Guy's you used to think were huge

guy's you used to think were huge

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He's a big guy

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"I still do, but I used to, too."

RIP Mitch Hedberg

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Hes like 6’7

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This man's pecs look like one giant pec. His upper arms are short and narrower than both his forearms and his shoulders. How did he achieve this?

Doing only flat bench and OHP. That's it no other lifts. Not even squatting and certainly no isolations.

>mfw mostly doing flat bench and OHP
>but also squat, deadlift, pullups and curls

I-I'm not destined for that, am I?

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That didn't stop him from getting raped by five black men on the steaming hot summer of 1992.

"I close my eyes when I'm on stage, because I drew a picture of an audience enjoying the show more on the back of my eyelids."
He made me laugh a lot. I should listen to his CD's again, haven't in a while.

Well not if you're doing squat, deadlift, pull ups, and curls as well. You'll get daddy mode as long as you eat properly

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Not huge, but muscular
>tfw it's all about persona

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Based The Warriors poster
Loved playing Ajax on the game and just punch everyone

isnt this the dude that came out on the metoo shit saying he was molested or someshit?

I don't know about Nash but you know who got sexually assaulted?
Terry Crews. Imagine having the chutzpah to just grope Camacho.

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He’s literally a 7 footer

kek this is a good one

absolutely based Ajax post
dude was a massive chad and alpha as fuck
