You can't call yourself ugly until you're at at least 10% body fat

You can't call yourself ugly until you're at at least 10% body fat.

Attached: bf.jpg (640x478, 149K)

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How do I reach that bf level but also gain muscle in parallel?How much protein does a 5'9 60kg skelly like me needs for that?

>%9 body fat
>Still have my lumpy lips and baby cheeks

Lips have nothing to do with body fat.
And some guys are genetically forced to keep baby cheeks until mid twenties.

...or you're just really bad at calculating your %.

I'm 18
171cm and 52kg. I remember it being %9 at my last time at doc and I don't expect it to go higher

You're a baby.
Wait until your mid twenties and gain mass in the meantime, skelly.

Okay, I will give it a go. If I'm still ugly user I swear to fucking God.

I'm trying user but I'm too pathetic. 3 months of gym and finally managed to bench 25 kg

The guy in OPs pic looks exactly the same on all photos. Sure the jaw is slightly more prominent but it's not like he was ugly before.
Ugly skellies can actually look better when they gain some fat, what a useless thread

keep coping harder brah lfmao

Attached: bf2.png (745x277, 416K)

This picture just made me want to exercise and change my body for the better.

I'm 170 lbs and 5'10"

Thats not too terrible user. If you keep working hard you'll be benching over 50 within a year and then you'll have a decent muscle mass.

>tfw 6'2" and 180 lbs

I have the skinny fat problem.

im eating pizza and drinking chocolate milk right now
i love food but i know if i lose weight my dick will look better and my face will look better
at this point though idk what'll happen with my skin i've been 300lbs for the last 5 years and before that i was always fat as well too
i was 100lbs in 3rd grade


>How do I reach that bf level but also gain muscle in parallel?
>How much protein
~1g per lb of bodyweight.

this is retarded advice

I'm a skinnyfat faggot around 18-19% and under certain lighting my face looks cut af. If only I could just stop being a retard and start cooking my own food I'd stop being so pudgy.

No, you're just straight up fat.
t. 6'5" 160lbs

This. Lose weight fattie.

I feel like having a wider neck would solve all my problems I got that pencil neck shit that nobody likes

there are exercises that can make your neck bulkier. however it can have the adverse effect of making your jaw less defined. look at f1 drivers, they train their necks a ton to withstand the g forces of high speed driving and it looks like their necks are consuming their jaws

could you name a F1 driver in particular? There are a lot of them and their jaw/neck ratio looks perfect imo

how did you get your jaw so defined? Im super skinny and still got a weak face

It depends on what your skull is shaped like. But if you don't have any jaw width just chew a lot of hard gum or beef jerky for about 6 months. Should do the trick for a getting a bit of masseter definition.

Also super skinny does not equal low body fat.

like how long each day and how many days a week?

It'd be helpful if you could describe or post your jaw first (not face, just the jaw). Some people have a shitty skullshape and will look up with a bloated/chipmunk face if they overtrain their masster muscles.

end up with a bloated/chipmunk face*


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>tfw morbidly obese weeaboo neckbeard and still get laid on the regular
But go ahead and keep thinking looks are all that matter

Your jawline looks like you'd end up with a young Kurt Cobain-ish jawline, so you're good.

I recommend mastic gum (Greek gum), hard as fuck. Try to chew it for 2-3 hours a day but if you develop any kind of jaw pain, give it a rest for a few days. TMJ's no joke.

You could also grind your teeth or clench your jaw a lot, people who suffer from bruxism generally have wide as fuck jaws. Pic related.

But honestly you look decent already, just not "super skinny". Change your died as basic as that sounds and make sure to only drink water. You should see a good change without chewing any gum honestly.

Attached: bruxism.jpg (242x208, 8K)

This thread isn't about getting laid retard.

Yep.Good jawline, you're just definitely not on low body fat.

is mastic gum capsules chewing gum? the bottle says it helps digestions. so do you eat it?

they're seeds, you chew on it. A nice side effect is that it's whitening your teeth too.

Here's a link to the ones I buy, but it's the same as in those pill bottles. They don't have any chemicals either like normal gum.

>tfw the difference between chad and a virgin is not eating mcdonalds
>tfw have the eat at mcdonalds gene so doomed

it be like that tbhtbh

Attached: bf3.jpg (778x485, 41K)

exercise your neck brah

>permanent dark circles under my eyes

yeah, body fat isn't my problem at all