Science hate thread

Why is science so fucking retarded? Everything about science is basically the opposite of reality. Can any of you science fuckers explain why you believe In this bullshit?

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This was literally popular 2 years ago, Go back under you're rock fag

Bill Nye is NOT a scientist. He is a television host.

Dude science is gay as shit. Those science bitches are saying the Earth is a ball and people came out of monkeys. I'm not any monkey living on a ball that's dumb as shit.

Yes he fucking is, just because he said some bullshit on TV once. It doesn't mean it discredits his hole history and everything he has done for the new generation

He inspired thousands to go into Science + Engineering. Yes he may not have a Degree in the field he teaches, but he was and still is good at what he does. Don't get triggered about one little thing he says

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>Everything about science is basically the opposite of reality.

So then what's YOUR source of truth then, and how do you propose to check it for errors?

oh god, What I've seen?

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There's nothing wrong with science itself. Now, pop-sci and the scientism it preaches can get pretty cringe, that's for sure.

He has a degree in mechanical engineeeing from Cornell. He might not have a "science" degree but thats pretty scientifically inclined in a lot of aspects.
Also who bets OP didn't finish anything past highschool.

>yes he is a scientist
>he doesn't hold a science degree
>stop getting le triggered >:/

You do not need a source in order to figure out that there are only two genders not 56. If science says otherwise then fuck science

Instead of saying "seks how u want" over and over again and talking about butt stuff I wish they'd at least acknowledge the stds and stuff you can contract or explain how the gender spectrum works with chemical levels in your brain or whatever

How does the computer you used to make this post work? Remember, you don't need a source to figure things out.

Bill Nye was never a scientist and no true scientist would every deny the natural binary of XX and XY.

Sex chromosomes aren't binary. You can be born XXY, XXXX, XXYY, or XXXXY, as well.

>what is androgen insensitivity
>what is chimerism
>what is being intersex
these are all conditions explained by science

Both of you retards are citing malformations and genetic deformities as evidence of a spectrum. Those who aren't diseased or sterile are XX and XY: all others are abortions that suffer from health defects.

not abortions.

>his hole history

Imagine being this buttblasted by another person's choices

You dont survive abortions. Use that big white brain of yours.

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Brainless retards ITT not being able to comprehend gender theory.

>malformations and genetic deformities
Lolwut? People with androgen insensitivity or intersex genitals live perfectly normal, happy lives. They're just different.

Read second post, friend. I mistyped like a tard in the 1st post.

Yep, das rite

and sterile

See . We're pointing out that you insist on the binary for cultural, not scientific, reasons. The animal world is replete with strange aberrations of sex as we understand it, but I guess the idea of sex and distinct from gender was too much change for your fragile mind to handle.

They can't reproduce, that's a pretty big problem. It's a deformation, it's not normal. Sure you can make the most of life and be happy, but the same can be said for schizos and amputees.

Don't try to convince him, he's just too fragile to want demon trannies teaching his kids to be drag queens!

>posts a song from a childrens tv show
you know how i know youre an american?

I'm not ever going to defend Bill Noy the Goodest Goy but not having a degree doesn't mean that you don't know something.

You and your gender theory are going to look real silly when muslims take over and throw us all off of roof tops.
Me for liking 2D futas and you for thinking 3D futas are a thing.

Jesus christ dude, did you even High school? We know Science checks itself, there's not one man running the show. If one man has it wrong then someone is bound to correct that person (Aka - DNA double helix debate) It's like the free market ... but for science

Yeah, plus you don't need a fucking degree in something to know about it. Yeah it would help in expanding your knowledge and make you look better, but still you know?

Overall Bill Nye said some gay shit once, that he was probably paid to say. But that dosen't deny the fact that he was, and still is a good educator in the field of science

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This is okay for children to watch these days?

>They can't reproduce, that's a pretty big problem.
A lot of cis people can't reproduce, either.

>It's a deformation, it's not normal.
What's your point? Every person has mutations in their DNA somewhere. No one is 100% medically normal and healthy. Are you implying that we should hate or disrespect people for being born with medical conditions that misalign their gender and sex?

>if you believe in the wrong things, bad things will happen!

You can threaten me all you want but it's not going to change my mind. You'll need an actual argument for that.

>Can't reproduce
>Big problem

>scientist contributes to science
>then one day he gets paid to deny that the earth revolves around the sun.
>he does this.
But he is still a good scientist/educator.
Except, he's not. He just a propagandist at that point.

