Guess what time it is

guess what time it is
happy op edition

Attached: tism.png (628x500, 16K)

wheres my clown at boy
((i appreciate it))

oh,i forgot the writing, what was it?

the quote?
"Tears do not burn except in solitude."

here user

Attached: tears.png (637x459, 11K)

bump from the depths of page 5

I'm think I'm a savant

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is that chad jesus?

good to see your threads again user. can you draw me a roman legionary?

Oki, the kind with shield and spear?

yeah, those are the best kind

oh i didnt see the part where it said you were taking requests

Attached: Untitled.png (593x459, 30K)

can you draw me a snake please

here's your legionry

Attached: legion.png (637x459, 10K)

I used to be happier but now i'm not

Attached: fasd.jpg (1652x610, 152K)

here's your snake

Attached: snek.png (637x459, 6K)

okay anons, op is going to sleep see you tomorrow.

Can you draw me some soldier in a trench, like the shit some of use would drawn in pre-school

you should be glad instead of sad

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That's not op fren.
Op has always been an agoraphobic guy (now a neet) so I dont even consider military/jobs

I miss the old times and the old friends, had a lot of fun back in the day with the Fuker

Attached: MCMXCIX Fuker Crew.jpg (1186x808, 115K)

Hahaha it says cuck

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it's dead fren


Attached: 20190428_044801.jpg (1080x1511, 146K)

I'll make it for tomorrow's thread fren