He has a 6 figure income

>he has a 6 figure income

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I'll give you six fingers in cum

Got a 6 fig recently.

Flashing income only attracts roasties who'll trade up until they're valueless. Best hide it and settle for a QT Christian.

Got a massive crush on someone in USA I might move out to try my luck

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>in Zimbabwe

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>Flashing income only attracts roasties who'll trade up until they're valueless. Best hide it and settle for a QT Christian.

bruh that's the opposite of what you want to go for lmao

>he has a good personality but has a minimum wage job

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>tfw 3 figure income

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Explain, I'm all ears UwU

She liked me when I was broke and at my lowest.

fuckin great word play there man gimme some more

I'm on track to make 200kish/yr if I play my cards right, how do you deal with this when sifting through womyn?

you'll see what I mean in about 1-3 years
I had one like that too, as long as it was distance and I was broke things were fine. Moved there and she complained about all kinds of shit.

Doing fine now though.

Cheer up! There are robots who will make in a lifetime what you make in a few years and they don't even have a chance to get what you disparage over so much.

Don't mention it, nobody should meet at their property on the first few dates, take taxis to hide your car etc.

Even poorfags can smell nice, dress good and act well

I'm not complaining about money, honestly I'm no happier with 20k as I am 200k+. Roastie women are valueless to all classes of human

Yeah but she's real cute, birds in USA seem better than the average ones here in wales.

She's a good girl from Illiniois, good family and upbringing and never seems ungreatful so I think its worth a try right...?

Try your luck if you think it's the right choice.
Just be ready for disappointment. German, American and French women are the absolute worst. I've had a good time with Italian and Chinese ones.

I know a French gal, insufferable culture.

Germans are QT but they're really not that attainable in my current situation

That's okay user, my past boyfriends didn't make much and I supported them. If you're sweet and appreciative the amount you make won't matter

I'm glad it took 4chayne less than a week to run this maymay into the ground. I'm waiting for the next exiciting Wojak/Pepe variation ;^)

but six figures means nothing when you live in the bay area like me

if people find money a problem in dating, I think theres a problem with the relationship underneath that.

There is a problem. No one should date each other based on the amount of money they make.

Wales dwelling brethren! The women here are hanging.

I'm too poor for Chinese women

I always though Welsh women were fit as fuck. Bonus for being complete sloots too.

God. The fake tan and bodycon dress era of Welsh couture made me genuinely think I was gay.

I guess it's just a grass is greener thing.

yes, because a simple hug will fill your stomach

Make one of her laughing with girlfriends
>he's under 7 inches

Meme aside, you don't need 6 figures in most cases, but you do need a respectable income. Can't expect to get a gf (at least one who looks decent) if you're unemployed, on welfare, and/or working somewhere like McDonalds.

men who don't have money usually don't even get into relationship unless they are veerry lucky and find "that one girl"

That is not the point

>tfw make $400 a day
>tfw still too lazy to work more than 2 days a week

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femcel posting is fucking disgusting fuck off

>Can't expect to get a gf (at least one who looks decent) if you're unemployed, on welfare, and/or working somewhere like McDonalds.
Chad can.

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>She has six figures in boyfriends

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Come to Odessa Texas and be my golddigging wojakina gf. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on trash you see on Normiegram

Fucking this. Hold me wagebro.

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I will need to work my way up the General Schedule in the next decade, but I will eventually hit the 6 figure milestone and possibly the SES one day.
My future earning capacity does not matter for this girl though since it will take another year until my finances settle in while the other guy has a far lower ceiling but has saved enough for her to move in later this year. I felt bad at first for being inadequate, but then I realized that it's her loss for being shortsighted and choosing the person that doesn't have her best interests in mind.

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1-200k a year is not enough to even buy a regular home these days in most large American cities. The 6 figure meme is dying and soon 7 figures will be the new milestone