would you date her if she had perfect personality and genuinely loved you?
would you care about her appearance at all?
Cute desu
She doesnt look that bad at all. 5/10 at worst, 7/10 at best.
I don't like this kind of face, even when the chin's there.
>perfect personality and genuinely loved you
I'd marry her. I don't need much else.
She's not all that bad. Eyes and nose are pretty and that's all I notice, sure why not
She's not ugly.
She's a blue-eyed blonde with a nice nose.
That makes up for the chin.
i'm in no position to nitpick anything about this pretty young woman's appearance.
It's kind of childish and endearing. If she had a perfectly fitting personality you'd naturally look over such sperifcialties.
she looks cute, a little less on the far right pic but still, would bang with or without personality.
as long as she's virgin, I'd date her
>if she had perfect personality and genuinely loved you?
yeah, I guess I could deal with the chin or rather its absence.
But I would still prefer her to not wear the facial expression of a confused grapefruit, hope she could get a bit more animated and less dumb looking in a conversation.
Besides we have not seen her body which is also a big factor.
It's called retrognathia and can be treated. Considering this, she's pretty much a no-brainer.
t. doc
>also Polish filename
I'd go for it. I'm too much of a KHHV NOT to go after a woman who would truly love me and have a perfect personality. And this girl looks attractive enough for me to be able to find her good looking and fuckable.
lol the answer is obviously yes. she doesn't even look that bad
No, I wouldn't. But only because I'm not really into white girls 2bh.
>would you date her if she had perfect personality and genuinely loved you?
of course
I honestly don't care about looks that much anyway
Not fat? Check
Not completely ugly? Check
Loyal? Check
Only need to know if shes virgin
I would date her whatever her personality is
Probably she's not. Even the ugliest fembot, if not enough mentally ill, eventually reaches some Chad's dick.
she is hot.. but yeah I wouldn't date a girl with bad personality
Looks kinda like a blonde Shoe0nHead.
her appearance is great
I would enjoy raping her
You underestimate how ugly the average robot is. This is catch for 95% of r9k the other are hardcore autists who look good only on staged photos.
>and genuinely loved you?
10/10 would marry.
this is what makes men and women different. if a guy had this defect, he'd be browsing incel boards by now because no woman would even look at him. guys can see past stuff like this, they'd even consider her cuter exactly BECAUSE of this imperfection.
I think she's attractive, so yeah, I'd date her.
>if she had perfect personality and genuinely loved you?
Yes, anything past that doesn't matter.
I wouldn't date anyone. I have lost all natural understanding of the concepts of love and relationships that humans are born with and now I am empty except for loneliness and confusion.
>Loyal? Check
yes, she's not too bad actually
She is 4 ir 5 in looks. She is not fat and has good skin.
I would love her a lot. I only need minimum 2,5/10 looks to have erections and to be attracted.
>she's pretty much a no-brainer.
she looks very cute to me, that chin doesn't bother me all that much.
Honestly she could easily become a 8/10 with some mewing.
this, how is this even a thread? everyone who even thinks slightly differently, kill yourselves immediately
>Looks kinda like a blonde Shoe0nHead
no. white """women""" are the worse
>would you date her if she had perfect personality and genuinely loved you?
With those two conditions, I could go lower than her easily.
really she isnt THAT bad, and im pretty sure the overbite can be fixed with braces and if she really wants to she can get surgery
If anyone is interested, before and after treatment
I would date her, yeah. Lots of men are willing to look past a woman's deficiencies and give them a chance, which is why virtually no woman has problems getting relationships and intimacy. Meanwhile men in her position usually kill themselves or lead very painful, lonely lives.
what was the "treatment" though??