There's a huge wave of political discussions in Brazil right now...

There's a huge wave of political discussions in Brazil right now, where people are discussing wether Sociology and Philosofy are really needed in the common education, with that state, there was a surge of "rebels" that are trying to look different by opposing the decision and calling everyone who doesn't agree with them an "robot".

There are literally people out there who are browsing instagram, see an phrase that goes against the government with an shitty argument, repost it everywhere then call other people who oppose to that idea an "robot", and they literally refer to people's minds that think that way as "thinking minds".
And people still ask me why i hate this place.

Attached: the worst image i'll ever have saved in my life.png (1280x896, 60K)

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based japan and brazil

I wish I could date gassy girls in brazil so that they could fart on me. but this is yet another interesting development. could you link me an example of this?

You guys whored out the amazon forest already? or we can actually survive for a bit longer

it's pretty obvious you should invest in science. philosophy alone won't help your country, specially marx

>humanities fag btfo
About time you fags decided to put an end to the commie factory your schools are

It's genuinely kind of infuriating to me that sociology is considered commie libtard pseudoscience by most people in my country the US. And yet so many studies and statistics that inform our lives come out of sociology. Don't give people the tools to think critically about their society, just give them the tools to work for you. Devalue any field of inquiry or cultural activity that doesn't pay out the big bucks. That's how you really end up with a society of mindless robots. Doesn't surprise me that Brazil - a country that in many ways suffers from similar retardation as America - would have this kind of prevalent attitude as well.

I hear you, friend. Brazil is just a big and welcoming home for narcissism (I've seen a lot of those gang execution videos from the favelas, and how they mock their victims before killing them).

The biggest problem is just finding a way to clamp down on crime (I'm a firm believer in the Death penalty for this specific reason) and creating a decent economy to provide tax revenue for government services. But I really do think that certain areas of Brazil are literal insurgency problems, like Iraq after 2003.


The problem with this subject is that there's no criteria for any specific term or concept. Psychology and sociology classes in America are mostly taught through the biased viewpoint of the actual teacher who gives out the lesson. Objective reasoning versus Subjective reasoning (aka someone's biased interpretation)

>It's another "Brazilians with a weird fetish for white culture pretend that anyone outside of their shit nation gives a fuck about what happens there" episode

Scientifically the best way to deal with the human issues is to exterminate humans

So they are getting what they want and who knows why are they even moaning about

Yeah, psychology and sociology classes, at least at the high school level, are pretty ass in America. I took a high school psych class where I already knew all the material prior to taking it from reading Cracked articles and shit like that.

The social sciences are obviously not as 'hard' as the physical sciences and definitions are less concrete for sociological concepts than for physics concepts. But I think you'll find that conceptualization is still taken very seriously in sociology. Peer reviewers will scrutinize how researchers are defining and operationalizing concepts. If you want to measure people's wellbeing, for example, and the way you test for people's wellbeing is a questionnaire where you ask them if they ate breakfast that morning and you infer their happiness from that, that won't fly.

>it's literally just the NPC joke only for huemonkeys
Why the fuck would you come here if you don't like things like that?

To add to this, all the accusations of liberal bias in the world won't change the statistical realities that are assessed by the soft sciences - and without those realities, we have no way of measuring or defining mental illness, a topic near-and-dear to the hearts of all good robots. There's no way to know if a pill is making you better unless we have a reliable way of telling how sick you are. Sociology can take this to a grand scale, allowing us to measure the thoughts, feelings, and symptoms of entire populations, measurements that can make crucial differences in the success of any mass-market enterprise, whether it's a government policy, a commercial product, or even just a free website. When conservatives knee-jerk attack the social sciences, they do so because the conclusions these sciences find are unflattering to them and their ideas, not because they PHDs in statistics that qualify them to do so.

