ITT: Post shit that normies say that makes you angry to the point that you want to bash their heads in

ITT: Post shit that normies say that makes you angry to the point that you want to bash their heads in.

>There is someone out there for everyone
>Just be yourself
>You just have to be confident
>It'll happen when you stop looking for it

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>life gets better, don't kill yourself

>Come on user humans are social animals
Well maybe you fucking normalcattle are animals but i am FUCKING transcendent and enligthened so keep your fucking social games away from ME

>user you look so sad lately, what's wrong

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That's the good variant, because it implies they sort of care. What happens more often is
>user, smile more!

>why would u want a virgin, are u a pedo

Humans ARE social animals though.
The more you fight it the more you degrade.

No, they fucking don't, trust me. When somebody asks that me, I always feel irritated, as if it was a method to ridicule me
Or I'm just fucking paranoid schizotypicla

>It'll happen when you stop looking for it
This is true but the way its phrased is misleading. There is not someone out there for everyone, so if you don't have a chance and never go outside you won't meet anyone and you'll just go insane after a decade. It's true that if you're "dating" you are only gonna meet the people who aren't worth your time.

>everything happens for a reason

just fuck off, if there was a just, benevolent, and omnipotent god like we imagine then shit like pic related would never happen

FUCK YOU thats not true at all i ABSOLUTELY HATE it when people barge in to my home to do friend stuff or when some faggot tries to small talk
You just have to accept that some people are simply better than you and have achieved a level above the fucking sheep. WE EXIST YOU FUCKING NIGGER

>God gives noble vulture food
>Vulture in turn praises God in his own vulture-y ways
Makes perfect sense

>humans are social animals
I think I can decide for myself whether or not I enjoy someone's company. If they were social, also, they'd be able to experience empathy instead of doing nothing but say self congratulatory platitudes at depressed people.

>I love you
>She doesn't actually love me

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Happy to see I'm not the one who gets told this

yes because it's necessary for a literal child to starve to death. you zero-sum fags are fucking retarded, no good god would ever create a zero-sum world in terms of good things happening.

>I am transcended and enlightened
The absolute state of Jow Forums users

No one has asked me anything like that in years, I am a full blown alcoholic and the most that happens is that they yell at me even if I'm in fucking pain from enlarged kidneys, no one gives a shit if I live or die. I think if someone asked me this I'd have to hold back tears.

user might be immature but I'd prefer them over some lame shill any day.

It's black, it doesn't matter

How exactly is god responsible for their retarded fucking parents?
>we have no food
>therefore we shouldn't fuck and create unnecessary life
It's that easy.

>blacks and muslims are people too,user!How could you possibly want to kill them?
>the nazis were evil,they wanted to kill all non aryans!
>you need to get a well paying job,then you will also find a loyal wife
>dont worry about being lonely,you will find *her* in the future,you will see!
>you just need to go to the gym and you will find *her*,just gotta put some muscles on those bones!

i know they mean well,but they re too stupid to realize how wrong they are

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>*gasp* Oh my! Do you have depression and anxiety?
Like I'm something special and need special care and attention, like I'm different from them and need to be watched over every single second of my life to prevent me from killing myself

originally post i swear goddammit please let me post this

You mean the bitch thats gonna cheat on me?

>you just need to go to the gym and you will find *her*,just gotta put some muscles on those bones!
This doesnt work when you're ugly

>you just need to go to the gym and you will find *her*,just gotta put some muscles on those bones!
This is literally true tough. Having muscles is the natural state of man. Men were never supposed to be scrawny hipster twinks like today.

Back in the day men didn't even waste 1 thought on how to attract a girl. They just kept working and their jacked physiques attracted girls automatically. Girls can actually smell testosterone and pheromones and shit subconsciously. Being Jow Forums will just make girls gravitate towards you without them even being aware of it.

Your equation doesnt take social media into account

>everyone deserves a good life
Goddamnit can you shut up for a minute. there are poor people who keep themselves poor and expand their suffering into their children, fucking rapefugees don't deserve to live, neither down syndrome abnormalities and shit
Eugenics when

>Back in the day men didn't even waste 1 thought on how to attract a girl.
That's because it didn't matter. They murdered competitors and raped the women. It's how the Indo-Europeans came to dominate all of Eurasia.

>don't worry, im seasonal affective too
>I know what it's like to be lonely
>Why haven't i seen you with a girlfriend recently
>I love you, user. You're such a good friend

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>just be more confident
>just talk to her

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>If you're having suicidal thoughts, call the suicide hotline at blah blah blah

every time.

You are talking about people who believe that rape cures AIDS.

>shit that normies say that makes you angry to the point that you want to bash their heads in.

Talk about male privilege.

>call the suicide
This is worse than saying "just go fuck yourself you worthless retard," there are people who work for that hotline that absolutely should not be allowed to work there.

>Talk about male privilege.
You don't own a meat tenderizer?

i really cant stand the hurr just gotta try bro durr
theres a reason people like us are hesitant to try some things, all our past experiences are telling us we have a very good chance of fucking it up. its just fucking awful advice that only goes after a small part of the problem

>It'll happen when you stop looking for it
This platitude is so nonsensical it's beyond retarded. If it were true, it would've happened for me because I've "been looking."

