A girlfriend won't solve your problems

>A girlfriend won't solve your problems

Why do normies still preach this lie?

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but thats actually true you retard

Because women generally throw their problems on your plate to unlock pussy. I'm basically a volcel now.

It's true for normies. Because getting a GF is easy for them. So they take it for granted. And it doesn't affect them like it does to us.

because they want you to stop trying so they can hog all the women themselves. these people have a new girlfriend like every 2 fucking months.

Normies don't have any problems that can be solved with a gf so they think that such problems don't exist.

If a normie says problem, they mean a yellow van, and a robot says problem, they mean a green airplane. Both are means of transportation but not the same, if you buy a plane when you need a van, you're not solving anything

it's true though, only normies mindlessly chase women/relationships

because then you have twice as many problems

so many pathetic betas here

>Why do normies still preach this lie?
Because it's not a lie, in most cases relationships *cause* problems. You think you're going to find a nice, pretty sheltered girl who makes enough money to support herself?

i dont know about solving your problems but
>people can't make you happy
is a downright fuckin lie.

its not a get one and everything's fix sort of thing but they aren't wrong.The love of a good women will give you the spirit to fight, improve and start to fix your problems. If you are destined to have a better life a good gf is one of the things that can help you along that path.

You just have to find the perfect girl for you :)

Because all your problems stem from yourself. You must become the ubermensch

>You think you're going to find a nice, pretty sheltered girl who makes enough money to support herself?
no, but if i did, it would solve all my problems.

>if i did
And under what circumstances would this happen to you or anybody who isn't an upper class normalfag?

Because if your only problem is that you lack sex, you're already safe in life and can sustain yourself. Girl only seek people like you so they can put their problems on you in exchange of solving your sex problem, it's as simple as that.

Its not the point moron.

Do you have a point, or what?

>A girlfriend won't solve your problems

Yeah, most girls you would end up dating would cause more problems than they're worth, that's what everyone is trying to tell you, that's the entire point of the platitude - which it is - if you're not doing anything to improve your situation then you're going to have trouble finding a replacement mommy to give you sex, not cost you any money or dump her problems onto you.

no it isnt lol. do you realize that never having a gf in itself can cause problems? probably not worth asking this question, you'll just become pic related

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>do you realize that never having a GF in itself can cause problems?
It's nobody's responsibility to stop this from happening. for the same reason people can't breathe clean air in Beijing, life isn't fair and humans don't act purely out of altruism ever.

Yes not having a partner can cause problems but all the problems in your life won't be fixed by getting gf

i wish i had a girlfriend. or a friend. anything. at least i can shitpost on the internet and get some responses. it's something i guess

>a girlfriend will solve your problems
THIS is the lie normies spread. OP must've blown in from Sillywilly Village or something.

because having a girlfriend adds on more problems you silly incel

my one problem is that I have no gf
If I had gf I would not have that one problem

this thread is retarded

Being an incel isnt a real problem.

not if she only comes over once a week to watch anime and fuck

But I am not an incel. My problem is that I have no gf

Riddle me this: what problems would having a gf solve and how?

That's not a problem but a blessing retard

free (?) sex and tendies

how old are you user? it gets worse the longer it goes on. I imagine you haven't endured it long enough to understand

You're saying everything in your life is perfect otherwise? You have a highly paid job, lots of money, lots of friends, high social status, fit and healthy, and all around a happy life? Calling bullshit. If that were the case you would already have a gf because getting one is easy.

>free stuff

lmao you sweet child

Older than you. You probably are about 21 and think your life is over.

>need something (sex)
>cant get it
>not a problem because some retard says so
Do you even understand how needs work you brainless turd

Prostitutes are cheaper for getting sex than a gf.

You can get sex unless you're literally retarded or impotent

False cause.
A girlfriend won't solve your problems.
You have to solve your problems before you can get a girlfriend.

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That's apparently what we're working with right now, I don't believe that's usually the case but I personally am in a "pay for your own shit" situation until moving out becomes a viable option. Then I'll spend the second half of my life as a slave, but at least I'll be with someone while i'm a slave. Doesn't solve the problem, just makes it a little easier.

>your life is perfect otherwise? You have a highly paid job, lots of money, lots of friends, high social status, fit and healthy, and all around a happy life?
>you would already have a gf because getting one is easy.
finding a gf is probably easy enough. finding a faithful companion and lover is another story however

Literally see a prostitute and all your problems are solved

The "not having a gf" problem.

Come on folks.

Prostitutes don't care about you, the point of being in a relationship is to be with someone who cares, if it doesn't matter to you just get a fwb and don't be fuck ugly/stupid/smell bad.

