

tell me what happened to that roastie son, i know you know

Attached: interrogation.png (434x300, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Got a link to this video, these memes about it are way too funny.


>ywn be a fat comfy cop smugly flexing hard on both robot incels and chairs
How hard is it to join the force these days?

"What's up with that pair of underwear we found in your apartment? It was cut up like a mask. Do you cut underwear up to look like masks?"


Fuck, man that's some funny shit.

>We're you molested as a child?
>then why do you have all those weapons?

>>We're you molested as a child?
>>then why do you have all those weapons?

yeah this part got me
made no sense

Honestly one of my favorite interrogations.
Why are boomers so fucking based.

>made no sense
its called provocation

>1 hours 50 minutes 40s in:
>1. You don't have a girlfriend 2. You're never gonna get a girlfriend

Attached: help.jpg (456x628, 606K)

>What day do ya remember bein' hongry

this shit is killing me goddamn boomers

Is it just me or does the audio cut off around 1:40:00

works for me
>your comment was not original.
oh dongers

Watched the entire thing. This dude is more of a robot than most people on this board.

You can tell he's definitely autistic, or something else is wrong with him. He used underwear cut into a mask to do the crime, all his answers are clean cut "Yes, No, I don't know, I don't remember".

People said that he was a lot more expressive, but that was most likely a facade he put on.

He told one of the interrogators he jerks off to porn, and is a virgin, and told them in the interrogation that he just sits inside playing games all day.

My take on this, is that this dude is seriously fucked. Maybe he doesn't really remember shit due to the meltdown from the pressure he put on him self.

Either that or he's really persistent.

What was up with this being memed so hard on so many boards today? The video was released like 4 years ago? I don't remember seeing this as much at any time as I have today.

My guess is either some e-celeb made a video about it, or people saw it from the first thread and started posting about it.

It's really crazy how different he is on the news video compared to how he is in the interrogation. It's pretty extreme and fucked up.

Did he volunteer to talk to news? What the fuck was he thinking???
>What was up with this being memed so hard on so many boards today?
Could be FBI psyop user, stay safe

thats not in the video fagget

Yes it is you faggot, I watched a different video so the time code is a bit off, heres one for that other video:

Still dont hear those words at 1:50:40 or slightly before or after

Copy paste that link you faggot, that 1:50:40 is FOR ANOTHER FUCKING VIDEO, for the OTHER ONE ITS AT 1:48:00

definatly Jow Forums bro

Ok, the second one was around !;48:00 but the 1st one was not at 1:50:40

They are said one after another exactly at those times depending on which video you're atching, in both ones

>*blah blah establishing false backstory*
>"What about, um, like, in the parking lot area, I think that's where they recovered the body?"
Shit never fails to kill me. I like to imagine internally his reaction was pic related

Attached: toad.gif (320x240, 702K)

If anything, I think he nailed the reaction the best. What he shown was someone who was looking for their friend, hoping hard she was alright, and then being told she was confirmed to be dead and he was devastated .

But he fucked it up when he went back to continue. He should have just said "I don't feel like I can continue this" and asked to leave.

The best part is around that area of the video

He thought he was being clever by giving an interview about his own victim.

I think the shit they said like that was fucked. The methods were fucked over. Tried making feel important, tried belittling him, tried hurting his feelings, tried to manipulate him into believing they're his friends, and at the end they couldn't get anything out of them so they tried guilt tripping him HARD by saying they think he's not a bad guy even though they hate him. Fuck those dudes.

Also, from what I know, a news reporter saw him, and he talked to them because he didn't want to seem suspicious, but tarded out when he found out they found the body.

The youtube comments are retarded. All these true crime addicts think he's some sort of mastermind playing the cops. The detectives clearly know he done it and he's clearly gone into full autistic shell mode. God I wish I had a southern accent tho.

Fuck he reminds me of a friend. Same looks, also a virgin, no friends other than me. Probably doesnt even think about sex with hot females anymore.
This is how he looks like to the world. I hope he watches this video.

Time to look in the mirror user.

*sucks teeth*

take yo wite ass to reddit

/tv/ has regular threads about "real-life kino", this interrogation and his interview with the news being a staple, and it's spread.

If I go to Reddit I'll be called a "white male trash trump supporting right winger" no thanks

>fuck those dudes
Dude why, this guy killed a girl. Killed anyone for that matter as a civilian.

Because I can imagine them using those methods on other people who haven't killed someone.