I'm debating becoming a trap I'm a manlet and will pass as I look very feminine but will becoming a trap just lead to my suicide should I do it or not? I already have a pansexual girl who is into me should I just take her and stay the way I am or go for the trap life?
Debating becoming a trap talk me out or into it
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>will becoming a trap just lead to my suicide
Yes, but you'll probably reach that point regardless.
>I already have a pansexual girl who is into me
Then ask her what she'd prefer.
yea dude you never see old traps righT? look at that dick is looks gross. save yourself some grief and try lifting and being a man
>talk me out or into it
if you can be talked out of it this easily now, then what is stopping you from being talked out of it once it's too late to go back?
another question to consider:
>Do you have gender dysphoria [Y/N]?
she says she likes me the way I am as long as I don't get my face cut off
I shall try becoming more manly thanks user
I'm easily talked out of things just no one talked me out of it yet and nope I'm just retarded and confused
No such thing as pansexual. Just a girl screaming for attention. Also kill yourself op.
then don't do it. It's the obvious answer.
sauce of that pls
I want to suck it so much
It's not a great idea long-term, objectively speaking. You'll basically be changing your sexual worth to that of a woman, and women age very poorly.
Masculinity doesn't age as poorly, so sticking with masculinity means you'll still have options later on.
Thanks for the replies bois I have decided not to become a trap
>she likes me the way I am
i say dont go full trap, but dont be afraid to try crossdressing, assuming your gf doesnt mind
at work i just have long hair but when i get home i put on womens clothes. my wife loves it but i wouldnt go out in public if she wasnt with me (i'm not trap tier and dont plan on taking hormones to get there since i feel fine being a man)
you can always go femboy with raloxifene to avoid breasts, then stop taking hormones when you start getting too old
>will becoming a trap just lead to my suicide
Trans people commit suicide at such high rates because society as a whole tells them that they're at best a burden and at worst an abomination. And their families often disown them as well. The high suicide rate for trans people is because of how the world treats them for wanting to live authentically, there's nothing about transitioning that just magically makes you want to kill yourself.
Also if you have to actually ask "should I transition" then you already know the answer.
do it
i want you to suffer with chemically induced gender dysphoria for year and year in agony until you put a fucking bullet between your eyes.
Ill use your unrelated transtrender death to further my agenda.
Fuck you.
I hope you ruin your life.
You blackface fetishists are fucking sick.
>Trans people commit suicide at such high rates because society as a whole tells them the truth
If you can't post your face in this thread with a timestamp that means you're too ugly to pull it off.
nigga just do what I did, trap get a bunch opf top notch fap material then go full Jow Forumsmode and go from trap to chad.
you do know you can't post yourself here anymore, sadly
stay the way you are if you're comfortable with it, becoming someone you arent will only hurt you and others around you
No I didn't actually. Thank you for the info, friend.
Don't. Literally nobody passes except a handful of guys who took hormones when they were like 5 because of their abusive parents. Don't do it. Don't fall for the trap (pun intended) of becoming one of those sissy faggot LARPers.
If you're really this much of a degenerate, just crossdress for fun and otherwise life a normal life. I don't understand why you retards need to make a fetish your entire identity
saying you shouldn't be someone you aren't is like saying you shouldn't lose weight, just bee yourself. Nobody's supposed to be anything, the body is malleable. Trannies kill themselves because they have an idealized version of themselves that they think they can achieve, and they think that if they get there they'll be "fixed" in some way, because most of them are fundementally broken. Then they kill themselves, because they never achieve their goals.
If you treat changing your body with hormones the same way you treat losing weight or getting fit, it's far healthier.
Statistics show transgender people an hero by 30
Something to bare in mind
Don't do it user, useless your basically already passing as a girl if you put on the right g passing as a girl if you put on the right clothes you will never pass a an actual girl, you'll still keep some manly features like broad shoulders and if you have any chest hair the hormones you'll take wont get rid of it you'll have to get it laserd off which will cost thousands of dollars
This, what is the worst thing that can happen if you lift weights and attempt to become more masculine. Now consider the worst possible thing that will come from being a trap (depression and suicide). Becoming a trap is a meme, don't fall for it.
my fucking dick I need a name
you can crossdress without it being your identity
fetishes are best left in the bedroom
take the pan girl, you already fit the androgynous role well. if you try and tranny it up, you'll probably have shitty shoulders or other factors which give it away and will eventually suicide.
you will regret it
dont do it, seek other help