I'm off to meet a grill

I'm off to meet a grill
What are you up to today, robots?

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i can tell from ur clothes that it won't go well but good luck
im comfily neeting it up

I was literally gonna say the same unless the girl is bad too

You're delusional, keep thinking that clothes make more differences than attitude
Also, I always wear tactical/minimalist or sportive clothes, never made a difference for girls

well clearly it has since you don't have a gf lol

I just bathed, now I'm sitting on my bed listening some "sad" songs

Oh Lawd is dat a mudafukkin DOLLAR TREE WATCH?? NEGRO WHAT is u doin

You must be a Chad because I have to looksmaxx as much as possible to even have a girl know that I exist.

Are you a cuck? Because having a gf is how you become a cuck, user
I don't want a relationship

there's nothing wrong with his clothes

It's a Casio I had and perfectly functioned since middle school thanks (now 21)

I'm more of a mentally ill doomer, but girls are a thing I can't stop looking for sometimes
Also, there is sexual interest, otherwise I won't be traveling all the way

cringe, only cucks become cucks and i can see why you would fear that

it's literally what every autist wears

let me make this clear!


Yeah the shoes look bad

Actually, never cucked, just never had an official relationship (one year with a girl, but basically free)

By the way are you projecting the fear of being an autist because you are one yourself? Same dumbass logic you used

>i can tell from ur clothes that it won't go well but good luck
i can tell you're a narcissistic little shit who should be flayed, salted and crucified

good luck user, remember your charisma

>those gay European regional trains.
Are you italian?

Robots gonna wear fancy clothes because they miss the only important things girls look up for

I'm so out of style boohoo

Yeah coz they're just shoes user... They are used to walk around and not get hurt.
You all sound like some shallow materialistic chicks all together, no wonder you're all still virgins

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White boi copin dem new Puma Homeless shelter 11s

Pizza pasta macaroni
Asdrubalini Asdrubaloni your penis rigatoni

Also asked what are you up to, not how I look
Coz I don't give a single metric fuk

I'm half slav btw
Could be this the problem? Can you make a diagnosis?

>I always wear tactical/minimalist or sportive clothes
it's wording like that is the reason why you are an autist virgin

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The thing is, user, a (big) part of how a girl perceives you and rates you is dependent on your clothing. If your clothes look like you stole them from a dumpster it will lower the chances to get laid because she thinks you are poor.

>fitted pants
>pearly white fresh new T
>normal wear on shoes displays character and mystery
>aesthetically matching top to bottom
>on his way to cum inside stacy (and probably my sister)
are you one of the rare gigachads?

Shoes are made to get dirty and walk around, stop being such a little cunt already
I can't imagine you guys wiping your shoes before hanging out with a girl
You yanks are so gay

also what is this gay shit? I only ever saw metalfags or wanna be guitarrists wear these cockstraps

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Well hello, I'm a metalfag then

I've only seen actual faggots wear stuff like that
judas priest comes to mind

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