>cis people cant reproduce to.
and those cis people are still considered abnormal.
>find me a mutant who is not sterile and we will talk about gender being a spectrum.

He's not denying the earth goes around the sun, though, he's denying gender is binary. Which, as pointed out elsewhere, it isn't. If you refuse to believe that gender and sex are distinct, then you're deliberately missing the point because you're afraid of a world that acknowledges the truth.

>counting that as threatening you.
Really, pussy?

But the earth is a black man, so of course the sun bows down to the earth

>and those cis people are still considered abnormal.
Yes. They are. What is your point? These conditions being abnormal doesn't change the fact that people who have them deserve basic dignity and respect.

So then what gender are these people, then, in your scheme? And what gender are cis people who don't reproduce?

Yeah, you're saying that if I don't conform to gender norms, the big bad muslims are going to come hurt me. That's a threat. It's not a personal threat, but you're still hoping fear will change my mind.

NPC from clown world posts again. Tell me more sage one about that one class you took for easy credit in your gender studies aka not stem degree.

>Regurgitate points I agreed with
>Theorize about stuff he might do in the future

This isn't an argument.

>>find me a mutant who is not sterile and we will talk about gender being a spectrum.
So your gender only exists if you're capable of reproducing?
TIL my mom is a genderless void. I should plan her a coming out party.

>one class you took for easy credit in your gender studies aka not stem degree.
The social and neurological basis of gender is taught in most reputable biology courses. That is indeed STEM.

I was literally threatening both of us then tardlord by your dumbass logic. Because both of us would totally be killed in a theocratic dark age. The only difference is I get to say, "I told you so" at the very end. (which by that point is worthless.)

So now you're just using memes in an effort to poison the well against me. You're doing a bang-up job of showing us all that you're motivated 99% by spite and 1% by any conviction in what you have to say.

Why is this show so impossible to find online? I wanted to laugh at an episode but they have it locked down. Is it because their core audience is too dumb/normie to realize how to upload shows?

Stop visiting Jow Forums and other like sites.

Bill Nye said thing which are accepted science. That you've never heard of them and that they aren't intuitive doesn't mean they aren't true. After all, there're tons of sciency shit you have no idea about, and that Earth isn't flat isn't very intuitive either.

Only some intersex people are infertile, intersex sterility is just an overblown maymay.

This is a show for adults/teens. It's infantile because it's Murrican.

Your death is irrelevant to your argument. Believe or not, you don't need to be your version of a manly man to fire a gun or launch nuclear weapons, so I have a feeling the barbarians will never get their chance to throw either of us off a roof. You're creating an external threat to justify the disgust and hate you'd be feeling anyway.

Jow Forums is getting more and more lefto over the years, feelin' good about it.

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Just because I want to be a girl doesn't make me a girl and no scientist has the fucking power to make that reality. Come back at me when gene therapy allows me to splice XX into all my cells and make me a real girl. Until then you can take your gender theory and shove it straight up your ass.

You remind me of a child, insisting that everyone falls in love just like the movies. Humanity is more complex than your narrow definitions of "boy" and "girl", and changing the meanings of these words helps us better articulate that. Even if you could throw trans people off roofs they'd still be born and still exist and nothing you can do will stop that.

Gender dysphoria is not a gender. It's a mental illness. Being born with the wrong genitals isn't evidence of a new gender when it's a statistical outlier. It really is that simple.

Way to completely fail to understand what science is. Idiot.

So what do we do with people who aren't comfortable with either gender? And what does the rarity of these phenomenon have to do with anything? If sheep with two heads exist then the definition of "sheep" has to expand to include them, no matter how few there are. See, again, I strongly suspect you have a cultural axe to grind rather than being interested in the scientific validity of gender. You're not really angry about these new genders, you're angry the world has to change to make these people feel better.

lol get rekt

But seriously, thanks for doing the thankless work of trying to point out the seemingly obvious in this environment.

> You and your gender theory are going to look real silly when muslims take over and throw us all off of roof tops.

Lol you really went full retard there didn't ya

I honestly think the rise of anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers is due to shit like this. This literal fucking nonsense being paraded around as """"""""science""""""""" is making people distrustful of actual science. Fucking sick of this shit, these people need to stop this.

>people with malformations from the binary aren't evidence of a spectrum

>people born accidentally with both chromosomes aren't evidence of a spectrum

>people born accidentally

>with both parts

>more or less than others

>are not evidence

>it is a spectrum