Roll for a date, put what you'll do on the date in the same post

let's live out our dreams

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the absolute state of my life
>not suprisingly unoriginal

Honestly I feel so hopeless I can't even imagine such a thing. It feels physically impossible,

cuddle and watch youtube vids or play vidya

Show her my inflatable cactus which I put a fake moustache on and a sombrero. His name is Orville.

you both have a good time and schedule another date

she laughs and tells you she loves your humour

we'll go to the movies and have dinner

7410852963 aasdasdasd gim e

i should write something original

Give my 4'11 mexican gnome, fuck

which one is that? none look mexican

crispy, number 6


roll and cuddle bitch

crispy is fucking hot now

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Roll also fuck originality


Old and used up waifus, boring

I've never seen over half of the girls on the chart

Because all but the last girl are old

who is 3, 4 and 7?

All my fantasies about her orbit around me carrying her on shoulder like a blood neanderthal, fuck she's small

last one is fat, and crispy isn't old, not as the others at least

rolling for 6.
Probably cuddle and watch a movie with popcorn. Tbh i don't really know what you do on dates.

no idea who top right is but I need to know

>tfw i have very old rare crispys that never get posted

Your waifu roll is shit

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Do you have the pink hair ones? I haven't seen them posted in years.

I want to be a polar bear

any chart including sunny is automatically shit

also, no idea who 7 or 8 are but they don't belong there either

sadly no, she was 12 or 13 i think, and there's only one pic i think, and it's with her family

let's see if i get crispy again

>even older waifu chart
Cwispy is a bit old, her prime popularity is long gone

>he doesnt know nyannyan
OPs chart is almost entirely literally whos besides Crispy and Rose

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but not as old as the other ones in OP's pic
and crispy is still active and trying to get popular again doing streams

>shilled constantly by susu
>Jow Forums cult following
>still can't break 30 viewers on twitch

There was a whole set of them iirc.

Talk about how Rei>Asuka with her

You forgot:
A fictional character and a literal tranny.

nvm found it

damn filter 1349735

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the tranny is number 2 right?

Yeah that one's fairly common. I remember one in particular that was a close up of her in the same outfit on a bridge or something. Cant find it for the life of me.

>2, 5, 6, 7, 9, dubs and trips
all shit
Macaco albino tem que ser quimado

9 is the tranny, 1 is princeampora.

walk around aimlessly doing jack shit, eat something, then cuddle while watching anime

grats on your creepy skeleton ruski gf

My bad don't know why I thought you said 1, 2 is liljeep200 not a tranny

But she's gross,normie, and whorish now
she'll never be my doki doki lesbian crush again
it's over and she should realize this.

i remember that one, but i think i only ever found it with a big ass red circle around her so i never bothered to save it

have another semi-rare

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Olive Garden here we come

God she used to be so cute. Looking at old pictures of her hurts my heart.

For the love of God, just Rose.

That was my point. Seeing her flounder around for subs and donations when she looks and acts like a crackwhore now is really sad.

Rollin for 6. I will kill myself if I get 5

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who is 5?

Something slightly illegal, for the thrill. Maybe sneak into a pool or something at night, or something similar.

no thanks, fkn reroll. How about sneaking into a 5* hotel for the lounge and free food?

what's wrong with number 3?

I don't find her pretty, and she reminds me of a crazy (in a bad way) friend of my mother's. She also does look nuts in the pic.

they look rich as fuck, what does her dad do. I know he paid her entire tuition and rent and gives her the money to buy the many many outfits she has

also that is a nice dress but the glasses and hair are just instantly repelling and repulsive. I would avoid that like the plague, but waifu her here

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we would eat beans together

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Did she get a nose job? She looks significantly different here. Not just the hair but a completely different face.

you might be on to something

maybe her dad paid for a rhinoplasty

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i think she made a lot of those dresses herself, since she started going to a fashion college, before she dropped out
but yeah i think they're rich

no, if you look closely at the curve of her nose bridge you can see it's the same as in this pic
you see her differently because she was 13 in that pic, she's 21 now

