It's a "White male incel engorged on Jow Forums koolaid shoots up a bunch of innocents he blames for his virginity"...

>it's a "White male incel engorged on Jow Forums koolaid shoots up a bunch of innocents he blames for his virginity" episode

When are we going to wake up and realize that White males are dangerous and not to be trusted with weapons?

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Couldnt think of any other buzzwords to go along with it? Should have gone with omnivore,eco terrorist,puppy kicking,retard molesting incel white male christian.

Can we get some of these virgins some central american caravan girlfriends?

Doesn't matter what "buzzwords" you use. This happened. Again. And people are dead.

White males are all bloodthirsty murderers you can't turn your back on. It's high time we just send them all back to Europe.

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Interesting facts about United States.
>White people on average own more guns than black people
>Black people still commit about 50% of all homicides in the US
>Despite the fact that black people are only 13% of the total population
Makes you think, doesn't it?

yet whites commit 100% of all mass murders, spree killings and genocides. You're right. It does make you think.

>mass murders
"However, on a per capita basis perpetrators of mass shootings are not disproportionately Caucasian."
>spree killings
"...according to the FBI, based on percentages of the U.S. population, whites are not more likely than other races to be serial killers."
Genociding other people is pretty universal for humans desu. Russians do it, Asians do it, Whites do it, Middle easterns do them too.

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He doesnt care Bout that. He just wants another reason to hate white people.

Let me direct you to just Chicago's year to date statistics for some real racial numbers.

Attached: chicago.png (321x582, 27K)

>only 1 dead
>3 injured
This isn't that big a shooting.

You mean white people on average own more guns than black people legally?
Are you actually retarded?

Agreed, send them all back to Europe, expatriate all the innocent niggers and Muslims out of Europe and just wall them off.

God please do this please do this please do this, I'd give my life for this.

>le Jow Forums boogeyman
Don't you have some gold to collect, stranger?

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>synagogue shooting

this is probably my least sympathetic type of mass shooting

Minorities in Chicago are more likely to be victims, so what?

Victims of other blacks. Blacks kill other black people more than whites do.


Ok so your solution is to victimize all whites for something one lone wolf did?k. I hope you arent white yourself. Actually,post your hand with time stamp just so we can see how nonwhite you really are.

Whybbos can't vent their aggression
that's why it builds up and you freak violent outbursts like this
they are too physically weak to fight or fuck girls and they are coddled by their mothers into being docile and socially compliant (that's why whites commit less crime, social emasculation) that combined with sense of entitlement they get from being born with light skin is a tinderbox of impotent rage

What r/ did you read that from?

yeah he's pretty bad
he didn't kill enough jews

The fucking state of whites.

I read it on Jow Forums

It's just that whites truly have no culture other than material consumerism

what is it with this anti-white racism, little incel?
show me where the white man hurt you

That's actually not true. I've researched this quite a bit. Over the last 20-year period, whites only committed 38% of indiscriminate mass shootings in public venues. Since whites have been roughly 62% of the US population during this period, they are actually underrepresented as mass shooters. East Asians, Middle Easterners and blacks are overrepresented as mass shooters in proportion to their population sizes. Hispanics are underrepresented like whites, however.

How did they conqueror the world and blow out every other race then? If you're not White, the simple fact is you are alive and free because they took pity on your ancestors, whether you're a nigger, a gook, a beaner, a Pajeet or whatever else you may be.
>"Whites have no culture." he types, in English, on the internet, provided by whites, with his computer, invented by whites, using electricity, harnessed by whites.
I guess when our culture encompasses almost all of human innovation you do lose track of it from time to time.

Also, mixed-race people are way overrepresented as mass shooters as well. As are Native Americans.

Really does make you think and its always white guys that are shooting up school killing multiple people not any other race. Except for that one asian dude.

You should take a look at these posts.

white culture = buying amazon gift cards once a year for your family on cuckmas

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Yeah exactly but it's been only whites doing it here in the states. Only whites. And I'm talking about the mass killings not no drive by shootings. These white beta uprisings are getting out of hand. Lol

>black people turning every neighbourhood they live into a fucking Mad Max movie and committing the vast majority of violent crime all around the world - this isn't an issue
>whites shoot up a school now and then - this is just awful
Doesn't make much sense. Is it because there are kids involved? Do you have any idea how many young children niggers in Africa rape every day? In South Africa, the most developed sub-Saharan African nation, girls are more likely to be raped than to finish secondary school.

What is wrong with niggers?

Yup one black kid killing one black kid. Nothing compared to a white beta guy killing a room full of little kids or the other mass killings here in the states

I'm sure that beta was planning to go all out and failed like the loser he is

White culture = a flag waving on the moon.

Heinous black crimes across racial lines happen all the time in this country, you just don't hear about them.

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What about the millions of black kids raping and killing other black kids all around the world though?

"Niggers" wow racist much

Congrats you are part of the disgusting scum society

Another example. A child was home sick with strep throat, heard a noise and went to investigate, and then was shot and killed by black people who were robbing her house.

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Yes. Do you have a point to make?

Yea true but whites are the only ones committing mass shooting on kids and innocent crowds not blacks. Blacks shoot rival gang members not innocent crowds.

Imagine beating a cancer patient to death outside of a treatment center. As far as I'm aware he's still never been found.

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Not all white but it's weird how it's only whites losing there shits and killing children class rooms


>6 months to the very day since Pittsburgh
>last day of passover
>manifesto filled with memes
mossad is doing really sloppy jobs

If you count Hispanics/mixed-race people like Nikolas Cruz and Elliot Rodger as white, sure.

Do we know race of shooter yet?
If the shooter is muslim they wont tell it. But if hes white they will tell it straight away. At least this is how it works in europe.

>weird how it's only whites
That is weird. It's almost like it's... Not true. But here's an idea, if you're so scared of the white boogeyman, why don't you fuck off?

That's a serious question. I genuinely didn't like how much of a shithole South Africa was because of the niggers so I just left, didn't make a single social media post about it, never even mention it until today. I bought my ticket, applied for a passport through familial ties and just left.

If whites are as much of a threat as you believe, you should get fuck out of majority white nations as soon as possible.

Who beat her to death? Did an old guy keel over before she could die first?

CNN has been leading with his race (white male) since at least two hours ago.

Wh*toids are now killing other wh*toids in their eternal hunt to blame everything on someone else. Sad.

It is pretty sad. Hopefully they'll go back to killing non-whites soon.

No need for hope. They are bloodthirsty by nature and can't stop themselves from killing.

Ahh, hopefully I won't have to deal with people like you much longer then.

to kill means we are strong. peace is for s*yboys

Jews are white only by their color. But they are copletly differnt race.

>white person does something like this
>gets plastered all over the news, facebook, reddit, etc...
>blacks arabs gooks etc do it
>nothing, just another regular day
Protip, just because your echo chambers report on one and not the other doesn't mean it's common. Most mass shooters are non-white, it's a fact.

you can blame that on niggers not being able to properly plan out a shooting

Who cares
Stay original, nigger.

Unfortunately you aren't allowed to evade the filter.