How does it feel being caught in a culture war where the only people you can side with are:
1) Degenerate people you hate who side with you for their own gain(Liberals, SJWs, etc.) 2) People who you have more in common with, but unconditionally hate you (Neocons, Natsocs, etc.)
You can always join other muzzos and try and force sharia law in your local neighrbourhood/city/state. Although I'd rather you kill yourself in that case
Michael Jones
Conservative Baptist user here. We need more of you TRADITIONALIST Muslims around here.
The real enemy is atheism. Muslims are Abrahamic people of the book with similar traditions. Muslims are closer to Protestants than some Protestants would like to think.
>How does it feel Like a whole lot of cognitive dissonance buried under mountains of stupidity caused by inbreeding. Just a guess.
Oliver Diaz
>The real enemy is atheism. Muslims are Abrahamic people of the book with similar traditions. 2nd gommunist atheist purge when? Cant wait till the nutters start to burn all churches, mosques and synagogues and throw acid at protesters outside of planned parenthood.
>*tips fedora* I dont agree with islam or abrahamic religions in general but people need to believe in something this universe didn't just pop into existence
Jack Hughes
>but people need to believe in something this universe didn't just pop into existence Could you rephrase this into a coherent thought?
Andrew Gray
Oh thanks, fellow Theologian user.
Personally caught up in this messup myself when all I want to do is worship God. There are too many attacks on worshippers these days (whether the attackers and the attacked be either Christians or Muslims) perpetrated by those who lack the understanding of tradition and true value of worship.
As we stray further from the light of tradition, we fall for the myths of hedonism, and materialism and are at each other's throats.
Brandon Cruz
you could just take on science and facts you know? not all people need to believe in something magical just to get thru the day
Isaiah Foster
>be abrahamic faiths >develop into a worldwide cult with puppet branches >kill people throughout history over resources, constantly display hypocrisy and refuse to own up to the actions of false believers >create Vatican city >monopolize faith as a whole, introduce globalist agenda, ruin fucking everything >"WE WUZ VICTIMS" >"I just wanna pray guys i'm not hurting nobody ;_; look at how sad I am"
Oh they did that in China during the Cultural Revolution, and now look at these folks.
They're treated as productive units and nothing more.
Because Atheism has a Formalism that is completely dependent on Scientism, the latter doesn't really know for certain the things in themselves, which contradicts the very idea of formalism.
This results in the most inhumane reductionism imaginable.
That men are basically just machines whose being is determined by stats relative to other men in the world.
Jayden Price
>Be stable Atheist society >JK Atheism isn't stable for a society
The morals of Atheism are relative. Moral relativity is self refuting because it can't affirm or deny itself to be right or wrong.
The end result, a society full of degenerates who can't discern right from wrong.
Luis Sanchez
>The end result, a society full of degenerates who can't discern right from wrong. I'm not seeing a difference between that and what we have right now.
Ian Hernandez
It feels amazing user You won't fathom how great it is
We can be number 2, hate on gays, females, Jews, liberals etc. But whatever we do and think is justified by the people of no. 1 who are the majority like 95%
>That's my point. That there isn't a significant difference between atheism and religion since most people are hedonistic fuckheads regardless of whether or not they derive their idealism from an ancient cult?
Jonathan Reyes
The point is to rid yourself of that hedonism, which can be done through religion.
The only claim I assented to, was that Atheist societies are unstable.
Hudson Richardson
>which can be done through religion. Religion isn't necessary to do this though. It's obsolete. >unstable ok well we'll talk about this again when religious people start to acknowledge the stupid shit that the people on their end are still doing because they suffer from untreated schizophrenia but call the voices "God" or "Allah" so its ok. nevermind the illiteracy rate among some religious people, so they couldn't even read the bible if they want to and only understand scripture out of context.
Noah Perez
Who knew? We were so privileged the whole time...
Aiden Taylor
until they outnumber you, then you'll have to pay the Jizya while the Muslims jizz in ya wife/gf/sister/etc, and that's if they're feeling merciful honestly, libertarian atheists being in charge is best for all religious people, as we're the ones least likely to murder, censor, or otherwise oppress you, just mock you for falling for the Jews' tricks
Noah Sanchez
You can't make an argument because you are operating under the assumption that 1) Religion is obselete 2) Religion isn't stable
Insofar as the former is concerned, it exists today, practiced by nearly every person on the planet. For a religion to be obselete implies that a new belief system overtakes it, but Atheism by itself has been refuted several times in the last two millennia.
Insofar as the latter is concerned, some of the best advancements made in Philosophy, were under the influence of religion, or some kind of belief system.
Whether it be the advancements of Al Farabi, Avicenna, Thomas Acquinas, Etc.
Atheism has no belief system, any motivation to puruse anything.
Benjamin Morgan
>the Jews' tricks Probably because atheism isn't an extension of Judaism and doesn't prioritize valuing feelings over what can be proven as far as human perception will allow. I think theology is interesting from a historical standpoint but it ends there.
Eli Walker
It's fucking awful. I am planning to go to uni in canada, but I'm constantly worried by the fact that I'll move away from everyone I know and live in complete isolation, because the only people I would like to be friends with are people that would most likely hate/avoid muslims. Not like I can hide it either, my name is incredibly muslim
Xavier Powell
Kill yourself you inbred shitskin piece of shit.
