Would you date a girI uglier than you?

Would you date a girI uglier than you?

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They were all uglier than me. I'm beautiful.

Your pic isn't uglier than me.

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as long as she isnt fat or deformed yes absolutely.

the question still remains though

but deep down you'd want Stacy...

I have and it's not fair to either person in the end.

pic unrelated
her teeth are bad
her face is average
her body is smoking

with a body like that easily.

Unbelievable butterface. I would do anything to fuck her holy shit.

Absolutely not lmao

Same, also not a crazy bitch

Why would God give such a banging body to a girl that has that face? wtf man.

Considering that I'm probably a 6, I wouldn't mind a 5/10 girl. Given that they usually still look pretty cute. (Heck, the one in OP's photo has a cute face.)

I would just hope they have a great personality though, and genuinely love me.

Can. Have. Would again.
Plus, I could probably convince girl in OP pick to put a strapon harness on that Stitch doll and let me fuck her doggy style with it.
>the things girls with liw self esteem will let you do to then

>"My friend has never dated one either, you'll be perfect for each other"

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guess it depends on the bod.

Let me rephrase my answer then. Ive never met a girl uglier than me.

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A lot of women could have a nice body if they stopped stuffing themselves all the time and worked out a little. The girl in the pic is in a set of pics where she is shown working out. It may be just for the camera, but I bet she does work out here and there.

no, im more attracted to beckys than stacy. stacy is just too much to deal with. my ugly gf doesnt need to worry about me cheating on her, i autismed out of every chance ive ever had with girls so id most likely autism out of cheating on her

Honestly she just suck at smiling. Shes pretty cute otherwise.


Who cares how she looks, with a body like that I would dick her and never pull out.

That chick isn't ugly.
She's cute. You fags don't know what ugly is...

Also what is her name?...I had a collection of images of her but alas they are gone.

She doesn't look ugly, she just needs to learn how to fucking smile.
Same with most of the chicks who show way too much gum when they smile and as a consequence look like horses.

she just has a doofy smile, i can tell shes kind of cute

dating is degenerate

if you don't marry the first person you fall in love with it's over

I'll take a horse smile over a duckface any day.

>"falling in love" with a person you don't even know
most retarded thing I have ever heard.

the question isn't about ugly girls, but girls uglier than you

Yes i would date a ugly girl
Would an ugly girl date me? Sadly (for me) no

The hideous girls, especially the ones with deformities, are the best ones, they'll be loyal to a faul since they know they were extremely lucky to have anyone whatsoever show interest.

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>the question isn't about ugly girls, but girls uglier than you
Fair enough.
My point still stands that if anons are prettier than that girl they are above average.

And answering the question
>Would you date a girI uglier than you?

There are way too many possible combinations of "uglier than me".
But overall, yeah, there's a chance.

idk about deformities, but id be ok with a deaf girl or an amputee girl that lost an arm or something. i always wanted to learn sign language

If she was cute I can't see why not. Also if the girl in your pic got her teeth fixed she'd go up several points.

Yeah, I did so before. No trouble with that as long as she fills my needs and isn't fat.

Yes, I would definitely, but her personality better be good. If she's mean, uncaring, disinterested in me, and unwilling to do stuff with me, then no. A very pretty girl who was the same would be nice to look at I guess, but same goes for her. I'm not interested in a sex doll, I can buy one of those.

I have fucked two girls beneath my status and "uglier" than me but no I would not date one, of course

Ha ha no. 98% of women think Im very ugly so no damn way will I get with a chick that's
"uglier than me"

That's some Balalaika tier shit. Would bang/11.

No. Physical attractiveness is far more important for females than for males. "Looks-matching" is a purely western concept, limited to Western Europe and North America. It's a sign of the advanced state of decay in those areas where females filter based on looks by some cell phone program. You go anywhere else - China, Japan, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil - you see fat old 50yo dudes, politicians or CEOs or whatever, with 20yo models. It's not common, but it's there. What do they have? Power, money, status. What I'm saying here is that Patrick Tillman was killed by his own platoon in Afghanistan

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If she had a body like that.

All she has to do is get rid of those glasses and get her teeth straightened and her rating goes up to atleast 7.5. She has a top-tier body to start with, so thats good.

Where can I find more photos of her op?

every girl is uglier than her boyfriend, what kind of question is this

plus the chick in pic-related has an average body
so that makes her hotter since she has a below average face

Back in high school actually knew a girl with something like that, never asked her what it was.
Only know it covered almost half her face and went down to her chest.

She still managed to have a boyfriend and a bunch of guys were always "playful" with her..
fembots cannot exist.

This. Ugly>>fat

I had a similar experience with a girl in hifhschool. She was the only survivor of a deadly housefire. Half her face was pristine and the other half was melty, but you could see how beautiful she was. She was kind if a basketcase though. Not really surprising.

As long she has a nice ass and wasn't actually repulsive a lot can be forgiven

Any more of her? She's maybe cute. Dynamite body though

she pretty, nice face - it a birthmark, but you acting like she's got a new face growing from it

Yeah. They wouldnt date me though

I usually always do

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