What's actually wrong with it? It's unironically a great aggregator of multimedia...

What's actually wrong with it? It's unironically a great aggregator of multimedia, as well as a quality platform for thoughtful and civilised discussion.
>inb4 go back

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everyone here likes to shit on reddit but most of us are redditors ourselves

Go back to where you came from you niggers.

Not only that, it won the battle against Jow Forums long ago

But a quality platform for thoughtful and civilised discussion? eh (have only see this on personal niche sites desu)

Circle jerking dumbasses who cannot stomach simple banter and do not have the processing power to generate an original thought. The edit: thanks for the gold is also putrid garbage

Platinum Message from user: Damn dude. this was a rad post. Hope you enjoy the Platinum

If you like reddit so much maybe you should fuck off back there faggot.

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People like to go around how Jow Forums is toxic but I find reddit way worse. Currently there is a thread on Jow Forumsscience about how drinking alcohol during pregnancy is bad and the MOST CONTROVERSIAL comments in the entire threads are the ones asking why would anyone drink while they are pregnant.
Reddit is just something else, those people are genuinely fucked up.

I started out as a 4channer in 08 then started browsing leddit around 2014 or so

Encourages groupthink and moralfagging. Whereas on 4fags the more users dislike your opinion, the more (you)s you get, encouraging opinion diversity if not by design. This post as evidence.
And please go back plebbitnigger.

What are you finding wrong with that?

Expecting a women not to drink should not be a controversial opinion. it is not in real life.

Actually fuck off back to your shit site.

1. Censorship
2. Mods on blatant powertrip
3. Voting system is completly fucked
4. People stalk your post history (fuck off)
7. Virtue Signalling NON STOP
8. Elitism
9. Unfunny as shit """meta""" memes
10. Normie breeding ground
11. Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
12. Grammar nazis

The near absolute control over namespace moderation being granted to whoever happens to register a subreddit first is a significant failing.

This is why you have a proliferation of /foo, /truefoo, /shitfoosays, /againstfoo, /foometa, /everythinggoesfoo, /bar (which is actually about foo), /baz (which is a spawn of a schism in /bar and is also about foo), /foouncensored, /foocanada, /worldfoo, /fu (foreign language foo), /foopeoplehate, /fooclejerk, /circlefoo, etc.

A mechanisms for all these competing moderation efforts to share non-exclusive, non-mandatory control over the single /foo namespace would greatly reduce balkanization and echo chambers.

The whole voting system is fucked, I have no interest in learning about the most popular opinion on things or the most popular events, I already know all these. I can understand the appeal for normans who barely use the internet or get out of their echo chambers though, it probably provides interesting content/discussion.

You forgot "unpopular opinion, but..."

Jow Forums is made up of retards who think they're retards. Reddit is made is up of retards who think their geniuses.

That's what it comes down to at the end of the day

Also pretty much all of this desu:

frontpage is carbage tho

Redditors can't even handle entry level banter. Call someone a faggot and you're banned from r/whogivesashit until you've sucked the mods' dicks long enough
They're basically preschoolers of the internet

>Encourages groupthink and moralfagging. Whereas on 4fags the more users dislike your opinion, the more (you)s you get, encouraging opinion diversity if not by design. This post as evidence.
>And please go back plebbitnigger.
Mfw when I actually did a psychology podcast project on this shit

>make sure to write /s if you are being ironic

There are people who use Reddit, and then there are Redditors. If you can't tell the difference and why one is worse then I got some bad news for ya...

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because of upvotes people post more of the bell curve material. Reddit can be interesting for maybe the first month but then you realize it is just a big circle jerk with basically the same content being there every day. Plus there is endless scrolling so people just get these little dopamine hits looking at content that they arn't even intrested in. Just look at something like Jow Forumsiamverysmart where people will unironically spend time looking at bad material.