27 and I doubt that you are

Problems are rooted on needs. You dont necessarily need much money to be happy, unless you have great material ambitions. You dont need many friends, some prefer just have a couple of close ones. You dont need a high social status, that is just a tool but not an end.
You need a lover if you're experiencing extreme loneliness and lack of sex. Even if everything else is going fine in your life, like in that user's or mine.

Having a girlfriend sucks. You get addicted to the sex and then have to put up with her calling you at 3am because her friends left her at the club and now she's stumbling home, trying to run the rapist gauntlet while wailing away about why you don't love her enough. Don't get a girlfriend unless she's 1% of top quality women, if they actually exist for reals.

The fact that so many people with gfs are still here should be enough evidence

You would think they would only troll from time to time and that's it but nope, they still visit this cesspool regularly

ITT: virgins with no relationship experience

Dude if you think having someone else with their own problems and baggage and shit in your life is going to solve your shit then you have another thing coming when you finally get to that point in your life. Yeah some shit will be solved and you'll be "happier" now that you have that relationship and experience and shit with someone. But that's a whole new road you are still going to climb from a new rock bottom that you're now going up with someone else who is their own person at their own pace. Good luck if this is your outlook on it.

I actually have ED, but even if I didnt I'd still have to fuck hookers exclusively. Which I can do with viagra. Modern times are great and all, but its not just about the sex. I need love, man. Companionship. How are people too thick to get that in their heads. You crave them as much as I do and the only reason you might not realize it is because you have it while I dont.

>hurr get a dog then
Fuck off you know what I mean.

I'd rather experience hell with someone holding my hand than heaven all on my own.

>need something (sex)
>cant get it
>not a problem because some retard says so
Nowhere do you mention its about love tho. Perhaps you can get a dog and fuck it.

>I need love, man.
are you high?

very true
>was an autistic virgin until 23
>got a first gf one year ago
>now still depressed but without the comfort of feeling so fucked
>i can't say excuses for why my life is miserable
> i simply feel miserable and have regular sex and things i didn't think will ever be possible
it certainly helps to build some confidence and you dont feel that deep shame of being weird and beta pussy but after that initial excitement goes away you realize you still feel the same
you cuddle with a naked woman the whole night and in your mind you are still feeling that sadness and loneliness
at least that was my case and I know you retards will just call me normie and say that if you ever experienced it you'd be fine but trust me I thiught the same thing and it didn't help me
you'll know eventually that it is a truth

I am older than you kiddo. That's why I know a bit more about relationships and gfs than you. I have had gfs. They are tiring. Being single and getting into casual hookups is way easier.

Sure ok limpdick lol

This debate is so pointless. Girlfriends provide something hookers do not, if it wasn't the case everyone would just bang prostitutes instead. They also provide something pets dont. Most people have pets and relationships at the same time as proof of that.

That, which only girlfriends provide, which is a unique kind of sex, a unique kind of companionship and a unique kind of love, might be the only thing someone is lacking. Sure maybe after they get a gf they'll have 50 problems instead of one, but they're still closer to success. Not getting a gf because you'll have to deal with other issues later is like never clearing the first level of a video game because the second one will be harder. It gets you nowhere and more problems appear. Frustration, monotony, feelings of inadequacy, and a bunch of other extremely obvious shit that I ignore if people like you are baiting or truly honestly retarded.

I am just sick and tired of facing the troubles of this world alone. And now that I have reached a certain age, I don't want to do it at all if I have to do it alone, what is the fucking point?

the only reason our parents didn't off themselves is because they had us, we became their purpose for better or worse. if you don't have children past the age of 30 there is no point.

so which is it?
does being in a relationship solve any problem or not?

Of course it does this isnt even worth discussing.

it solves the biggest problem of not having a relationship. but there will always be smaller problems arising

I don't give a fuck if it doesn't solve my problems I just want a gf to love and cuddle with

I agree with normies on this one. as a matter of fact women only increase your problems and stress.

Right, but it's not going to solve all your problems. Which if you read my post, that's the point. Ofc shit gets better with someone else. But everything isn't just magically solved.

Confirmed for dateless virgin.

that post is why you dont have a gf lmao

a good relationship will solve your worst problems. but it is very likely that you will end up with a manipulative asshole that will only make your problems worse.

>if you don't have children past the age of 30 there is no point.
But if you do, you can't kill yourself once you realize it's a mistake so you get to watch them grow up in a dystopian nightmare. Nah, fuck this shit.

Death will come first before I solve my problems.

>smaller problems
Oh, you sweet summer child. If you ever get into a relationship you will realize just how wrong you are and what a relationship actually requires.

How would a relationship solve problems? You didn't even list any problems or how a relationship would solve them.

>you can't expect help form your problems
>you can't expect your partner to be attractive
>you can't expect a person that shares your hobbies
>you can't even expect sex

so what's the point of a relationship?

