She left me brobots. What helps with heartbreak?

She left me brobots. What helps with heartbreak?

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Time and new gf

first step is to gtfo normie scum

Jow Forums, booze and realizing that your life doesn't have a meaning anyway

this is the wrong board.

go back to

posting this thread again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again certainly won't, you fucking retard nigger

Already realized that, am pretty blackpilled already. Guess booze will help aswell

Actually my first time posting this thread. Guess im a fucking new fag oops

What do you drink?
and yeah, i'd recommend you to go outside, meet other people, find new hobbies etc. But it never helped me (nothing did, but cutting myself made me feel more alive temporarily)

Mostly vodka, and yeah i should go outside more and stuff but kinda hard cuz im not rly social and am just dont feel like even doing anything rn. Always found it hard to find new hobbies cuz most things just kinda dont interest me that much. Didnt do cutting yet tho, dont plan on doing it so far. I guess ill try to go outside more regulary now, maybe it will help

OK OP I'll help ya out you faggot.

The feeling of loss in general hurts deep. Give yourself 1 week or maybe even 1 month if you want to, but just like loosing someone in your family you need some time to mourn someone's loss, if you don't do this you'll never stop thinking about her. So go to your sad place cry scream break shit I don't care.

Once you feel better about it or more accepting, ride that wave! Learn from mistakes and treasure the good memories. Eventually someone will want you again, and you'll even thank your ex for helping you become a more mature person and manage this NEW and EXCITING relationship better.

There OP now give me a (you)

Vodka tastes poisonous and gives terrible hangovers. So it's self-harm in some sense. (and yeah, don't cut yourself, i'm not proud of it either)
aren't you from eastern europe by any chance? i know it's just a stereotype but still

Never thought about it this way. I'll try to do that. Sounds like it would help. Thanks user.

Booze and boobs.

I'm german. Just kinda got into drinking with vodka so i drink it most of the time. I guess i should try some other stuff, what do you recommend? (Also drank whiskey and really enjoyed it, but the only whiskey i liked costs way too much for me haha)

I'm in love with gin right now. Tequila is nice too. And yeah, the only thing that keeps me from being an alcoholic is that the only booze i tolerate is not cheap

same dude, got the message at 5am. I guess I was more prepared for it than the norm though. Still gonna fuck me up for a while probably

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Imagine still wanting women in 2019

Gonna try it out. Thanks bud
I kinda knew it was going to happen aswell. Still fucked me up pretty bad and its going to probably be very akward seeing her in school lol.

Nobody cares faggot pussy

>seeing her in school
Yeah that's gotta suck ass. I'm old as fuck and never had to deal with that. I guess that's something to be grateful for.