what has your experience been like with talking to women from this site?. This has been my experience so far
>first was a legit fembot from iraq. Our conversations where so autistic and boring that i can't help but cringe when looking back at them. too much of a sperg to talk to her basically. we ended up ghosting each other
>second was a tranny from poland (found out she was a tranny after about a week and a half of talking)
>third was an autistic neckbeard trolling me. my blood still boils when i think of that fucker
>fourth is unmarked territory. she seems kinda autistic (which i like) but we haven't many exchanged many messages yet and she still may ghost me
over all it's just a mixed bag of fustration. i feel i'd have better luck talking to women irl at this point
What has your experience been like with talking to women from this site?. This has been my experience so far
holy shit im a tranny from poland do i know you faggot?
yeah probably it's a small world we live in
>>third was an autistic neckbeard trolling me. my blood still boils when i think of that fucker
This was what you deserved tho brah
Why in the name of christ would you actually talk to somebody from this site
I had mostly good experiences with them, but never went deeper than fleeting e-banter and chats. I also met a strangely submissive one on /soc/ who would give out specific nude requests without asking anything in return. I feel bad that I didn't get more out of her.
This was all ages ago, I have no idea how the newer generation is.
very hit and miss
>1st we had an online thing for a bit and she would shake her pantied butt on skype for me all the time when I asked but was too far away to meet... she met a local guy and we fizzled out. we still talk occasionally
>2nd was an asshole and constantly only thought of herself... she did like showing her butthole off to me and always told me she couldnt wait to sit on my face.... we fizzled out over time.. dont talk to her anymore
>3rd was pretty cool and close enough we met. ended up fucking multiple times over 6 months and she just started acting wierd near the end and we ended things.... 3 days later she was in a relationship with some local guy
>4th thru 7th were shit shows and one im sure was a queer playing pretend
>8th and final still visits on occasion a couple of time a month and stays the night... alot of pantied cuddles and makeout sessions. not sure where it's going so im just enjoying it while it's there.
loneliness, boredom, horniness, insanity...idk man. some people really don't have anybody else to talk to
are you one of those dudes who adds every chick in discord threads
yea you are
>first wants to be my gf, is nice and cute, ghosts me after I send face pic
>second I ghost because I realize she lives in Europe and I am likely wasting my time
>third ghosts me/stand me up on date, still not sure if it was a legit standing up or if she was a catfish/troll or not
can't say I'm shocked that relationships from this website have faltered, but at the same time I'm desperate enough to still try.
i'm not man. i don't even have discord cause it's gay
Same as talking to any other woman, I can't think of anything to say to her so she gets bored of me almost immediately. Can't say I blame them
well you are the type
all is lacking is a discord account
Girls on Jow Forums are all super flaky. 95% will ghost you before meeting. That being said, I've played the numbers game, and managed to have 2 gfs and fucked 3 others from this site.
really? how many in total have you contacted and with what medium (discord, kik etc.)? 5% would mean 5/100 which is quite a lot user. I think I put too much effort into each individual girl so I can't pump my number up to play the numbers game, I've probably contacted about 10 max, maybe 15 with no success. share your wisdom user.
It was pretty nice
We talked for like an hour and thats it. She was really nice tho.
Maybe i bored her :p
I'm an old fag and have been here for years so I've had the opportunities. That 95/5 was a rough estimate, but I guess it includes girls with whom I only exchanged 2-3 messages before she flaked. So maybe it's not unrealistic to estimate I've messaged 100-200 girls. Maybe about 20-30 that I've talked to for longer periods of time. Met... 8 in person I think. And as mentioned, 3 I hooked up with, 2 that became gfs (and one still is).
I've used whatever media they prefer (email, kik, discord). It really is just a numbers game and takes lots of patience, in fact you shouldn't be on Jow Forums to find girls. Rather, just be on the lookout for opportunities and go for it when you see one. My current gf I found on another board, in a totally unrelated thread, and we exchanged contacts just because it turned out we live close to each other.
I've added a few, most don't last more than the day/night. They just start using one word replies and stop initiating.
When they do last longer it's nice though and they compliment me heaps so that's good?
what do fembots want when talking to robots?. do they all expect it to get sexual eventually?. i mean they say they just want to be frens with us but i honestly don't buy that
thank you for your wisdom user, I guess it really is a numbers game after all. thanks for your help, you've really changed my perspective.