Dont forget /foogget, your main page

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It would be great if they didn't have upvoting and downvoting. Having to register is alright because you can with a throwaway email.

honestly, some of the kinda fringe topic boards seem pretty decent, but the rest is just a karmawhoring echochamber fest

Fuck off retard you're not fooling anyone

It's a hive mind filled with normies and leftists, everything that goes against their usual ''Epik memz" is downvoted to shit and sometimes even banned

Most posts are recycled memes from years ago, briefs of poorly written articles or links to said articles that are also usually old, and clear bias to one opinion based on the sub it's in or the number of upvotes. Any alternative opinions that are not in an obscure sub will be met with predictable strawmen. If you, for explanation's sake, are an anti-vaxer and provide a link to numbers studies to back up your claim, instead of a counter argument, you'll just be compared to the crazy aunt to bathes her kid in essential oils to stop a rash. They'll be upvoted, you'll be downvoted, and then some "^THIS" or "Username checks out."

It gets old.

R*ddits upboat and moderation system allows certain political and social groups, to act as a fascist cult which censors out anything that opposes their way of thinking/behaving. Its also filled with a bunch of pretentious cunts. Lots of users under 20 aswell

Even worse, obscure subs can suppress dissenting opinions without it ever being apparent to most users - that's why for every dumb fucking sub, there's a dumb fucking counter-sub dedicated to mocking and refuting it. The result is two groups of people obsessively talking about the same things but never sharing ideas or convincing each other in any way. Honestly, most of my opinions would not be controversial on reddit, but I would rather fight for them here on Jow Forums than get a limp-wristed handjob from a cuck who only agrees with me because he thinks it will get him more upvotes or better yet, something more valuable than reddit diamond, a PM from a female user.

It censors hard. Whether it be the mods of the sub reddit or the mods of Reddit itself. They'll censor anything they don't like, and if you don't agree with them, they'll ban you.

everyone on it is a pretentious normalfriend

Admittedly, they're not obligated to spread the gospel of whatever retarded shit you post. Reddit is nothing if not image-conscious, and they work tirelessly to polish the turd that is internet discourse. You either want their product or you don't, and I'm with you that it's not worth investing in.

Quite the spicy thread we have here


Quite the redditer we have

Reddit is repetitive and unfunny after a while and I don't have the patience for it these days. Also started to realise that that a lot of redditors are just complete idiots who think they're epically edgy and smart or whatever.
There are some interesting things and maybe a few funny memes on Reddit but overall not worth getting on for even 5 minutes anymore imo

And an ooga booga to you too

>Reddit is repetitive and unfunny after a while and I don't have the patience for it these days. Also started to realise that that a lot of redditors are just complete idiots who think they're epically edgy and smart or whatever.
Yet youre here

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It's pretty simple

>allowing people to pick and choose extremely niche 'boards' that reinforce their views creates echo chamber circle jerks

>this is further exacerbated by the retarded upvote / downvote system, where people can simply downvote people who don't fit in to the circle jerk.

TL;DR my fine gentlesir, 'tips fedora': reddit is a terrible place for discussion and only exists to further radicalize anyone by reinforcing their views and sheltering them from any opposing sentiment

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At least here I won't be censored for not sharing an opinion with every Redditor.

No, but you'll tire of having the same arguments over and over and there's no way to keep the crazies from derailing almost every thread. If reddit is Soviet Russia, then Jow Forums is Somalia.

where? In the arsekissing and SJW mind policing department?

Only thing that shithole is good for is to find infos on vidya when the game is not FOTM on /v/ anymore since you can find it easier there than by sifting through the archive.

Same problem as Jow Forums.

The userbase.

>quality platform for thoughtful and civilised discussion.


Kinda funny how all your opinions about reddit are the exact same and its ironic how you say we're a havemind but every post in this thread is a copy and past.

It's almost as if yall are the npc's.

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If you dont go with the status quo then you get banned. Ive been banned from so many reddits. Ive had about 40 accounts. Some dont allow you to post unless you have high levels or 'karma' which you only get by being a boot licker. They ban all right wing groups aswell. Its social media for the STASI bassically.

Which is annoying because all the normies use it so its the best platform to challenge liberal idiots and blind sheep civvies about things but they never get to read your comments. Oh yeah it also allows sluts to post pics of themselves and advertise their premium accounts etc.

