post images that hurt just a little bit.
original human feels
post images that hurt just a little bit.
original human feels
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have sex
why does that hurt? its some shitty dialog from a shitty cartoon
yes man my life is that shitty cartoon
his words accurately reflect my state of being
this. but u have to listen to the song to fully understand
thats really sad and pathetic, you should spend less time on shitty cartoons and leave your comfort zone more often
Based me.
How come characters like this are so common in anime but not western media?
:^) hurts just a little bit
idk why but this pic hurts me physically
animes are so full of feels, is good shit
sounds like a fucking dipshit.
Great advice bud will certainly try it
What original animu is this
yes i tried googling it but only links back to unrelated /a/ threads
ran out of ribbit buzzwords ay?
From welcome to the NHK, I believe
>leave your comfort zone
everytime i hear this i want to beat people over their heads with a large brick
These are all low-tier ouchies
you made me rewatch this fucking thing and now it hurts more than it was supposed to
go to the gym you anime watching faggot
Because Subaru (character) gets transported to another world, full of magic and shit. He has no abilities that are good in any paticular way. But he can respawn indefinitely, allowing him to perfectly get out of any situation given enough deaths. Death is still very painful to him and he has killed himself after blowing it with a girl.
Even when compared to other protagonist of Iskai stories, Subaru is the biggest beta of them all.
Leave your comfort zone, achieve your dreams, administrate justice with large brick to the head of personal trainers.
You can do it.
>i want to beat people
All you do is talk a big game.
Why don't you leave your comfort zone and start actually beating people?
I legit dont want to get Jow Forums because I have anger problems and I'm positive I'd start beating the shit out of people once I'd have that ability
It's amazing that you can live like this and not feel ashamed.
This is how my cousin got shot.
Try meditation, it helped me deal with my social anxeity. I'm sure it would help your anger issues.