>first 10 are all shallow, boring americans, half of them were trannies
>eleventh is a girl from the netherlands, after months of talking she comes to my country for holidays, we meet up and have a great time but don't really talk much after that
Any european fembots in here want to talk?
where are you from?
blah blah original comment
probably not original
any more specific?
I'd be inclined to be more specific if I knew your intentions
well I am an european fem so just wanted to know where are you from yourself
There are no European fembots, sadly. All the mentally fucked up hypersexual fembos are in Burgerland or Aussieland.
That still doesn't say anything about your intentions
I'm Irish
Messing with crazy mostly. I knew a few from /soc/ when r9k was deleted. Dated one, lasted 2.5 years. I believe she had BPD, maybe to a minor degree but definitely something, obvious how that turned out. When r9k came back i moved back here, at some point i met a girl and got together. Really sad case, severely depressed, disabled and now she has money issues. Dated for 3+ years. Broke up with me today because she thinks she's better off to just wither away alone and that I'm better off without her and finding someone better. rip me
Knew a few others, only one i ever got relatively close other than those was a pretty manic girl with drug problems, she wanted to hang out so she went to a con with me and we hung out, didn't turn out well. I'm way too anti-social for that shit. Had intermittent contact with her after that but lost it after a while, found her facebook, she dead, couldn't figure out from what. Was probably something drug/drunk driving/suicide related though.
I'm European but don't add people from here because of everyone's attitude in the past.
What sort of attitude, and what are you/are you not looking for?
Probably the one that involves jumping into a conversation between two people
another user from spain. what country do you live in fren
I'm European but I don't generally add people because I'm not very good at one on one chats with strangers.
Everyone I've spoken to from Jow Forums in the past except one individual has been very belittling.
They've all been firm believers in the "women cannot have real hobbies" thing and constantly accused me of being a poser for having an interest in the things I like. While at the same time demanding I dox myself to prove who I am.
I just keep it anonymous now and have brief conversations with others in threads.
if i see myself itt described as a woman i will bite your tit.
my intentions are that I would be willing to talk to you but I guess this isn't the best place to meet people
It's true there are a lot of entitled manchildren on Jow Forums. I'm not one of them, but then again I guess we are more lurkers than anything. Us more normal people are here just to shitpost.
Why didn't you say so from the beginning? it's as simple as asking someone for their contact, instead you drag it out, mention your gender and get swarmed by thirsty losers
Hard for me to not believe that wasn;t your original intention.
If you want to talk, however my discord is
> insults someone
> heh heh if you wanna talk heres my discord
Mostly negative but it's my fault for being weird, creepy, obsessive, etc. Really good with one and I like her a lot. She's away a lot lately though because of IRL problems. I hope she's alright. I think I could have made a lot of good friends if I wasn't such a cunt. Unfortunately people like me are the reason fembots are apprehensive to talk to robots. At least I'm not as bad as the ones who post their pictures and addresses on Jow Forums but I'm still not a good guy. Currently in contact to some degree with three femanons, only two of which can vaguely be considered fembots.
I haven't insulted anyone?
Here's one though, learn how to comprehend text coherently.
hey i mean that's relatively close if you compare it to america. fancy talking offsite? i have email
she was obviously offering to talk to you dude. congrats on autisticly srewing yourself over
Just do it, faggot. You either stop being strangers or you ghost the guy.
ive talked to two. one was fat and weird but she was sweet. the other was fat and aggressive. can femanons just stop being fucking fat please
Someone on Jow Forums has shit social skills? Call the tabloids!
no discord?
very original
This passive-aggressive behaviour is why she left, dude.
I'm not even the person you replied to, if you're such a social alpha you should have stole his contact from him, dude.
user Who Had a Chance With Fembot, Shots Himself in Foot and Ends Up Alone
>except one
And what happened with him?
>While at the same time demanding I dox myself to prove who I am.
This was the key part, I don't think they actually cared about all the rest of the shit, they just wanted to see your titties. I mean, depending on your hobbies it really might sound like poser shit, but if you're just sporting the typical anime-vidya-whatever set, I doubt they really cared.
If you're a fembot you're not expected to be good at chatting anyway, you're just expected to be a fucktoy.
uh nope. is that a problem?
I still regularly talk to him.
I really like reading, cinematography and some other things.
Actually I added him instead and we're having an awesome conversation about books so fuck you.
> same fag pretending she's talking to him
how sad
>1st was really nice to me and even tried to learn my native language but at some point we realized that there was no way we could actually meet IRL so we decided to stay friends.
