Hes black and his cock is huge

>Hes black and his cock is huge

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l feel ya gurlll


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You are a worthless monkeydick lover and you will mostly not succeed in life, get shot fucker.

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>he impregnates you and goes to jail for stealing tampoons

I was watching a interracial video when i was a teenager and his dick was like 4 inches, completely turned me off of black "men"
seriously all you have to offer is a big penis and yet its not even a 100% chance they have a big penis

cringe bye incel loser keep coping and seething and LARPing you total fucking losers absolute donkey penis yikes.



You disgust me OP, you should honestly die.

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Yes we get it, you have an Interacial fetish and you project that all women would never have sex with you(only because of race) cause it makes your willy hard

we already had this talk femanon.
now bend over, i know you can you handle it.
I dont wanna hear shet coming from you mouth other than "deeper" or "harder", if it hurts deal with the pain bitch cuz im making sure you can handle this shet.
and when i fucking nut, you better not move, just take it and let me keep pounding.

What a fucking dickeating faggot...

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h-hot OwO~~

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You don't even have a fucking vagina you weebfag

Nothing like a Saturday race baiting thread on a good wholesome website like Jow Forums

>You don't even have a fucking vagina you weebfag

Yea, I fucking do.

if only you had a vagina babe.. my 8" bbc would've split your pussy apart with my thick white cum slowly oozing down the middle, with a couple of pussy farts in between spurting my nut out toward me.

Then prove it or gtfo you larping faggot!


marry mee


How am I gonna marry you?

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the more femposts I see on r9k the bigger the urge to beat the shit out of them gets me

to be fair, most of the "femposts" you see on r9k are made by deluded trannies.

>implying fembots exist

just wish i was holding u rn

never post on this website again avatarfag. take your underaged shit back to facebook.

ye i kno man, went tranny in hopes of being loved, not knowing he was better off with a dick between his legs as a fag, and not with an open ax wound as a "pussy".
now the dude is probably going haywire that no one wants him even as a "female" and probably will do anything to be accepted.

tranny, better luck in the next life m8, you have a 50% of being the gender you wanted to be born as.

You can use my boipussi like a pussy tho

im not a tranny lol

That's gay...

>Bruh moment.

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seriously whats wrong with those people that post tranny shit are they really mentally deranged or they seek attention? or just trolls

what tranny shit

If you really wanna hold me prove me you're not

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come on you take me for a fool?
is likely the same person as

What I wouldn't give for a bf like that to completely submit to. I'd give him my bp whenever he wanted.
Even better if he's uncut.

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You ill creature. Gtfo now.

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Written by different people, I only posted one of those

but i doesn't like anal cuz i only do it raw
and like i said in gl with finding love in this lifetime.

Hijacking this thread to say "tranny" has always sounded like the kind of name you'd give to a snack.
"Yo what're you eating?"
"Choco Trannies, found them at Walmart"
"Dude sick!"

Why did you had to put this image inside of my head?

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>but i doesn't like anal cuz i only do it raw
Whats the issue? I don't have a problem with that and I'll take an enema beforehand

I want to save this image to shitpost too but I don't have the courage to save such atrocity

Don't ever do this shit user, you're better than this.

that shet is too hard for my dick to enter and there's but shet to get on my dick. i'd rather get is glossed up, squirted on, and know that i'm always on the hook to raise a kid.

not to mention, i need a fat ass to clap on this dick, no man is built like that.

>BBC meme in 2019
Are there still people who don't know it's jewish porn propaganda? You can google the average dick sizes by race, they're 3 clicks away.

>durr hurr why you have fart fetish they come from peoples butts!

If buff black guys are popular then why dont I get matched with 7/10+ girls on tinder?

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There are liek 40 males for every female on tinder and in web dating in general bruh, they get flooded with messages, you really need to stand out

>>Hes black and his cock is huge

that sounds like a good feel, fembot

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Maybe I could turn you back onto it with my porn collection?

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Because outside of these race fetishist circlejerks if you look at the actual dating and marrying preferences of real people, on average only black women prefer black men, while white, 'latino' and asian women all prefer white men (USA data).

So the odds are against me. Any countries I can vacation to that will give me a better chance?

I just googled it. And apparently:

>-Asian men have the smallest penises
>-White and black men have penises of equal size

How convenient.

A better chance at what? Race mixing?
Why do you hate your own?
I don't know of any countries where the odds change. Your best bet are politically obsessed feminists, they will literally fuck a poc for good girl points and nothing else.
No love nor attraction, just affirmative action pussy. As absurd as it sounds.

I'm black and my dick is big and I'll love to fuck you all the way you want

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Just because I want to sex doesnt mean I want a child.Also, every light skin I have ever met is chad as fuck so its not like I would do my children a disservice by breeding with a tall white Amazon woman.

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The grandest majority of mixed race children look absolutely horrid and face a multitude of potential birth defects and illnesses.
On the topic of sex, again why do you hate your own?
Stick with black women, for yourself and your potential progeny.

>when he's black and so is your eye

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Would succ that dry with my butthole

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Mmm you could fuck me anytime Daddy ;)

are ya'll fat neets tho?

I'm a trap
Lots of guys say I'm passable
Felix~ #8627
hmu on discord

Reading this thread and knowing every poster here is a white male is horrifying.

do u only fuck black guys?

genetic dead ends anyways

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>all these simps begging for approval from white nationalists
Just have your fun in the streets, but never have a kid and NEVER marry any white girl. It really is that simple. This puritan larping has never really been a part of black culture, but you should want a black family somewhere down the line.

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are u from Scandinavia?

Hell yeah Black Only!!

have fun with the STIs race traitor

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>Reading this thread and knowing every poster here is a white male is horrifying.
what race are u tho?