Isaac Thomas
Why don't they just stop being Muslim? They know their religion is built on lies, encourages violence and deception, and that their particular god simply does not exist.
Pick a better religion.
Alexander Diaz
Don't worry user Most of those folks who hate you are Jow Forumstards and incels who wished they were like you.
Best of luck to you user
Juan Gutierrez
honestly, the existence of other Abrahamic religions is a big part of why I have Jewish guilt, we've fucked up the world horribly first, not everyone is bright enough to figure that out, especially when these beliefs have been drilled into their heads from early childhood. second, their families would ostracize them, and if they ever go back to a Muslim country/area they're in physical danger
Nicholas Evans
It's uncultured people like you who have no respect for any kind of culture.
No wonder why your society lacks it today.
Levi Sanchez
Yup thanks
Thanks user, I guess that's how I feel because I spend most of my time here which is saturated by pol fags
Gavin Morales
>Jewish guilt, if you don't believe any of it you're not Jewish in practice, and you can't help who your parents are either, so it's not like you personally were around 2000 years ago to write Gilgamesh fan fiction knowing most people can't read.
Ethan Roberts
>islam >culture
You may pick one, and only one.
Noah Cook
What's the difference?
||Inb4 "Islam is a meanie"||
Adam Hall
Morrowind is such a good game.
Carter Hughes
Islamic culture is dead. They had it, once, but it's like gone. It existed during the golden age, about 2-300 years ago.
Jaxon Williams
Islam destroys culture.
Wyatt Butler
As a Christian, Islam is a by product of the degeneracy carried out by the jews to undermine Jesus Christ. Islam is a false religion created by a false prophet.
Robert Evans
Non Muslim Middle Eastern guy here. I have never had friends and im not about to have any. My life has always been shit so this is something that just makes it that bit shittier.
Nathan Powell
It doesnt make a difference dude. Im not Muslim but regardless people will still hate you for being Middle Eastern. This whole muh izlam memery was never about the religion, it has always been a cover for racism against middle easterners because its far more politically correct these days to hate on a religion than it is to hate on a group of people.
Nolan Cooper
>it has always been a cover for racism against middle easterners No, it's been a reaction to the constant acts of terrorism. You could pretend to be indian and most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. You can just say you're arab, and, again, no-one would mind. When you say muslim is when people get concerned, because of what muslims are doing.
Leo Thomas
I am the user that hates Abrahamic religions. But Islam the least for now. I don't consider myself sjw or anything of that sort but I have sympathy for some middle easterners. I used to have one Arabian friend that was not full on conservatard but very muslim regardless. He did dislike gays and think women are tad bit inferior but that really is to be expected of anyone turbo religious(Abrahamic) Still he'd appreciate good things in life like charity, peace and so forth. Guess I just have personal beef with Christians. They just seem most retarded/phony to me.
Juan Young
No. People hate Islam because these people are descecrating Christian buildings at an insane rate, you know, in the name of Islam.
Islam is a threat, non-islamic middle easterners, not so much.
Adrian Jones
are you kidding me? Islam is the most violent, oppressive religion on the planet currently. personally, I have the least problem with Christianity, as it's the least Jewish of the three and has some good elements from Greek philosophy
Dominic Young
thats what their during the enlightenment. Guess what? Nietzsche,Marx and Freud happened.
Cameron Martin
It is one of their pillars that they have to give to charity, but they often choose very questionable charities.
Cooper Bailey
>charities jews literally do this to avoid paying taxes, you really think it's different for the others?
Kayden Mitchell
Jews do a lot of weird things to get around the rules of their own religion, let alone other rules. They're in a league of their own.
I can't remember how to crossboard, so forgive a fuck up.
Zachary Morales
On personal level he just helped out poor people or unemployed. Never deal with any organizations.
Hunter Sullivan
how was atheism refuted? where can i read something about the above?
Benjamin Cox
>These dipshits realize if that is the case their very brains are breaking their rules and they should probably kill themselves? bahahaha
Ryan Edwards
and what had they to say about religion, dipshit?
Jaxson Lee
>I'm not Muslim but regardless people will still hate you for being Middle Eastern. I wouldn't, but also I acknowledge that Muslims have made it dangerous for people in Arab families to express freedom of religion so that makes it hard for me to ascertain how someone from a middle eastern country might think, just as a need to survive.
Luke Long
Okay well you may feel that way but the vast majority of people who go on about islam just use it as a cover for racism against Middle Easterners.
Just look at this, an example right in front of you
Dylan Young
>but the vast majority of people who go on about islam just use it as a cover for racism against Middle Easterners. do you have proof? I'm not saying stormfags don't exist and aren't racist, but you really think the people ITT other than that one single person you quoted are mad because Arabs are brown, and not because of terrorist attacks against "white people" and "the west"?
Owen Peterson
And Christians do not do that? They are the worst. SEND US UR SEED! !!
Eli Perry
Well the majority of Islam hate comes from those on the far right, the idea of those people being racist isnt really a stretch by any means.
Wyatt Gray
>those people One person ITT. Hardly a majority, but Jow Forums may be different depending on whether or not you're posting obvious bait.