>2nd was extremely selfish and also were
constantly begging for money so at somepoint i just blocked her.
So i guess it's just hit or miss
I fuked up my ">" feels fucking bad man
user please, you where behaving slightly autistic before. Don't go full retard
how do i talk to women(female) of this site?
have you tried talking to people outside, in person?
>but I can't do that
look up social skills guides and practice at home
talked to some guys(girls maybe?) from omegle tag r9k. They are all super chill and decent until you say some trigger word and they go full autist mode.
yeah its best not to mention your a soc faggot there
>what has your experience been like with talking to women from this site?.
I guess it's just easier with disc, but ok, whats your email then?
Sometimes I wish I was an American and I could find female spergs to fuck. Here in Europe it's a deadland. Eh, I should go out more.
yeah i should probably get that or steam some time as hardly anybody uses email anymore...
[email protected]
this is too true. women in europe are complete normalfags for the most part
then what kind of woman is ok and 'autistic' enough for your standarts?
Meh, I just wish I could find a cute little sperg to sperg out with and have occasional sexy times with. Stupid ass continent.
I'll make a threat I suppose ????
I've talked to a good number of femanons over the years, usually our conversations fizzle after the first day. Others disappear within a day or two. Still friends with a few. Only met one IRL, not for sex or anything though.
>tfw virgin at 26
Not a good strategy to get a gf or laid unless you live in NYC or some shit
Vast majority I've talked to offsite were cool gals. E-dated a few, ghosted by one of those, broke up with another, and got broken up with by the third.
i think youve accidentally posted in the wrong place
Not a single one was from /soc/. I don't post there my dude. It was all a few years ago and in random threads on here.
Not him but not an NPC at least, that's all I ask out of people in general, for the rest idk
If only they would post on Jow Forums.
Each of them were histrionic cancer talking just to get attention then ghost when they're done.
Literally any girls from another site are more decent.
there's a really cute trap that browses here who I met over xbox live and they're making me question my sexuality from across the country
literally few already did on this board but hur dur women dont exist
How do you meet so Manny people from here? I've only ever talked to some normie guy that kept talking to me about how great his gf was. That was on omegle, years ago.
user here from Europe. Lived in 3 countries so far. All the girls I have met so far wouldn't have needed Jow Forums. Even the so called spergs around here I have met online, they either came from Telegram groups or from dating apps like Tinder, which again is popular only in part of this continent.
So yes, I highly doubt we'll find someone interesting here, and prove me wrong.
Mmph, seems an interesting very secure guy the one you're describing.
Also define Manny. Our entire generation is doomed, no respect at all nor any sense of responsibility.
That was a typo, I meant many as in large quantity.
Ah I could have seen that.
Thanks android keyboard
I think it's funny that we all praise Jow Forums for being able to post as user yet keep desiring actual contact.
Makes the advantage feel pointless.
We're all alone and we need contact after all. We just want to build something at the end. And here everything fades away. Which is nice somehow, but not enough after a bit.
Now it is time for me to select all squares with hydrants.
>1st: Hit it off as friends
>found out she was 16 after the fact
>after 2 weeks she was suddenly rude and pissed at me, then blocked me
>still have absolutely no idea what happened
>2nd: We talked all day for the first 2 days
>find out she's ALSO underaged
>she has some very niche obsessions which i respect but can't enjoy with her
>slowly just kind of stop talking
All I want to do is make a nice fembot friend. What's up with all the children here?
Never talked to one and probably never will. I'm legitimately scared of women in general
Most people on this site look really toxic, I wouldn't look for women in here.
I met my gf here years ago in r9k skype. All in all a good experience.
tfw super nervous because someone here might be talking about me
>femanon posts her email in the thread
>email her just to see what happens
>we chat back-and-forth for a little bit for a few days
>she stops responding
i'm talking about you right this second...
>third was an autistic neckbeard trolling me. my blood still boils when i think of that fucker
hahaha serves you right you faggot
hey well...that's like...you know...your opinion; dude...
I met a fembot IRL. She was a boring right-winger weeaboo. It wasn't nice. Gave up on hoping to meet someone from Jow Forums.
I spoke to that Eve chick for a bit. Does anyone have her nudes?
>what do fembots want when talking to robots?.
Someone into and excited about the same games/anime as me since my family can't relate to stuff like that. If there's any chemistry then a person to be intimate with since getting an irl bf just isn't feasible and projecting your ideal partner is easier on online people.
That description sums up 90% of the men here too tho.