I chose a cute Asian gf over a 9/10 blonde. Am I crazy?
I chose a cute Asian gf over a 9/10 blonde. Am I crazy?
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Nope. Its the sanest thing you can do in 2019 clown world
Honk honk
you're a degenerate racemixer. off yourself
I vetted their personalities and they're both fine. But I chose the Asian in the end.
looks can play into compatibility and its silly to disregard looks entirely for a relationship user
definitely agree. compatibility and having someone you can spend time with comfortably and enjoyably is best
>Asian girl is conservative, blonde is in between
>To be happy, have kids and a nice family
>Comfortable living without too much extravagance
>lots of pretty cool/unique things, the blonde is actually a bit less interesting in this regard
Why can't you pound both of them at the same time?
No youre just coping.
Why? Usually when guys only go for Asians when they can't score a good enough white girl.
Wise choice OP, Asian women tend to still look cute even after they get older.
But the girl in your pic is asian + blonde. So you get to have both
>i chose
You are a chad now get out please
As long as you are happy OP.
nope white women are either niggers or fat. Im going for asian too. stay mad pollack
She's pretty hot for an Asian.. most have donkey faces.
Probably your best decision ever.
wow, this figure. this girl completely mogs me. I need to starve myself.
no, you're not crazy. you're just ahead of the curve
I've never found east-asian or white women particularly attractive.
I'm kind of face blind to east-asian girls and can't tell if they're physically attractive (same with most black girls), and then white girls are often basic bitches who seem to think liking starbucks and "fun" is a personality.
I've mostly been interested in mixed race girls from south-asia and the middle east.
>my bloodline is going to be full of weak gook mutts, stay mad!
your bloodline is ending here though, beta faggot. stay seething, coping incel.
Hapa's are mostly incels. They will be made fun of by whites and not accepted by Asians. I know this because I'm hapa. Not to mention you'll look like a pedo with your kid and wherever you take him people will wonder. You may even despise him for not looking like you. It's hilarious seeing Asian women disgusted by me not realizing their children will look and experience life similarly to me.
Then why don't you kill yourself if your life is so miserable? You never considered blaming yourself for your failures rather than your parents?
Will you be my anorexic gf pls?
No of course I don't blame myself. Asians are viewed as inherently ugly/feminine/rated the worst on all dating studies. I'm saying if you want your son to have lower risks of suicide/shooting up a school, don't procreate with an Asian woman in a mostly white dominated country. I wouldn't period because most Asians are based and look down on half breeds too.
so you're just going to be a pathetic parasite who whines his entire life. ok dude, have fun. try suicide, it's a good option for you.
Yeah you definitely sound like someone who should be in charge of hapa children
>daddy, the kids are picking on me again
>just commit suicide son, don't be a parasite
East asians like in pic related and whites actually look good, probably better then you do. I'm also against race mixing but the results for this would be a actual good looking kid. Why date a lazy coalburning germanoid who sucks your wallet dry manipulates you and cheats on you with niggers when you can date someone who actually likes you? Blonde women are used good LARPer
Just kill yourself you pathetic parasitic faggot. Not even the OP. I just hate worthless whiney trash like you. The only thing we can agree on is hapa males shouldn't exist. They should all be aborted, and the living ones right now should just be killed out of mercy.
is that edinburgh? Swear I've been there.
>The only thing we can agree on is hapa males shouldn't exist
So why are you trying to racemix with asian women you fucking idiot? Don't tell me your plan is just to shit out daughters for the rest of your life?
>I'm also against race mixing
Kill yourself
>Why date a lazy coalburning germanoid
Why pretend those are two options? Have you met every single white woman on earth? Why so dishonest?
Learn how to read you stupid fucking mongoloid subhuman. I'm not OP. can you read?
The half asian women look good. The hapa men rarely do. Studies show Asian MEN to be viewed as the least attractive. And Asian women can be way worse about sucking your wallet dry and are more open about it. Feminism is literally everywhere now so good luck they're all gold diggers. But I'm not talking about the behavior between races, just the quality of children you create.
Why are you so dishonest yourself? That's the majority. Thats what youll see out on the streets. They all fuck niggers, are dykes, abusive hypocrties, list goes on and on. I've met plenty of white women who are like that and so far zero chinks.
>coalburning whores
>white flight
>mfw asia
>she actually loves me for who i am
take the chink pill user?
White women overwhelming prefer white women
White women do not prefer black men
As a matter of fact, white men are more likely to racemix than white women
>take the chink pill
I don't want to hate my mixed kids like you inevitably will
That's completely false user, have you seen japanese / koreans? You know how homogeneous and protective of their borders they are unlike us and look how they look their adorable
I'm referring to east / north asians south and west asians are disgusting. and from personal experience asian women are sweethearts who just want love and happiness just like myself. They're also known to prefer no-life LARP'ers like us whereas white women only want perfect emotionally stable chads.
>There there user, I know how you feel...
White women prefer white women, that's a flaw not a bonus.
White men racemix with kawaii asian girls because we don't want to get cheated on.
She's just so... unstriking.
That's the thing with Asian women. They don't have that wow factor.
>The facts don't lie user..
>Just give up..
What I said is completely true. And I know they are adorable. I'm half korean half white. Wish I was either full white or full korean. That would have been awesome. I'm talking about hapa's in the U.S. and in other white dominated countries.
I have no doubt there are probably more reasonable asian women than white. In my hapa experience they both treat me like an ugly freak. It's something all white men and asian women should be made aware of. Your kids will likely suffer(if they're boys).
How do you know op isn't Asian.
And your sons will suffer for it.
wow it's fucking nothing!
Go to bed Tenda. How in the hell would pornhub even determine who's a woman and who isn't? By who choose "woman" when making an account? Don't make me laugh. Only truly deranted degenerates ever sign up and most of their "women" are probably agp fetishists.
Wow Britain looks so nice
Why not just do meth?
>Asian women have by far the lowest rate of prefering the same race only (6 %)
>Asian women have by far the highest rate of excluding their own race (40 %)
glad I'm not an asian man, they are the true robots
wow user you must be chad... wish I had such luck in the genetic lottery
how did you two meet each other?
Race mixing is degenerate and hobo tier
That's Westernized Asian women. Yes they mostly prefer white guys. But if they were to date them in Hong Kong or Singapore then it's a lot easier.
No but i fail to understand how that's possible. Cause white sloots >>>> the rest. And if you wanted something different you can do a lot better than asians.
nope you are not crazy
she is less likely to ditch you
whites are whores
love her, user
No, you just have very low testosterone levels
OP is choosing the more feminine girl over a masculine looking girl
this is evolution, men like feminine women
you're just a closet faggot
I am not in the West and never being exposed to white women, but now I agree with you guys, I didn't get it in the past but now I do.
I have 0 attraction whatsoever to Asians but Asian over white for me.
Androgynous is not feminine.
Attractive white girls are more feminine than Asian girls.
>Attractive white girls
>posts this pic
It was the right decision for sure
Nothing wrong with race mixing, as long as you don't mix with an inferior race.
Theres gonna be a LOT more hapas in the future because of how prevelant wmaf is becoming. So I'm not too worried about how my kids turns out. What matters ia that you raise them properly.
How is tall and manjawed more feminine ya goofball?
Fake news tenda