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Got me there bud
I don't come here often either but Jow Forums is slightly more refreshing as we don't have specific boards for circlejerking over our hatrid for circlejerks. That's kinda what this thread is but muh open conversation muh groupthink yaknow what everyone else already said

reddit is just one huge circlejerk, I love the formula but people on there are fucking retarded

You can't complain about reddit censorship and ignore Jow Forums censorship, under both Moot and Hiroshimoot they've said there's no freedom of speech on Jow Forums

If you've ever read the COINTELPRO Forum Control Techniques it's kind of amazing how heavily under attack reddit has been for the past decade or so.

Consequently, if you implement filters for image hosts, politics, sports, gaming, and meta content, it sort of becomes interesting again.

You still have to deal with PERSONA botnets autodownvoting anything posted by a real user (or, less commonly, a competing PERSONA botnet), but that's rare enough with the filters in place and easy enough to spot that it's kind of interesting from a counter-propaganda effects standpoint.

>Circle jerking dumbasses who cannot stomach simple banter and do not have the processing power to generate an original thought.
Perfectly describes this board 2bh.

How the fuck do you know so much about reddit?

>convincing each other in any way
Shut the fuck up.

Why do people pretend to only browse the chans? No one can upboat you here for your ideological purity and devotion to the groupthink.

For a long time time main driver of traffic to reddit was Jow Forumsjailbait and a constellation of other oddly specific pornography. Try as they might to become bland and advertiser-friendly, it still retains that cesspit of obscure depravity.

1) Whether or not the users or moderators are toxic/pathetic greatly differs between subreddits, and thus it's not intelligent to judge the entirety of the platform's users based on experience with a few specific communities. I can't imagine many of you appreciate it when you see people trashing the entirety of Jow Forums due to the users in Jow Forums, so why do you do the same for websites you don't like? Hypocritical.

2) If you don't like how the upvote/downvote system affects the visibility of content, you don't have to let it affect your browsing experience at all; there's a reason there are options to filter by new and controversial anywhere on the site. Also, if you can't stand being downvoted due to the community not agreeing with you, maybe you should just stop caring so much about attention.

These guys get it.

>Why do people pretend to only browse the chans? No one can upboat you here for your ideological purity and devotion to the groupthink.
This has to be bait.

They banned watchpeopledie not too long ago

1) Most sub reddits will ban you for your political opinion not being left.

2) If the sub reddits won't ban you, Reddit itself will.

Nah, it's no good for discussion.
If you say something the majority disagrees with your post gets hidden.
If you say something the tyrants of moderators disagree with, your post gets deleted and you get banned.

The only thing it is god at is crowdsourcing the rating of non-controversial tings.
The only use of reddit is for porn. Very effective at letting new porn float to the top.

>tagging 26 replies
Imagine being this salty

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They ban you for disagreeing. If people lose a debate they comb through your post history to find something to either attack you on , or get you bannned i have been banned from the following subs just because i dared to disagree with the majority opinion and put out a long thiughtful argument without offending anybody . R/conservatives, r/foreveralone, r/truefemcels , r/latestage captalism , r/the donald , r/enlgihtneghned centraism ,

>Imagine being this salty
Nah, I just saw the same opinions being echoed over and over and decided I might as well address them all at once. It's really telling that you're trying to read between the lines this much in order to find anything to be able to bring up against me.


Fuck off everyone knows Jow Forums went retarded.
I like how you strawman and gaslight people who dont believe in censoring users with alternating views like a typical redditor.
This retard shows how unaware they are to their actions

Everyone said the same thing because its the truth.
How fucking retarded are you?

If something has a major flaw and it's very noticeable, people are going to like it, and if you ask them why do they not like that thing, they are going to tell you that major flaw. It's not rocket science for christ's sake

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This is legitimately interesting.

This is someone trying to reduce and reframe the conversation, BTW.

(Something so that i can post without being too low in content)

I honestly don't get what's this controversial thing Jow Forums apparently has over reddit? If anything the controversy makes actual waves when it jumps from reddit to the mainstream, a more effective bridge to that than Jow Forums now

The only difference I can see is they're quicker to ban when doxxing and stuff like that starts to happen, everything else, the low quality, the atrocious memeing, the attention whoring, the shitty tropes can be seen here too. Yes you can post here how much you hate something or someone, but that belongs to the atrocious memeing category, worthless content.

Or, it could be that everyone said the same thing because this board is an echo chamber. Also, you signed off your comment with "how fucking retarded are you?", and yet I'm apparently the salty one?

