>He asks about my day every single day
Dude just stop
He asks about my day every single day
Why does she have two mouths? Lanigiro
To suck Jerome's dick and balls at the same time
I do this, how else do I keep contact?
I guess my tip for you is be a little more confrontational because in the long run it will do you more good than bad?
>you know you don't need to constantly ask about my day right? I know you care about me
something like that I guess.
This. I know that's the point of these meme threads but this one unironically struck a cord with me. I'm an autist and saying something like "how's your day" is the best I can do but I hate myself everytime I say it.
ask about more interesting things my man, small talk is lame and doesn't keep people's attention
>even when we dont ask you still tell us every detail anyway
>talking to ugly girls like you
I always thought it was a nice thing to start a conversation with, they can bring up any interesting shit then so can I, we then go from there.
it's more difficult when they give you nothing to work on. one word answers etc.
Idk what else to say to someone :(
>that's the most interesting thing I could come up with
Yeah I should probably just kms
I thought women liked to talk about bullshit. How am I supposed to start a conversation? Ask them if they want to learn to fold origami swans or something?
Never listen to any female wojak posters; they're 100% of the time a LARPer/tranny.
My GF likes when I check in on her because she likes getting attention from me. It all depends on the person.
that's true man. I just wouldn't waste your time on somebody that only gives you one word answers
>small talk is lame and doesn't keep people's attention
If you're ugly. Yes.
Nigger, learn some social skills
>social skills
>on r9k
ok mate
Oh of course, the only reason I have no social skills is because I didn't know I needed them
I think we're all ugly here. Our only hope is being good at conversations, no?
Im pretty or else guys wouldnt be asking me how Im doing everyday
Insightful response there you fucking moron. As if I wouldn't love to have social skills??
doesnt count when you start the conversation, tr*nny
Have you ever tried telling him to stop?
god you kind of people make me want to fucking delete the world again
Well he sounds like the incel type so I kinda dont wanna die
If i was this person i'd probably be glad not to interact with you too much, you sound very toxic i am sure he will understand.
you've deleted the world before user?
>he posts the most cringy femcancer threads every single day.
dude just stop
so where is she now? it's been two years
Trannies nearly always kill themselves in their early 30s so you can expect 6 feet under
This is objectively false because most trannies don't even start transitioning until their 40's.
Most likely married to some middle-management guy.