How is this not the purest form of love?

How is this not the purest form of love?

Attached: love.webm (854x480, 1.58M)

Is he dead?
(This post was original.)

Girl asked if id ever let her peg me

I said yes

is she using strapless strapon or is it a shemale?
if it is the latter this is the evilest form of ""love""

it's a shemale my dude

I thought that would be pretty comfy until I realized

you misspelled "best"

nah that's gay and weird
she's just a really really effeminate guy and not a real girl :(

I love traps but I'm a top, sorry.

lol but that's wrong tho

user, do me a favor and post some more of your version of pure love so I can get more of an idea.

>not just fucking a tranny but getting fucked by one
That is genuinely the gayest thing

Pretty sure replacing the woman with a man is what would actually be gay

You've been visited by AIDS, the glorious virus silently killing degenerates. By replying to this post you will make a $0.00 donation to the research. Isn't this basAIDS and notpilled ?

Attached: 1529308055207.jpg (473x500, 29K)

Sexually dominating sissies is one of the most alpha things a man can do. however wanting a trap to fuck you is beta or worse.

This nigga is high or drunk

more like the tits are the only thing making it remotely not gay

Chanel Santini btw if anyone cares.

Traps are discusting you fucking degenerates.

I like how he's got a bigger ass than her

nigga ur fucking gay pringrinaasa s a a aa a

He's dead on the inside, soul sucked out of him by the international hook nose and their materialistic philosophy.

it felt weird, i got my dick wet first, i jerked off while she was doing that to me. the bad thing was she didn't have hot sauce. she cooked me dinner after. she just had the hot pepper flakes not as good as hot sauce.