I basically love sleeping dreaming movies vidya jerking off and eating whenever i want also love the nature and druggiez i also love free time and feel bad anytime i have to do something
>why should i be a fucking wagecuck? And slave away my free time instead of carefree enjoyment?
people who think being a wagie is so moral compared to the leech neets should end themselves
wagies are the slaves of shareholders banks and the jews and they are fucking proud of that i can't imagine anything more pathetic
>being a NEET by choice is the best you can do to yourself
Literally infinite time to enjoy life if you can get neetbux somehow and you do not take the opporrunity it means you are an NPC who can't fucking spend his limited lifetime so would rather work pathetic asf.
Of course if you enjoy your work its an another case but most people don't
>wagies care about future and society rather than being a parasite this is the normalfag mentality i think
true robots are NEETs change my mind
NEET vs Wagie thread
I honestly think I'm a natural-born wagecuck, I always work really hard at my job despite it being a shit minimum wage one. I'm just one of the plebs whose entire purpose is to be used by people with power and leadership skills.
And do you enjoy it or you just can't do anything else so you work as a coping mechanism? Also would you mind to work harder and vote for socialdemocrats so us NEETs can get that NEETbux?
Wagie here, I sort of get the best of both worlds
>Work night shift IT and automate a lot of my tasks. Mostly just sit at my desk and have free time to shitpos and watch Youtube videos.
>Normies see me as a role model and an intelligent member of society because I have a job and get decent pay.
okay this is cool asf based and redpilled
My boss started the company around 25 years ago with only a handful of employees and now the madman is pushing numbers in the millions every month. I am proud to work for such a man and have some pride in my work.
You think the economy is bad now? If my company and others like mine didn't servd their function the economy would have literally imploded a long time ago.
No also capitalism is good but im uncapable to work(could but don't want to waste time on it) so i want companies to automatize their workforce and gimme muh neetbux
NEET masterrace reporting in. Fuck normalfags and wagecucks.
>if you can get neetbux somehow and you do not take the opporrunity it means you are an NPC who can't fucking spend his limited lifetime so would rather work pathetic asf.
I think pretty much everyone agrees with this, we would all neet if we could do it without lowering our standard of living. That's why people save up for retirement. I'm a wagecuck but I will be losing my job soon, however I have no source of neetbux so I better find a new job soon or hope Yang wins
I'm waging it up for now but I'm definitely going to go NEET after I build up my bucks to the point where I can live off them. That will be a sweet sweet day. I'm up to a few grand a month already but I'm hoping for maybe 6 to 7
My boss cannot afford a robot nor a program sophsticated enough to handle the nuances of my job. Not for five, ten or even twenty years maybe my job, mediocre as it may be, is safe.
A lot of other stuff in service POS systems and the like will be automated or else streamlined to require less manpower and many people buying into the NEET meme are going to be in trouble later on
what do you do for a living?
or do you live with your parents?
>NEET vs Wagie thread
No. kys
well the thing is: your arguments are totally valid, it makes sense to not wanna be a wagecuck for little pay. it's just that the very reason your lifestyle is possible ARE all those normie wagecucks who keep the system running and donating a part of their tax dollars to you. they're your benefactors and you're leeching off society.
there's no doubt that not working is easier than working, but that's not how the world works. if enough people are like you, society collapses and you're forced to work again as you would have been before neetbux existed. you gotta realize that you're essentially like a kid refusing to grow up and take responsibility. people like you are what's wrong with the welfare system.
i gotta ask, though: are you not ashamed and/or depressed about the state of your life and that you're essentially like the baby in the big family that is society: not doing anything useful and demanding help from others because you won't survive without them?
>"fuck normalfags and wagecucks"
except wagecucks are the very reason you, a useless leech, are not starving right now. you're hating on the people who enable you to live the way you do, and instead of being thankful you hate on them? people like you make me wish there was no welfare so all the useless assholes wouldn't be allowed to survive without doing anything useful for any other person. you're living in a nanny state that provides everything for you and all you're doing is biting the hand that feeds you.
i hope feds will start tracking down neets who post shit like this and cut their welfare. it's supposed to help you get on your knees and find a job so you can be a useful part of society, you lazy piece of shit
Well i understand you but i belive with work i would be the one who the rich use out also the state would take my money to afford things i don't need this is literally 2 bad choice so id rather be with the ones who get free money than the ones who produce it
if the means of productions would be owned by us and we could get 25$ an hour as minimum wage and could work part time id work but this is a joke so sorry but im with the neet masterrace
Yes everyone who works is useful for society we don't overproduce and we deffo need instagram celebrities selling us shit we don't need
Kys you are just a fucking NPC don't be proud
You were spawned to work faggot
NEETkings vs wagepeasants.
NEETking: does whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
wagepeasant: only ever does things related to work and paying off his blooddebt.
NEETking: Is the next stage of human evolution.
wagepeasant: is basically cattle for Jews and NEETkings.
NEETking: Is gentle and easy going.
wagepeasant: wants everyone to follow his slave morality but secretly hates himself and everyone.
NEETking: Always making fresh OC and coming up with interesting new ideas and philosophies.
wagepeasant: so tired from work they can only ever manage to repeat the same stale memes and buzzwords over and over, usually in a very hostile way.
gotta be honest i like working in a job, i like working hard in the hours designated for work.
it makes time off sweeter, i wish i had more time off.