People that don't get the Jow Forums culture come from reddit and start posting their cringy posts here. Than they start calling people racists, homophobes, transphobes and all other made up words. They just don't belong in here

exactly. they dont claim to represent free speech and reddit does. Yet ironically Jow Forums still turns out more aligned with freedom. Upvotes and Downvotes effect users reading posts and you get a sort of extra layer of social censorship on top of the existing bans. It just generates a homogeneous sphere of virtue signaling.
Here you just follow the trails of genuine discussion through an endless sea of effortless shitposting and bait like your browsing the airwaves with a shortwave radio.
And I can rightly call you a faggot.

>he thinks how in the same user
Learn to use the poster count you dumb faggot. You keep claiming Jow Forums is this hivemind ''echochamber'' but you havent given any reasons why

Sounds interesting. Is it published? Link?

On Jow Forums I can say shit like "You're a fucking nigger, go kill your self, I hope someone breaks into your house, rapes you, your kids, and you your self, and then offs you. You fucking trans faggot."

And I can be on whatever side of the political scale without being banned.

Pretty much. But here we can't say the S word, it gets substituted by "onions"...

The fuck is the S word? Onions?

Onions, but that's integral to 4channel culture, there's always a filter implemented to fuck with users, I wonder if "cuck" is still filtered to kek

Holy shit that's fucking great.

Basedboi? Are you serious?

>when people use Reddit as a verb
I was redditing all day

It heavily depends on the subreddit. This website has a much more myopic community than that one. From a technical standpoint reddit is a clear winner. Much of it's community is made up of painfully unfunny teens though. Jow Forums is made up of fucking autistic (mostly) adults. Choose your poison

Actually, due to how seperated the subreddits are. I think Jow Forums is much more prone to groupthink, you have just become used to seeing it

Jow Forums is also almost nothing but unfunny teens now. It's been that way since 2016, and, even though it wasn't on such a major scale, before 2016

S0ib0i is also filtered to basedboy

Reddit is good for finding archives of useful information where to buy good stuff. People from reddit are bad people
Jow Forums is good to talk without being suppressed and shitposting getting banned on Jow Forums is an accomplishment. People from Jow Forums are

Actually, it's the fact that users have no post history that encourages group-think on Jow Forums. If someone expresses an opinion on reddit, they're going to spend the rest of that account's life justifying it. If someone expresses an opinion here and gets shouted down by the mob, they can easily turn around and join that mob like nothing ever happened.

Almost all popular sub reddits are owned by "SJWs" leftists who don't even understand what the left stands for, and will ban you for being a right winger. And even then, if you're SOME HOW lucky enough to find a sub reddit that's active, and won't ban/censor you for being a right winger, you'll still end up being banned by Reddit them selves, and if not, shadow banned.

And even then, you can't say shit like "Kill your self" and shit like that without being banned.

It's also filled with unfunny memes. Like that Skyrim meme. Although Jow Forums isn't much better here either.

The best part of Jow Forums is the freedom to say what ever, and have no one hold you accountable. You can throw your opinion on a subject in a thread, but no one will know it's YOUR opinion, it's just some user's opinion.


Go fuck yourself and go back from where you came


so much onions in this thread holy shit what happened

Gas the Jews
Race war now

But I didn't call Jow Forums an echo chamber, only this board specifically. Are you getting me confused with another user?

honestly just my opinion but I believe at least 70% of the comments are fake

just my 2c

>The best part of Jow Forums is the freedom to say what ever, and have no one hold you accountable. You can throw your opinion on a subject in a thread, but no one will know it's YOUR opinion, it's just some user's opinion.

I agree with you, it's why I post here. But it's like hard drugs - sure they're awesome sometimes but they create big problems in the long run. The most obvious is the rampant trolling - do you seriously think the 10,000 daily racebait threads are posted by people are contributing their actual opinion? Or are they just posting bullshit because it gets people mad and they never have to own up to it? It's gotten so bad that trolls pretending to be racists ended up sparking an actual racists movement here. I'm not in favor of usernames and post histories, but thread-specific user ids on Jow Forums threads would be a pretty minor change that would have a huge impact here.

Go back to Africa


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>post something
>the babies get mad and ban you/delete your post