I have found that time slogged by insufferably when I had jobs, and completely flew by when I was a NEET. So what is better in that dichotomy?
I have found that time slogged by insufferably when I had jobs, and completely flew by when I was a NEET...
>not having to work is better then having to work
holy shit no way
That's not really what I'm asking though. It's like is it better to have a job and accrue resources when time seems to go so slow, or is it better for life to completely fly by having no responsibilities, having nothing at all really outside of your relationship with your parents and just potential mounting disappointment from people that know you.
I found the opposite.
But I will say some of the greatest feels I have had was when I was working and then going on vacation via my own money, sounds stupid but whatever that room service hamburger tasted amazing
The best is to be self-employed and work from home. Then you really feel like time is your ally, with every day that passes you accrue progress instead of giving away your time or wasting it
Or how about having no job but still doing stuff like working on hobbies you like?
Except almost nobody has the willpower to do that
I do have hobbies like making music, but they can't be monetized with what I'm like.
The "time flying for a NEET" part does get a bit too much after some time, honestly. You get years flying by, feeling like they are months.
Didn't know doing things you enjoy took willpower, sounds more like you're retarded or something
2018 was the first year ever for me that seemed like it was barely anything. It was easily the fastest year of my life and I didn't do a single thing the entire year. I'm 29 now.
This can happen for wagies too if the job is monotomous enough. Your brain just doesnt distinguish the memories of days that very similar for the sake of efficiency.
There is that, and well.. I am old.
Guess I am getting slower, so it feels like time goes faster. Hasn't stopped me in vidya yet, but who knows what is tomorrow.
I listen to youtube while working and it's pretty much the same as neeting at home, except I get paid
What's your job?
Original question
Holy shit the bot, asdfjasd;kladslkfj
Some jobs are not too bad, but it is never quite comparable.
Feel horny, can you fap to your exhentai stuff? Hot weather, can you you sit with your naked ass on a freezer cooled towel while sipping beer?
Yeah, didn't think so.
being a store clerk, I have a computer in front of me because I handle special orders from customers too
I can handle 8 hours without fapping, it's not really something worth being penniless for
>can you you sit with your naked ass on a freezer cooled towel while sipping beer
never in my life have I done that and it doesn't sound healthy at all either, also I don't drink alcohol
although technically I could close the shop for 10 minutes and if the owner drops by then I could say that I had to take a shit really badly but again it's not something I worry over
It was hyperbole mostly.
Thing is you might be able to do some relaxing on the job, but truly being able to do all you might want is another thing.
Unless you are sitting on call at home perhaps, but even then getting high or such is probably not in the cards or at least risky.
Still, your job sounds nice at least.
I guess it depends on the kind of person you are, if I'm neeting at home then I just wake up, sit in front of the computer, scroll through forums while listening to youtube go to sleep and then repeat
I pretty much do the same thing while working, wake up at around 8 am, eat breakfast, wash myself, go to work, sit in front of a computer, listening to youtube, checking stock, reading product descriptions, when a customer comes in he pays for his stuff, I take the money and continue on, at 6 pm I close, count the money in the cashier, go home, fuck around for 6 or so hours and go to sleep
there's nothing else I really want to do, I don't even know what to do with my two weeks of vacation, I guess going to japan would be nice but eh, I want to save up for a new computer first
True, I am very used to doing whatever I feel like today and for me any sort of responsibilities sort of blockades me there because I can't really freely enjoy anything when I have another appointment, release date or w/e looming.
Even if that time is still very far off, I sort of lose any verve and enjoyment in what I am doing atm because I have that in the back of my mind like a sword hanging over my head.
Helps with getting shit done, but makes me one miserable person when I work.
honestly I get pretty miserable too if I don't listen to youtube, maybe it's a psychological thing but it makes me feel at home so as long as I have my tablet with me everywhere in the world is my home
and I've never been the one to worry about deadlines, I live by the principle of "I'll cross that bridge when I get there", I'm not worrying something that will happen in 2 weeks, or 2 days, or 2 hours, I'll take care of it when the time comes
Wish I could.
Give me the "in 2 weeks" date and I have whatever I need for it ready in 2h, but will STILL have it nagging in the back of my head all the time. All the while overthinking and overworrying.
Therefore I really really hate taking on any responsibilities.
maybe you could see a therapist about that, it sounds like a pretty bad problem, personally when I have an assignment in 2 weeks time then I'll do it after 5-6 days, I give it a thought every now and then, collect the resources, do it on day 6 or so, then check it 1-2 times for errors before the deadline and that's it, it's not like I never prepare but I don't worry about it, things will work out somehow either way
>That's not really what I'm asking though. It's like is it better to have a job and accrue resources when time seems to go so slow, or is it better for life to completely fly by having no responsibilities, having nothing at all really outside of your relationship with your parents and just potential mounting disappointment from people that know you.
that's not really your question, because if it is, then you answered yourself, though not the answer I would give
yes, job is slow but profitful
neetdom is more fulfilling but a time waster
that's the dichotomy here
Doubt that would amount to much with me.
I either care, then I will invariably have it in mind 'till it is done, out of my hands and delivered.
Or I do not care, in what case I probably rush it on the last day IF I even get reminded of it.