I also long for independence and i see that working for yourself is a path to this in the modern internet age, however with no rule structure to follow self starting is very difficult
this thread is legit depreesing
neetking never got laid. the wagepeasant like myself can describe to you what the inside of a vagina feels like
something you will never ever know
wagepeasant: takes pride in having sex with std riddled whores who takes pills that make the sterile.
NEETking: Fathers 20+ children with several different women.
you have literally never touched a naked woman though
I am a painter NEET, been working on my masterpiece since high school ended and will continue to add touches here and there until age 65 when I will retire to pursue my painting full time, once I have the time.
NEETking: literally have several children.
wagepeasant: works at macdonalds can't pay his rent.
I am speaking to YOU now, user, the one who has never lay naked with a woman,
I couldn't be a NEET because I like money too much. Being a wagie has it's drawbacks (time is obviously the biggest cost here) but in exchange for that time I get enough money to participate in several fun and compelling hobbies. Working lets me have a house to myself, a car, all the drugs and booze I could want. Working sucks but being poor sucks more.
NEETking: Has completed his evolutionary purpose and passed on his genes.
wagepeasants: has a meltdown online at the thought of this.
>I basically love sleeping dreaming movies vidya jerking off and eating whenever i want also love the nature and druggiez i also love free time and feel bad anytime i have to do something
One simple question: are you guaranteed your cost of living for your entire life?
Yes, you are permanently providing money for me, slave. If you should choose not to cooperate, you will be made an example of and the next slave in line will step up if he knows what's good for him.
it's no use. he's brainwashed himself from reality
I am a virgin because I'm a NEET. As soon as women find out you're NEET, they automatically think you're a loser. There is no way to get sex. If I fooled a girl into being with me, as soon as we were seen together someone would inform her that I'm a NEET and she'd be pressured to leave or just do it herself due to contempt. Since everything gets shared online nowadays, there's no way to keep NEEThood a secret, so no pussy. A NEET has to rape.
A few days ago Mr shekelberg paid 25 pounds for my food in a restaurant, paid for a hotel stay and a flight from Glasgow to Birmingham. I wouldn't have such luxuries as a NEET
When you grow up and mature you will notice how retarded this thread is.
what were you doing at ages 13 to 18 when all of you peers were having sex? all of them. nobody cares if kids are NEET
Well we can't do anything with that but we have the chance of findin a NEET gf
Also it still not validates slaving your life away cuz puss puss women are stupid anyways but you can get a sissy gf as a neet or a fellow neet gf
>Do labor
>Get good at labor
>Make connections
>Get counter offers
All of a sudden, your interactions with your boss are voluntary because, if they pull some shit you hate, then you can leave. Like, if you're at the forefront of sales or software engineering, then your boss can't restrict your benefits or demand overtime from you. There's not that many specifically skilled laborers out there and your manager probably sucks dick at recruiting.
>user, I'm going to go skiing in Vale, Colorado, so I need you to do X, Y, and Z for me
"I don't think so, Rival Company J was offering me a 10% higher salary with more time off without that responsibility"
>Okay, I guess I'll cancel my plans then, REEEEEEEE
The entire economy seems to be structured to rush as quickly as possible into skilled labor by licking as many boots and getting into as much college debt as possible (if you're not born rich). Entrepreneurship and executive positions seem like a miserable meme of keeping skilled laborers happy in exchange for money that you couldn't give 2 shits about. NEET seems like suffering and stagnation as people look down on you without financial security.
>Entrepreneurship and executive positions seem like a miserable meme of keeping skilled laborers happy in exchange for money that you couldn't give 2 shits about.
It's your personal opinion, but counterpoint: there are a lot of overly loyal, skilled dogs out there in the economy. I've had very skilled and driven software engineer colleagues who still spend time at home developing do mental gymnastics on how to spend more time at work or do unpaid overtime. Also, a bit unfair to compare a mediocre entrepreneur/executive with a very skilled and aware worker, given a good entrepreneur can do much better and carry similar risks as his mediocre counterpart. Agree otherwise though.
>overly loyal, skilled dogs
God what a disgusting combination.
>Also, a bit unfair to compare a mediocre entrepreneur/executive with a very skilled and aware worker, given a good entrepreneur can do much better and carry similar risks as his mediocre counterpart.
My intention was to say, given a choice between being an entrepreneur and a skilled laborer, I'd probably choose the latter. I think an entrepreneur has to do a lot more work and nobody is trying to keep you happy. I imagine a skilled entrepreneur making compromises to a skilled laborer's vision, cutting them lucrative checks, carrying more risks, and again spending more hours working. The self-employed field strikes me as very winner-take-all. So unless your dick gets hard for competition and vast riches, you might find more success elsewhere.
Any NEETs sell blood platelets or plasma for cash? In California, I believe you can sell platelets once a week and plasma once a month. You get $20 - $50 per donation so that would be potentially $100 - $250 a month.
I make $200 a month doing chores for my grandma already. If I got a big savings bond I could make an additional $50 a month. My expenses are only $275 per month so I could potentially squirrel away $225 a month or $2700 a year. Even if I had to pay taxes on it, I would probably get 100+% of it back. I would like to see most wagecucks save that much a year.