>You'll get over it.
Just fuck right off.

>I've "been looking."
So stop? Get a life outside of Tinder and you'll be more interesting

Imagine having no internet. how long could you truly last ? Just because you're not social in public dosent you're not social online

I really don't think exchanging ideas anonymously counts. Although we need to in order to even begin to facilitate a meaningful discussion, there are basically no consequences to what you say so it doesn't matter if you are taking the exchange seriously or not. If you try to talk to someone on the "outside" or in the "real world" people just get flustered and start crying wolf like a toddler. I wouldn't call either of those things proper socializing.

>being isolated gives you permanent brain damage

>not social animal

Ok retard.

that's because you're a fucking repulsive alcoholic, you've got nobody to blame but yourself

Don't project your traumas onto me, I'm not a damn shrink.

what traumas? and what the fuck is a shrink?

>what traumas?
I guess I shouldn't have ruled out that you didn't have a family history of dealing with alcoholics, and that you're just a stuck up tool.
A therapist. Someone who wants to hear your retarded opinions, ie not me.

Goddammit, that was supposed to say NEVER "been looking."

i do have a family history of dealing with alcoholics, but didn't know what were you referring to
it's a fact that smelling like rotting meat in a bucket full of alcohol will make others to avoid and dislike you
but keep coping with
>i-i didn't like you anyways baka!

>i-i didn't like you anyways baka!
Yeah you'd probably be just as much of a judgemental piece of shit if you were also a drunk. Being sober hasn't done anything for your personality, meanwhile I had to quit with no support.

>meanwhile I had to quit with no support
what kind of support would you liked to have? i just do the psychological stuff solo because i can't stand the cliche lines of "specialists", and the fact that they are nice to people for money and not due to honesty
i mean yeah, a hooker is nice to the customer too, but that's a different story
so i'm just wondering what makes others feel motivated when in such situations
>Non-ASCII text is not allowed.

>Always care for others
>Empathy and Sympathy is important
>Don't act like a sociopath

I never understood why I should care so much for other human beings.

t. sociopath
dont fight it

>something something temporary problems

>I know how you feel
Or every fucking time I talk to my senile aunt
>Oh hey user how many girlfriends you got? I bet you have a lot

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>there is no such a thing as normies and autists, user, those are just internet memes

>It'll happen when you stop looking for it
Got to love that normiethink.
When a rejected guys stops looking, there is a good chance he does next to never leave the house, stops working or talking to any people like most of the hikis here.

So what is supposed to happen there, do they think a girl will suddenly approach us in the grocery store or what ?

9 years and I can't forget her, fuck my fucking life

>almost 10 years and i keep stalking her
>tfw i was just one of her 100000 friends
She was perfect its not my fault i was just a kid.

For me it's not a specific line, but the way they try to hold their ground once they realize their normie shit just doesn't work. If I mention how badly I feel and the causes the response is always a list of those normie anti-"depression" solutions like getting fit, learning an instrument or whatever. If I'm able to checkmark every bullshit they come up with they just go
>well user you might have done these things but you didn't do them with the intention of improving! It's a mental thing user!
Fuck this trash I swear to christ. And let's not forget how they immediately drop all false pretenses of wanting to help you once they realize you won't be "helped" by a fucking pep talk and facebook motivational images

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>I'm grateful for x

Fucking servile attitude of the gratitude shills, especially when it's a shit-tier job or fat slob of a wife they're grateful for. Have a fucking imagination.

>suck it up
>life isn't fair
>stop complaining
>grow up (ironically they've failed to grow up themselves)
>nobody owes you anything (usually goat fucker rednecks say this to me)
>too bad (last ditch attempt to discredit me when I proved them wrong on something)

I've become my own social group a long time ago. They don't want me, I don't want them.

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>normalnigger has to move the goalpost

Whenever a girl text that "i really like talking to you." Im too autistic to tell if ahe means it or not. I just assume she doesnt mean it so i dont let myself become attached to roastie magicks.

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You care for them then they care for you, that's how a successful society works

>nobody owes you anything
This one becomes especially funny when it comes from tradesfaggots in my town because they're in a constant state of whining about how younger people don't want to take up trades for subhuman ages and conditions. The kind of people who spout the shit you listed are more often than not massive pussies themselves who throw big tantrums when people don't bow down to their awful standards either

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I always hated being forced into group projects at school. One time it got so bad, I actually dropped a class because of it. Fucking twitter monkeys deliberately excluded me from the project and just gossiped instead. I would have been better doing the project independently.

>normal cattle
Kek, never heard this one before.

I know, dude. Also, whenever they talk about not having enough people where they work. It's really an obvious answer. People don't want to be treated like garbage by their own colleagues and superiors, so they leave. High turnover really is because of a hostile work environment for the most part.

Hell, even a Vietnam vet on our staff quit because of the same thing. Ironic that the worst battle of his life happened on his own home soil, at the hands of his own people.

>Mom tries to fix you again

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>there's nothing wrong with homosexuality
>as a bisexual I
sex addicts and degenerates, that's what you are, free souls for satan

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