I very much agree with what you just said, but I didn't get to this point of understanding until taking social science classes at university. I've worked with data sets, studied theory, conducted research. But most people are not out doing that. If people aren't introduced to social science concepts they aren't going to get it. Which is why removing the already little social science in public school curricula seems like a really dumb idea to me.

it's not that i don't like it, i just don't like it when NPcs call other people NPcs.

originally just to be safe

I agree. Our entire education system in the Western world is deeply rooted in the 19th century - we have the courses we do because they were considered important for well-to-do people of a bygone era, not because they have huge relevance to modern life. An ideal high-school curriculum would worry less about sociological theory or historical narrative and more about providing students with the statistics background needed to evaluate sociological claims for themselves. Then, instead of preaching the consensus as dogma, we can give students a chance to challenge it, replicate it, and understand why it is the consensus to begin with. Unfortunately, that's a lot harder than just accusing everyone of being commies and dismissing the entire field, so some people don't even try. It sounds like Brazil has an even deeper problem than that, though.

It's a victim blaming and gaslighting tactic in one single package. They don't want to be called out as a bully or tyrant, so they throw the problem back in the victim's face, and make a false claim about their victim being the bad person instead of them.

So many qt girls live in brazil. I wish I spoke Portuguese so I could talk to them :(

Attached: BDA25B47-7462-4904-A200-902994F8643E.jpg (729x547, 388K)

you're a fucking NPC you retard every brazilian is an NPC

>we have the courses we do because they were considered important for well-to-do people of a bygone era

Simultaneously, in early American public education I think you see this dream that the liberal arts would equip everyone - whether they came from wealth or poverty - with the kind of knowledge they would need to think independently and to truly be citizens. It would be a great equalizer in some sense. People of all the strata of society would have access to the same cultural language. But in many ways we have lost sight of that dream. It doesn't really mean anything in a world where the quality of education available for someone is often determined by the neighborhood they grew up in. Ironically, studying sociology would probably help many Americans to understand how the divisions of race, class, etc. affect them.

Believe it or not this is a Brazilian JB.

Attached: índice.jpg (758x1024, 116K)

thanks for the (you) tho retard, "Don'T bE SheEp PeOplE"

fucking retard

no one gives a fuck about brazil, loser

Wow user, you hurt my feelings. :(

Attached: tenor.gif (234x176, 1.48M)

This is why conservatives tend to hate sociology, because it brings to light divisions in our societies they'd rather ignore. If your goal is to maintain social cohesion and defend tradition, I imagine finding out you have more in common with people of the same socioeconomic stratum in other cultures than you do with the exemplars of your own culture must be a frightening notion. You don't even need to be a communist or a socialist to see that.

What is the age of consent in brazil?

14, regardless of age or sexual orientation.

Then she ain't no jailbait. Her fb says that she's 15

Are you brazilian, nut?

This country deserves to die. A literal cesspool of state-approved degeneracy.
And I say this as a Brazilian.

esse pais e uma porra

No, but she is, so she's perfectly legal in brazil

>the commie factory your schools are
there's a difference between Marxist criticism and actual political/economic Marxist-Leninist beliefs
at its core, Marxism is just analysis of power dynamics

Nah brazil is based. They produce shit like pegadinhas in the joao kleber show

>be me
>avid reader of philosophy
>one day go to FFLCH (Department of Philosophy and literature in the best State University of the Country)
>nice building at first sight, but
>see that it's tearing down and falling apart
>filled with leftists and political slogans and flags everywhere of weird shit leftist bullcrap
>ads saying "Read works by BLACK WOMEN!"
>there's a literal space for AFRICAN (nigger) studies
>the place is filled with students who are NIGGERS or FAGGOTS
>SJW transgender bathrooms
Yeah, I wish that the philosophy department kept on but this place is a fucking joke. It's already falling apart and has been on a decadence for decades. This place is already done for. This is just absolute shit. Next time, we have to make a REAL department of philosophy without THE NIGGERS, WOMEN, PARDOS and FAGGOTS. Everything has to be white and any leftist political activism has to fucking die.

Man, FUCK bolsonaro, but this was fucking expected of him. I fucking hate bolsofag and I love philosophy, but there never was any institution of philosophy in Brazil in the first place anyway.

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