>hogging all the parasites

be my guess normies can hog all of the women.

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It might solve all your (current) problems. New ones might arise because of it. Still puts you in a better place. That's just the way needs works, new ones are born of the fulfillment of previous ones. That is progress. It's a good thing.

Plus problems arise from the unfulfillment of needs. If you dont drink water for long enough, you die. If you dont have a partner for long enough you dont die but its gonna hurt more and more to the point it becomes unbearable.

>so what's the point of a relationship?
if you for some reason do get all four of those things, or are content to sacrifice one or two for other redeeming qualities, you don't have to feel like you failed at life and have someone to talk to once in a while and possibly confide in.

dumbass I am 27 and I have been in a relationship before. although not a very serious relationship since all you do is have sex and signal to your peers, but we did learn how to share feelings and trust with another person.

now that I am out of school and working full time what other problems do I have? money? health? shelter? I have all of these things. What I don't have is someone to share them with, and that is making me lonely and depressed,

if I stop being lonely.. maybe I won't feel so lonely anymore.

I've determined that there is not one. It's just something people are driven to do without reason.


then she gets pregnant and now you are in jail for not paying her child support extortion.

>without reason'
does biology mean nothing to you? does evolution not exist in your mind? nigger trillions of your ancestors are weeping in your cells as you write that BS

Sounds like your problems are mental and you need therapy. A gf won't fix your mental issues.

total bullshit, have you completely ignored all the threads over the years posted by robots who went to psychologists only to be mocked or scorned or even worse, discuss memes with these glorified babysitters?

you sound like a dumbass user who failed his psych 101 course and doles out useless advice on a Chechen dog breeding forum.

You can't admit that I am right or you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Humans are not solitary creatures.

>i feel lonely and crave companionship
>oh no my dude that is wrong just take these pills and you'll be ok
Pills and therapy are like cough syrup anyways. Might fix the symptoms but not the root of them. You end up addicted to medication and numb as opposed to unhappy. Great fix for loneliness there buddy.

My only major problem is not having and never having had a gf, so getting a gf would probably solve that.

>Humans are not solitary creatures.
You are right about this, but also it's your problem. If you want to fix it, you can start by not being such a dick to people. I understand it's difficult (no sarcasm) but it never helps.

I don't think a random inevitable process that lacks a goal really constitutes a reason.

what are the minor problems?

anyone who suggests therapy is a woman. therapy is a joke, fuck off whore

>not being such a dick to people
the only person being hostile here is you, fella. if you would have said that you need to TALK to people as opposed to going through motions, then you might be more accurate. but again you made wild assumptions with almost no knowledge to base them off of. I really hope you don't do this for other facets of life
it is the only reason, the only imperative. if you haven't realized that by now you have failed your ancestors, even mentally challenged people will have sex, but nobody taught them how. how do you think that is?

It depends on the individual's nature. I've seen some men constantly dating women and craving for attention and success, while others are introverted and silent, delusioned by the idea of being a succesful man. Sex and affection is natural and necessary, it is our culture and society that has made an artificial and wrong concept out of it. Therefore losers, incels, crude banalization of sex, prostitution... etc, arise.

I know a gf would make me happier, but its more complicated than that. Relationships just kinda happen, and I haven't found anyone whose interested in me and understands me to the levels I desire. In the meantime, I don't think I should be conditioned and tortured by the society's ideal that if you don't have a gf, a steady monthly-wage, and all those stuff normies have. It's just who I am, I'm just me. I cannot cling to having a RS otherwise I couldn't be happy. We must keep going on, moving forward with the strenght of our souls, regardless of the circumstances.

>assuming someone is not a nice person because he doesnt have a gf
There is no correlation. In fact you could argue its the other way around. I dont think it's the case, but I could find more evidence to support that
>maybe you'd have a gf if you started being more of a dick to them
Would be actually sound advice.

Having to attend a relatively difficult university, probably having to do work that I don't like afterwards, even though I don't actually need the money that much to begin with. At least I can try hiring a maid, I guess.

so it's for societal expectations

got it
now you know why you robots don't got anyone
you think of love as a chore you have to do or a luxury you have to get like getting a drivers license

people go into relations for those reasons guy and girl. if you go into relations without wanting or expecting those things then you'll only approach love half-assed and project to anyone that you do get that they are merely a burden

It's true to an extent though, you are responsible for your own happiness. Having a gf will only make you happy if you want it to.

You get buttmad and start insulting people who tell you the truth. Pretty clear you are a dick irl too. That's also why you don't have a gf, it's because being an angry entitled autist isn't attractive to girls, big surprise.

not one insult from me are you a fucking insane person? go and find the insults I made. go ahead you fucking nutjob