This video is absolutely disgusting. is this truly representative of our society...

this video is absolutely disgusting. is this truly representative of our society? if you don't feel disgusted and appalled to your core watching something like this, i dont know what to say to you. just watching it, i sense something deeply wrong beyond even my own comprehension. its not only gross, but creepy in an indescribable way. thoughts?

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Videos from Cut and Jubilee are perfect for showcasing typical normalfags and their NPC behavior. I used to watch these videos because I was curious about how the other half lives, but now I avoid their videos because of how much the normalfags in the videos viscerally disgust me.

no, those people aren't "normal people"
watch any of their other "lineup" videos and you'll understand why

Was just about to mention that for more normalfag endurance tests

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I can respect that Indian guy, he's saving himself up for the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

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It's depressing on a whole other level. It feels like I'm watching a direct, tangible piece of the collapse of the western world
to avoid having to endure something like that again, care to explain?

The lesbian is a filthy bishit who fucked a bunch of men and then turned gay this makes me so pissed and it's worst cuz she's kind of cute and I would date her and have not idea
Ban bisluts


I'm not watching the video. are they wearing their partner counts around their necks? Or just how many times they've had sex? how is 1500+ possible?

>the lesbian
literally every woman in the video is a lesbian except the 3 count asian girl

They're wearing their partner count. 1500+ is a fag who sleeps with someone different every day and attends orgies regularly

>the only white man is gay
>black men have plowed dozens of white women each

That really and truly does make me think. Thank you for posting this.

I meant the short hair one, the rest are automatically trash because they're bishits naturally

>35, y'know, for me that's a solid number
WTF. 35 is just a "solid" number

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>how is 1500+ possible?
molested by his dad many times. So traumatic that it looked like 1500 different people.

how are all those average and below men getting those 20+ numbers?
r9k lied to me

but even the short hair one is a "bishit" according to your original comment

1500+ is possible cause the dude counted encounters if an orgasm didn't happen and he counted foreplay encounters because >gay

They're black. Jow Forums didn't lie. It's that easy for them to get those numbers because white women will jump on them.

They are which is why I'm upset she claimed to be lesbian but had 'a lot of straight sex'.
I'm just sick of fake gays it's actually the worst

Why did the short redhead have to be such a turbo whore, she was a qt. I thought at least one of these girls would be pure other than Indian boy, how can I look at any woman in the same way again.

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH other people are having sex

Fucking Christ this cannot be real. How the fuck does someone have sex with that many people of youre not a pornstar/fag?

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having 30+ partners shouldn't be normal, roastie

How did this Jablinski lookingass motherfucker have sex with 1500+ people?

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Keep in mind that the women are lying and that we need to multiply their number by 10.

>What is dating?

Fags are degenerates. Also 100% proof that gays cant be incel

Charisma. Something you do not have.

>the nerdy looking short girl is sluttiest of the chicks
Honestly not surprised

That's disgusting. I've been with like 10 people and I'm 30 and those are mostly from monogamous relationships. I haven't even met 30 people that didn't disgust or irritate me in my whole life.

What a clown world they wonder why we are the way we are the white guy a typical brad asshole
Glorifying sex is degenerate i hate this world.

Way to sand off the importance and cultural weight that sex has by literally dumbing it down to a fucking number.

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That's all it is to them. Sex is meaningless, it's like masturbating to them. It's just a bodily function. That's how you see women with 6 different baby daddies and men with 12 baby mommas.

It's not "important" to them which of course is why they have to have sex with tons of people they barely know past a surface level.

epic roast, broham

I don't even want to have sex anymore. It seems gross.

All these normalfags are shitty people, who see their sexual partners as objects rather than people

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How come so many of them have had sex with more than 2 people let alone 30?! God's judgement is coming soon unless things turn around.

I'm not going to watch this whole fucking video. Which is which?

which is which what? the number around their neck is the amount of sexual partners they've had

Rip baljeesh

I want the redhead

60 people have already been there your dick will be sludging through other mens cum ya cuck

ITT: Incels. Incels everywhere. Bitter. Incredibly bitter.

Finished the video. At least 7 degenerates and 1 murderer. I hope this isn't what most people are like. The median number of sexual partners can't be 30-ish, can it?

I think on average an US citizen has sex with 7 people in his life

thats reddit for you. robots arent incels

Rip currycel

How did the fat negro get so much sex are American women really this hungry for BBC or is he gay also?
Also, the most disgusting thing here is open marriages, like what's the fucking point.
Weird thing pajeet had none, yet is social, must be quite picky.

Doesn't matter how many men a whore had, she is still good for fukcing, but terrible for marriage.

kill yourself you worthless dyke

wow, so the least attractive person (fat, slobby beardman) had the most sex, and the most attractive person (Azn hottie on the right) had the least sex, other than the virgipoo. Yeah, sounds about right. Fat whores are fucking disgusting.

He is gay, if he was straight the number would probably be 0

>is this truly representative of our society
No it's a company that tries to push all kinds if degenerate stuff.

>claims to be not too sexually experienced
>makes fun of the virgin
Can normalfags get any more douchy?

>Weird thing pajeet had none, yet is social, must be quite picky.

Nope, being social has little to do with it. Women just don't find him genetically physically attractive. You can't just hand wave it away by inventing other stuff. He is sociable and friendly, but that is irrelevant. Personality is a meme.


so do most on Jow Forums. you just want someone to selfishly control

that includes boomers though. for young people, it's more blike 30

He makes fun of the virgin because he's not experienced. It's that urge to have someone beneath you socially. The confident guys don't give him a hard time because they know they're being taken seriously.

These are the end days, surely.

I dont care. Im not part of society like that.

pick one

But how much of that is his own doing?

Fuck this i only have sex with 1 girl.


Do you think thats cringy OP?

Fuck this shit man, I'm done.....

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I have no patience to watch it but I'm willing to bet its a fat girl

>little nerdy redheaded girl literally brags about fucking everyone in her dorm floor

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paid actors you fucking nignog

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adding college educated women to my red flag after seeing this video.

black girls in my experience are the biggest sluts. they will literally fuck anyone who gives them attention. so they got that number by fucking black girls.

Damn I feel that Indian guys pain, being laughed at by the roasties and normalfags. Poor dude.