Mom died today. I've never felt so alone.
Mom died today. I've never felt so alone
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Bummer. Hope you come out the other side all right.
Might I suggest reading this book to help process some of your current feelings?
sorry for your loss. here, have a meme to cheer you up
Sorry for your loss, OP. She loved you and was proud of you, even if you can't say the same about yourself. You'll move on. She'll always be with you, someway, whether or not you're religious or any of that stuff. Just keep your head up and try to do your best.
>Mom died today.
im sorry op. i hope my mom never dies. im gonna hug her extra closer next time.
Can you kill yourself, OP? I would. Life isn't worth living without your parents.
Indeed. Let today be the day you give up on being the guy who had a mom, and accept your new life as a guy whose mom is dead as fuck. This is extremely sound advice.
Maybe this will offer you some consolation in these trying times of yours.
my condolences user, she'll always be in your heart... talking about her and keeping her memory alive will ease the pain
all these mommas boys
i hate my mom
Fuck you nigger
Burn in hell
what a sad life that you must live
this is what i fear will happen one day if i don't answer one of those "your mother will die in her sleep" posts. sorry for your loss Op
Respect his feelings, you degenerate
kys, nigger
Here, your (you)
me too , not like these all these s o y goys
get a new one
original idea
If mine does I'll kms immideately. There is nothing else that keeps me bound to this world
Hmmmmmm.... you got a full image for that one?
based sugoi desu-ne
I'm sorry for your loss user. I fear that day.
My condolences user
You'll get stronger from this, chin up and treasure the good moments.
Really sorry for your loss user. Make sure you take care of yourself and take things one day at a time
I'm really sorry, OP. What happened, if I may ask?
My condolences my dude. Now, it's actually gonna get worse the next couple days, but then it will slowly tapper out in a couple of weeks. You'll be okay.
This is the worst possible thing I could imagine. Sorry for your loss op. If you feel the need, maybe just take a long walk and never return. Leave your life behind and start a new one somewhere else. That is my plan at least
She was battling breast cancer. Today she lost.
I'm not good at comforting people but I'm really sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and remember that she loved you dearly.
I'm sorry user, that must be the hardest thing in the world
You're never alone in clown world
Sorry for your big loss fellow robrot, try not to let your sadness overtake your mind, stay strong
I'm so sorry user. We're all going to day someday, so you know you'll reunite with her.
I'm so sorry user. Take care of yourself, ok?
>not hating your mother
Come on step it up
I've got an aunt on the verge of death. Stage IV breast cancer that has spread to the bones. She's late 60s so not exactly young, but it still feels kinda weird. Doesn't live where I live so I won't be able to go to the funeral (poorfag) kinda sucks but I guess we all die eventually.
Stay strong user. Survive and sone day you will feel better
>hating your mother
i truly am sorry for people like you, who don't know what it is to have caring mother
or if youre just a fag who hates her because of >le epic win i hate me mum then just kys unironically
Can neckbeards get breast cancer ?
Hey OP I'm really sorry and i hope you find stability sooon.
And don't listen to these edgy cunts
Sorry to hear that , op and reply next time
fug you mang
even yours if you won't reply to your own post
fuck you in an not only original, but exquisite way
Sorry for your loss. We all have to depart one day. I stopped making friends because of the fact that I knew one day we would part from each other. Departures always left a hole.
Today my mom asked if I love her and I said "no". Tfw this thread.
Sometimes I do hate my mother, but I'll try to be more comprehensive of her limitations.
My condolences, OP. Losing a parent is tough, but death is as much a part of life as is being born, so we ought to respect the person's day of death. Thinking this way helped me with my own fathe's departure.