Do femanons look like this? Where do I find them?

Do femanons look like this? Where do I find them?

Attached: 20190428_063600.png (1841x1440, 1.95M)

femanons are failure women with broken vaginas and they smell like fish farts



Surely there must be some cute females with nice hair and facial features on this board. I am not saying she has to be sane

femanons are trannies from /lgbt/

maybe but we still have broken vaginas and smell like fish farts

Id say girls here are in between the two. Lets not be extreme. Mostly average/plain girls of normal weight with mental health issues in my experience

Do you have big breasteses too?

Attached: 90423-181349.png (1440x2560, 1.7M)

Damn she looks busted in comparison here. Girls sure do know some trickery with selfies

no. i do not. sorry man

Fembots & Femanons actually look like this

Attached: Femanon_here.jpg (620x425, 47K)

So where are the avg if not below avg girls who look like her that post here?

Thats an instagram stacey. No girls here look like her. You are delusional

femanons have acne and slouched back
also huge dark circles under their eyes

user said she was busted. How is she busted and instagram stacey?

I just want to find a normal looking girl who is not obsessed with social media

No, i said she looks fucking ancient compared to the other picture not that she was a deformed beast. She has big tits, is blonde and not ugly. That is plenty to be in insta stacey

Well she isn't in HS like half of r9k and you

This is appealing to me

All I did was remark on the huge difference. Shes blatantly not in high school kek

Damn, why isn't it appealing to girls? having a vagina truly is a privilege

having a vagina is truly beautiful desu

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