>she's dead and ill never be able to save her
She's dead and ill never be able to save her
>Amerimutts will defend this
Probably some anti-establishment woman who posted the wrong idea. Chinese communists dont take kindly to criticism. Like most black people.
i think shes the one who spoiled the avengers movie on reddit
>buzzword le buzzword buzzword
You mean leftist. They are the ones who want this kind of thought policing. So do people in europe.
>"did you or did you not post "tiny rice dick never again, BWC only" on Jow Forums dot org, an ILLEGAL american website? confess at once and be given leniacy for your crimes!"
Can someone give me the full-story?
Jokes aside, there is a 99% chance that she is actually dead.
She probably said some shit online about Tienanmen Square or the Vietnam invasion and got black vanned.
yall not laughing huh? cus its probaby close to what she wrote :P
that's all there is to it
na. they wouldnt actually kill their womenfolk.
I wasnt joking. It saddens me that there are millions and millions of people there that get handled like this. I wish i could do something about. Or american politicians would get there shit together to help these people. Its like seeing someone die and not being allowed to help them even though you know you can save their life.
calm your bits, shes not dead
If you ask me they and they countrymen are the ones who should be up in arms. How does it concern us? It's their country, their laws, their responsibility. We can't be the world's police, honestly.
but yeah they totally just took her freedom away. shes not dead but who knows which dungeon shes in
this. the women will just run away here anyway
Those are clearly chinks
Fuck..scary shit. Same thing will be happening here too soon.
>murican fireman with chinkrunes on the vest
Damn, those american debts to china must be worse than we hear
That shit aside, imo that is pretty much the same sort of life that SJWs wants to establish for you daring to not like a fag or fugee.
Only you are not female and cute, so no 2ch user will go "daww, what a shame!" over it.
Is there honestly any readon not to think so? You understand how much life has been taken by communism right? They have no sense of empathy towards human life.
They obviously cant do anything about it. Dont delude yourself. Its like pitting a 5 year old against a trained marine. Its one thing to police a bunch of ignorant,jnbred goat fuckers but china itself is a threat to mankind. An actual threat. Communism aside,china produces more polution than any country ever. They produce the drugs that are illegally trafficked all across the world. They are a literal source of evil.
ye. women are valuable
>They obviously cant do anything about it.
The cops, communist leaders, military, etc. are all the same people from the same country, don't give me that shit that they can't do anything about it. As for the drugs we need to crack down on them the same way they do, death penalty for drug dealers and drug users. We could do that but instead we let them cuck us like idiots.
The people that do try and do anything about it get kidnapped in the middle of the night like webm related. They have no chance. They legitimately dont.
2bh I have no sympathy for agitators and I admire how the Chinese deal with their troublemakers. China isnt ready for pluralistic multiparty parliamentary democracy yet.
The thing is that Chinese people on the whole seem to feel like their country is on the upswing and the future is theirs. They wouldn't do anything en masse to go against their government or anything like that cause they have little to gain from protesting a society and economy that is generally working well for them.
I dont know. Maybe they just havent seen it ftom the outside. They just dont know how bad things are. If they knew just how fucked they were theyd be more willing to fight back.
nobody would even pretend to care if it were some male NEET they took away. we would probably be cheering their chinese gestapo
their country which is getting stronger by the day and threatening to spread its authoritarian autism to the rest if the world
i don't think they value freedom the same way we do, im starting to believe the hivemind memes
admit - you are only triggered because its a skinny chick. and you NEED to be mad at something, anything
No. Thats absurd. Im not some normalfaggot. I actually care about people. If it were a guy ide have the same reaction.
She's not dead, she'll just be "reeducated"
no yew wuldnt
This is what should happen to all incels.
see what i mean? if its male, then its "based".
yes, those stupid CHINKS, I'M right, look at how good MY country is! (it's not very good)
If you can honestly be complacent with communism then why domt you move to a communism country. Im sure yould love it. I understand america had its problems but it is still heaven compared to china.
I see. That's why I don't like this mentality. Because it only serves the interests of the dominant political party, and not what's actually going to help the nation as a whole from a utilitarian standpoint. She could have been criticizing pollution of their cities for all we know.
So fellas, how do we liberalize china?
And yes, I'm absolutely serious the country should be liberalized.Because I believe in liberalism.
While this makes me sad, I have to admit she somewhat deserved what she got. Let's say she should be given no less than 10-15% credit for what happened to her.
There's conceptually no difference in spoiling Aven-fuckin-gers shit or revealing Tien-an-men shit, Jews shit, freemasonry/pedo/satanistcult shit. If you decide to do something dangerous without a perfect knowledge of pro's and con's, you're already doomed. Even a full reveal about Tien-an-men won't scratch the Communist Chink Party of China. That's why it's in the full interest of Communist China to make people think Tien-an-men is a thing. Just like baiting mice to kill them the easy way.
Most people think they happily succeeded and without consequences. That only happens if one or more of these applies:
- you spread incorrect, false, misleading, way outdated shit
- you are on their watch list but they're still after people bigger than you
- you were a tool of their propaganda
Remember that conspiracies are 90% fake and 10% a real thing. The latter 10% just demands spreading the first 90% (plus misleading and incorrect news on themselves).
>TLDR: in my country we sadly call "a keyboard lion" people like that girl.
That's clearly somewhere in Asia though. I'm guessing China because of the authoritarianism.
>belives in libtardism
yes, that's a religion
how does China even have women left, same with India. im surprised they don't all emigrate as soon as they can afford a bus ticket.
Underrated originaliona comment
samefagging this hard. is it summer already?