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I get monitored by my parents to ensure nothing bad happens to me, since she might be a murderer. They pay for two tickets for a movie for us. I try to watch it, but then realize it is Avengers Endgame and that I haven't seen any of the previous Avengers movies, which ends up upsetting me enough that I step out of the theater for the next two hours. Luckily I find a popcorn stand, the butter is very delicious. I want to leave, but I can't because my parents need to pick us up, so I just eat popcorn while watching people enter theaters. Someone comes over to ask if I am alright and if there is a reason I am on the ground, I tell them I am fine and that the ground is a great place to relax. They give me weird looks because they expect the only thing to do in a theater is watch Avengers when I don't want to see it. I get told I need to leave by the staff, so I stand outside the theater and headbang to some metal music while pretending to chase people. A policeman comes by and tells me I am disturbing the peace, to calm down. So I find a random rock and start pretending to stab myself with it. By now the movie is over, so the date comes out. I give her a rock so she can stab herself. Then we wait for my parents. They are, as usual, very late. She wonders if they forgot about us. I just tell her it is normal to wait hours past when they said and continue to stab myself.

Well I wouldn't want to put any money into a thing which is highly unlikely to roll any value back to me. Maybe a walk in the park? No, that'd be creepy. Movies? Juvinile. Sexflix? I don't have the confidence in my naked appearance to do that.

I'll just tell her to fuck off and die instead. Fuck off and die!

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Nah look at the width of her nose. She has a cute button nose now but a giant honker there.

id have no idea cause im retarded.

3;7;8;9;1;4;0;6;2;5. Rated from worst to best. opinions?

4 should be at the bottom she's the ugliest

4 is the cutest though

do you realize 9 is fat, right?

she looks like an ayyylmao alien

No but he has a penis

A first date should be dinner out somewhere that we can talk freely without being disturbed or disturbing others,and if it goes well,dessert somewhere else. And I would happily pay for it myself, considering the money as investment capital in the relationship. Dinner will always be cheaper than Alimony, so a few bucks spent now will allow you to feel out the potential in this future partner. We are two Samurai clans negotiating an alliance, so the time should be spent seeing what you both like,and what interests you share. Expect and demand nothing physical in return for now:information will be it's own reward. And if the person turns out to be incompatible or unworthy,accept it with a light heart and just enjoy the experience of being out with someone else, even though you may never see that person again.

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Rolling. pls don't give me the pig nose.

rolling on this one cuz its better, ken or mugi pls

roll dhyjfhjfghjjgc


Play Sonic Adventure 2 Multiplayer (the PC version because the light dash can be set to Y) and eat tendies with her.

Eh can I get 5?

don't be greedy you get what you get
enjoy your date

K. Invite her to the most expensive restaraunt I can find, make pleasant non sperg tier small talk. Know in my heart that she only accepted because I have money. Enjoy expensive food, wine, etc. Excuse myself to go to the bathroom, then climb out the window and leave her to pay the check.

she climbs after you with expensive breadsticks in her mouth and asks where you're headed to next

to be honest im too retarded to figure out what the fuck i'll do on a date
fingers crossed for 2

Winrar brobot.

Get some coffee
Grab lunch

try and talk to her about superheros movies because it's the only thing i can intelligently speak about

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talk to her or something

dota with sheever


you must fight

The perfect date for me is stay all day on bed

watch a film, cuddle, eat dinner, then part ways until the next time we meet

finna roll

We start off by going to the park to visit the friendly hooded crow I've been feeding for a while. He's friendly and cute to watch, and since I've been feeding him for a while he's quite comfortable with me so he gets pretty close. Then after hanging out at the park talking for a while we go grab some food at the Nepalese restaurant nearby. After that we go back out to the park to get some icecream. We watch the sunset abd head to my apartment where we drink tea and then cuddle on the couch to watch a couple episodes of the Cosby show before she has to leave. Preferable conversation topics: religion, politics, music, movies, ideal family arrangements abd children.

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3 is a Finnish attention whore who is most probably a trap.

play anime and watch video games

the date is off.


for the love of fuck can someone tell me who top right is already