This guy

Why did he do what he did?

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he was a sick deviant that was left to his own devices and never got help

faggot that killed and ate other faggots
Normies love him and hate Bundy, despite this guy taking the trophy by eating his victims

Its been over 20 years. Fucking google it you lazy faggot theres plenty of information on the internet

>tfw actually found dahmer kinda attractive when he was younger

i kiled a man by swaling him, and now hes inside me and will remember him for life.

Its not that simple user..

We will never know why he did what he did. He claims it was to satisfy overwhelming sexual urges. He had cannibal urges. But cmon now..

He liked dark meat kek.

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Yes, this is a question that can only be answered by the wise trannyfaggots of r9k.

He wanted to have complete control over his partners during sex, he didn't exactly want to cause his victims pain which is why he strangled them. He ate people because he said it made them part of him which was something he liked. He didn't initially want to kill people but after his second victim which happened by accident he decided there wasn't any turning back and that he might as well carry on, but it's still probably more complicated

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>He didn't initially want to kill people but after his second victim..
top kek user, truely the toppest of keks

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>He didn't initially want to kill people but after his second victim
I still can't get over this sentence

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Name of him? Or name of case?

>normies loving a serial killer
What? are you retarded?

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>name of him name of case
Darude- Sandstorm

read the comments on his youtube videos for any documentary about him
last time I checked a lot of roasties tried to reason with what he did and "felt sorry for him", unlike with Bundy
there are also a few bitches that flat out say they want him to impregnate him/him to be their bf etc

holy shit
Whole 4ching is clapping. You are mastermind of humour.

There is no help lol. You know this yet you still like to spout that phrase.

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Oh... you mean you havent heard??

He didn't want to kill people. He said that was the worst part. That's why he started experimenting with turning people into zombies by drilling a hole in their head and pouring chemicals in.

Are you his defense attorney or something?

It was for science! Not for pleasure!