than autism.

>>I thought she alredy checced her basket so i said the box but certanily she looked in the basket first time
>So this is just a non logical confusing piece of shit
You got the 'tism, sorry to have to be the one to tell you

If you have to ask then you are.

Im not autistic or if yes i could hide it well last 20 years
also only 70iq tards think that you can decide that this easily with a method like this
>Kill yourself retarded faggot

Autism rage cope

Post pics of her getting skeeted on

lol you literally failed a psychology test for children

Flat monotonous voice, overweight, poor hygiene, and when it is otherwise decent, it's for the kinky fetishism they wish to carry out.

Male autism is easy to spot. Female autism is usually benign, because they just free bleed and neko cosplay.

Turned my psychologist sessions from how to stop feeling depressed to how to cope with being fucking autistic, which was absolutely useless as it didn't change my situation at all.

just look it up, thats what I did, told my psychiatrist, found out they suspected me of high functioning autism/aspergers for awhile