Why aren't you vegan yet user? It's cheap and healthy! Good for the environment and the animals

Why aren't you vegan yet user? It's cheap and healthy! Good for the environment and the animals.

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>meat and cheese taste awesome
>pisses off cucks like OP image
to be honest, if vegans weren't such insufferable pricks, I might consider at least reducing my meat consumption, but every time I see some hipster fuck whining about other people's life choices it makes me want to eat a cheeseburger just to spite them

>cucks like OP image
as opposed to what you are?

just stick to chicken and below

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Because I don't buy that chickens laying eggs is "torture" even if they were bred to produce more eggs than usual. Although I respect vegans in the sense that they are actually aware of the damage done by animal agriculture and don't just respond with subanimal knee jerk reactions like "MEAT TASTE GOOD, STRONG MAN NEED" when their views are challenged, I believe life is suffering, the earth as we know it is doomed and humans are the worst thing that ever happened to it, hopefully we won't survive the next mass extinction event.

>spelling Kuechenchaos wrong
Gutes Deutsch

I don't really see veganism as a viable diet, honestly. I am a guy that doesn't like meat and never eats it, so I guess I'm a vegetarian. But vegan is too far. Too extreme. Plus, I like milk and cheese.


>killing innocent animals and increasing your risk of heart disease to own the libs

look at that creature from the estrogen lagoon. Look at those dead, beady soi fille eyes. Disgusting.

>takes longer to transport meat
>therefore meat is bad!!!11 muh co2!! muh footprint!
>vegans actually use this as an argument
how desperate are you guys gonna get?

>Good for the environment and the animals.
I hate animals, the fact that eating them causes more of them to die is a bonus in my book

Because I enjoy a heterosexual lifestyle

dairy and eggs are affordable, but you're delusional if you think meat is cheaper than beans, rice, or vegetables. and yes, vegetarian and vegan diets are healthier than the alternative. statistically, meat-eaters consume way too much protein and cholesterol.
however you can also get a lot of the health benefit by cutting down on your meat consumption and not cutting it out entirely.

Having a large carbon footprint is objectively immoral in Kantian terms. Not sure why you think that's a bad argument.

I'm not vegan because I do like the taste of beef and chicken. However, I do try to limit my meat consumption, for both budgetary and health reasons. And I won't deny I enjoy trying vegan replacement for meat: some of those meatless burger patties are good af.

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I'm vegetarian already, almost vegan but it's a pain cause i don't live alone atm.

Also i can't stand 95% of vegans and honestly i don't want to label myself as one because i don't want to be associated with him. Also i've gotten enough shit for being vegetarian already

Hey user, it's me vegan chad! Vegan food is actually very cheap. Rice, beans, onions, potatoes and all kinds of vegetables are the cheapest foods you can buy. And vegetables are healthy, didn't your mom tell you that?

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imagine being this uneducated and/or retarded

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What a fucking disgusting joke of a human being. The fact that he likely hasn't been bashed in the head with a large brick is just a testament to the fact that the human species is a failure and deserves to be wiped out.

Yes, because I am not a normie. It makes my Tinder explode any time I open it in the city.