ITT: Ideal wife material thread

ITT: Ideal wife material thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Redhead/blonde, big bobs, gamer, autistic
All I need or want

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even liberals would agree

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remember... don't set the bar too high and you'll never be disappointed... or as my friend says "take what you can get, man"

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Easiest pick.

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this post right here, occifer

>wanting a fat autistic wife

I can bet your ass she'd be abusive as fuck.

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imagine the smell of gun powder and stinky pussy permeating that room

>tfw even that "average girl" would literally recoil in disgust at me

>white people exist, and here's why that's a problem
Is pretty much what the implications of that image and headline are.

this. origini origami

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Upper class Jewish girl.

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I love how this is seen as a problem. Who cares, all politics have safe space bubbles.

>he accepted the premise of the reporter

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>Jew girls
Don't reminder me of her fucking hell, i hate jewish people

I mean, if you're into having your entire life ran and controlled by Juden.

Lots of people like trump user

Ideally something entirely like this and nothing less.

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do you lads think she gave his bbc a footjob?

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What is it like being an insufferable cuck faggot?

I was just shitposting, m8.

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I dated a Jewish girl with rich parents once. She never gave BJs and always wanted it inside her.

>was just shitposting, m8.

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What you said was ideal. I couldnt kiss a girl if she sucked my dick. Thats borderline snowballing.

>no smol qt girl will ride in on her bimbo steed and take me away to her queendom

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This is universally my experience with the chosen women.

What do you mean by it? Cum?

For me it's Muffy desu

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Based Jewish girls always focusing on furthering the species

Did you think about putting a baby in that? How smart was she? How smart are you?

Imagine being being a liberal craving dick instead of pussy and being afraid of firearms.

neck yourself

10/10 in my book tbQhwyfamalam


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I could never date someone who looks like they write for Buzzfeed

Firearms are awful, atrocious things. I took a gun shooting course once and it was terrible. I had a nightmare about the smoke. It was too loud and too scary.

The ideal wife is the kind of girl who would make you the wife.

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who is she?

She faked a pregnancy after I broke up with her. These days, I kinda wish it was real.

You are a pussy bitch. I hope you stay an incel.

originallg uniquely underrated topkek

Not liking guns makes me a pussy?

>firearm in hand, finger off the trigger
>head in a swivel
>flip flops in wet weather
>wide hips, ample waist
OP knows how to pick his women. thats wife and mommy material I haven't seen in probably a decade. Breed on site type of women (5 kids minimum, 10+ preferred)

ezpz, baybee

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Not just that,also being scared of them.

White, long hair, cute fat butt.

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>Nothing but 3d women in this thread
Fucking normies. You need to go back to /pol

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Sayori would be a good choice if she didn't kill herself the moment you actually got in a relationship, which is a very possible outcome.

Don't take this from me goddamnit

you have excellent taste fren

Not the guy that owns the pic but I want her.

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Im glad im not the only one who saved that pic. She is beautiful as hell. Lucky guy that user.

What ethnic group is she?

No idea. Some sort of asian i think.

I knew a girl kinda like her before. Shes probably half white half southeast asian

I need an operator gf in spandex pants

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this post was made by /waifu/ gang

probs soviet propaganda but whatever, im sure she's a really wonderful girl, growing up in a problematic country and being pushed into something like a death trap war machine by her government

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fuck I reverse searched the image to try and find out more about the girl and it turns out she was actually a super model in yugoslavia during 69 and is merely posing in holly-bloc get up in front of a NATO MiG
fuck... if only that picture were real.. it is so distant and irrelevant that picture can be real in my heart

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Underrated orimasi

Imagine being her stay at home husband while she conquers your country and kills every last white girl, all cucks and all the roaches and niggers

fuck thats hot

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Did her first name start with K?

wtf is her name?

Thatd be straight up amazing.

Based, also best doki

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best raifu origi

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Best girl forever and always

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Get over your massive victim complex, snowflake.
Like this?

Ill get over it when I stop seeing shit like this.
>inb4 triggered whitey
Im half native and could literally play the minority card any time I want. Whites are getting cucked in any job that requires above a high school degree. I mean fuck, my job has
>minority education program
>women advancement program
>minority and women hiring priority
All because they literally cannot compete with the average applicant. I hate my country sometimes

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Bowling girls are usually wholesome with good relationships with their families and also kind of autistic.

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western girls make me puke

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>super model in yugoslavia
God damn, most of the old women here (who lived in Yugoslavia) are short and either malnourished or completely round.
It's hard to imagine a girl like this existing in Yugoslavia.

At least this is real, I guess...

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based momo poster

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Why is she serving for Pepsi?

ik a girl exactly like this, asian and everything, had to block her kinky ass kt was annoying

Nevver ever

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Not the guy you asked, but I think she's @lizzy_dm on Instagram. Her stories can be quite something.

She is actually the owner of pepsi. Currently talking to korean leaders about making a pepsi brigade to combat the coca-cola terorists.

Disillusioned firearms enthusiast. Killed by the fbi.

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Oy vey. you bedda get some goys to do the shooting for you

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she looks 12. good taste

goyim should not be allowed to own firearms, period. to prevent another shoah, goyim should not be permitted to own anything other than pointy sticks unless we need them to fight wars for us.

I know you're trying, but it may be too late for that.
t. posting while relaxing atop a pile of unserialized ar15s

for me, it's blunt bang waifu

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She's an awkward sort of way. I like it.

Hook me up.
Tell her you sold her to me.

MODS!! original oregano from oregon

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Something like this..Tomoyo obviously best girl.

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based and twodimension-pilled

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If a 3D person existed like her I would be filled with some much life, I can only hope that one does currently.

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i made my wife

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she is better than yours, even though i have barely any material of her

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how can you live with such an inferior waifu?

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well aren't you the lively little tranny

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idk who that is but that fringe looks fuckin bad

cope more please

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You did't refute my tranny point, so i'm taking it you're just using her to delude yourself more in to believe you're a cute anime girl and not a monstrous freak on nature

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And I will never find someone like her..

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