Broken adults

which one was you? I think I identify with the lost child I was silent all the time when I was a kid

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what about people with no siblings?

guess that is good since you get all the love and goodies from parents and dont need to share with others

mfw a combo of last 2 and older bros fit in to first two

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yea I've been looking for this kind of stuff since I have ''toxic family'' I seems to fucking real for me I even look for this kind of stuff on utbe about adult child of alcoholics

I technically have sisters but grew up without them, so I was raised as an only child. I'm a combo of Hero and Mascot. I was friends with everybody, teachers included, and fucked around constantly. Never could get anywhere with a female, though, and now I'm here. Shit luck.

The scapegoat and lost child describe me so well. I'm a middle child too desu

I'm a mix of the first three. Never was on drugs or anything, had friends but not too many, everyone thinks I have everything together but I just put up a good front. Its a big mix of a bag of shit.

It's flipped around for me.

My younger brother is the family hero, and I'm the scapegoat.

Lost child.

Though I was the youngest of 4. Birth order-wise, there was a significant age gap between me and my other siblings of at least 5 years. I couldn't relate to them much due to that gap. They are all around 2-3 years apart. I looked up to them early, but I feel like I am more distant from them than they are to each other. Was considered the smart, quiet one. I did well school-wise until late high school/college. Even then, I did well enough to not make a fuss.

Struggled with depression/self worth issues as I didn't really see my career going anywhere. Nearly dropped out of college as a result. Tried to keep my problems to myself almost always, even then.

>Scared, guilty, lonely
If I were to pick any three words to represent my current state, it would have been those, and I am the oldest child

Holy fuck, this fits my family

youngest but probably scapegoat, maybe lost child

this made me realize I was born in a dysfunctional family and its not my fault for how I was acting in school or in freetime it was my *survival instincts* that did that
>childs from dysfunctional family (alcoholics or drugs) have a very high chance to have PTSD like soldiers in war and it damages the way they function as adults

mascot and a little bit of scapegoat

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I'm creating a new variant called "The Disappointment".
Anyone with me on this one?

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Damn scapegoat and lost child perfectly describe my growing up experience

hmm that must be rare type

I was the family hero, I had good grades and got into my top choice ivy but I was a social outcast in school
then I had a mental breakdown and now I'm the lost child

Doesn't fit me at all honestly.

>second and youngest
>class clown and good grades
>jumped from leader to loner after a heartbreak >happy with family but misfit and left out everywhere else

single child 4 lyfe.

by reading this stuff I've noticed I resemble some and I'm trying to cure myself alone by doing the opposite of what is it there
its a fucking pain even at work sometimes I still got that *feel diferent* or *space cadet* or daydreaming

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thats the idea one may jump from one role to another based on surroundings

>4-9 do fit
>parents hardly every drank

But they didn't, I did.
this guy knows the fucking deal I've listened to most of them and made me woke and felt really better at seeing life

The lost child category describes me best and I have no siblings.

I call this one "The Hinderburg"

Attached: imsorryimnotasdissapointing.jpg (500x363, 92K)

I still struggle with hypervigilance like I'm always on guard ready for something bad to happen and prepare myself for it holyfucking hell fuckk I need to escape fucking go into the mountains

>people from acoa will have an harder time in some jobs due the experiecing the "family stuff" happening again In a teamwork enviromment
>its like a distortion of reality because of this to the point of imagination

while we're making our own here's mine. Most fitting name I can think of is "Wasted Potential"

Attached: ura waste.jpg (1488x1080, 728K)

Closer to scapegoat and lost child.

Even though i was the oldest, i identify with the scape goat the most.When i used to be a child i was the greatest as I had the best grades and was admired, but as time when though I got depresed.(this made my will deteriorate, making me have a lack of will)This started when I was 13 and it changed my life, no longer was I the admired one.I was now flunking classes and I being angry all of the time, trying to compete against myself and trying to get better but for some reason I could not.I kept telling myself I was the oldest and that I must the most admired, and that destroyed me completely, being the disappointment.To this day I feel guilty for myself.
If I cant save myself what can I save?

oldest, hero with mix of lost child

Lost child is me to a tee, even as an adult. Fuck.