Drinking thread: no sleep edition

finishing off my Bacardi after a long night of Roe Jogan youtube.com/watch?v=-xY_D8SMNtE
post your drinks, problems, whine about me, etc

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surely there's some other drunk fucks on

>no sleep
It's because I stopped drinking, now the sleeping pills don't even work. I just stare off into the darkness, remorseful, itchy, uncomfortable, and wait for 4 hours or until I finally become exhausted and sleep until noon.

try a strong indica strain of cannabis, that usually gets me to sleep when alcohol isn't doing the job

I smoke weed at least once a day and its definitely not sativa. I've been smoking for years, I'm taking sleeping pills that used to knock me out for 12 hours.

just an innocent boat captain having a nap, I dindu nuffin youtube.com/watch?v=-nuzcEKR8_0

gonna bump this every so often

time for a shower

this one's a classic

today was supposed to be a day off but i think i might have a few drinks later this afternoon. Im already nauseous just thinking about it but a pint wont kill me..yet. Anyone deal with nausea without having any alcohol in the system? I feel like im gonna gag all the time.

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just tried to rewatch Voyager, couldn't get through the first few episodes before quitting in disgust

this is why I always have water on hand to chase with, gets the taste of booze out of my mouth and keeps that initial nausea down long enough for the booze to take effect

man ive been drinking copious amounts of vodka this past year, binging every time. Just the smell of it makes me sick now. i always need juice of some kind to mix it with. Ill do a shot, then drink my mixer which is usually about 4oz vodka and 6oz juice. and i generally chug it in like 5 minutes if im in a hurry to get drunk. i lose count of how many of those i drink. then its sleepy time.

maybe try switching to some other alcohol, like cheap wine or bourbon
this episode is another reason to hate Voyager and Janeway, she fucking murdered this man youtube.com/watch?v=viPzOskG4hk

it's just a mild case of death





how you doin bud? keeping that buzz?


somewhat, though I'm not sure how much of it is just sleep deprivation


Drinking some Molson. I haven't smoked weed in 5 days but had some edibles last night. Trying to cut back from 6-10 cans a day.
Lonely as fuck but might go for a walk because it's nice out.

bout to open my first beer. ive only got two then its shots of vodka.

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sorry for the break in posts, was "debating" with an anarcho communist on normiebook
edibles can be nice, but I hate the new CA dose limits. 100mg max per package is bullshit, gonna have to start making my own again
which beer are you drinking?

im drinking the cheap kind...hurricane.

Gin and Tonic then seeing how the rest of the night goes.

never had that one, but if it's anything like the other cheap high alcohol beers I don't think I need to
gin and tonic is classic, though I prefer gin and ginger myself
currently drinking Charles Shaw Sauvignon Blanc mixed with homemade watermelon strawberry juice

A bottle of spanish red wine and two pints of beer should get me comfy

Hindoo cunt at my local liquor store raised the price on my goto vodka.

Tequila. I lost all my friends this year and blocked my last one last night because I'm the only one who cares and people stop giving a fuck about me when God forbid I go through a rough patch I don't have the energy to listen to them and their problems and them literally recite their entire day to me and not ask me about mine or how I'm doing even once. I knew this would happen one day. Why are normies like this?

booze is my only reliable friend as well, I feel you brother
most liquor stores upcharge, especially in ghetto areas. that's why I usually buy my booze at supermarkets, much cheaper

i strongly suggest not to try it. its the cheapest but it tastes like it too. Id prefer a natty daddy right about now, but off to the vodka i go. Its gonna be a night for sure.

fuck dude i relate. A girl i know just blocked me because i didnt talk to her for two days, and then half of another day. I was massively depressed, and of course i was drinking, but its good to know normies will just fucking bail on you at any given moment. and dont they just love to talk about themselves huh? lololol I cant believe i even try anymore.

try making your own fruit juices if you can, it's fun and makes any cheap alcohol taste good


Man these single mothers are a hoot. In less than a year he doesn't need an Id to smoke juul. They never take any responsibility and blame men that aren't even the father kek. Women truly are the real NPCs

quit drinking three days. now i have dreams again. had to start again, fuck that.
wish drinking fucked up my heart instead of liver. heart failure is the best way to go, compared to all that other shit.

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pretty sure drinking does fuck up the heart, it fucks up all the internal organs. just fucks the liver the hardest
the funniest part is when she insists her son doesn't have a fake ID, when until recently she didn't know he was vaping, and likely doesn't know much else about his actual life either

alright, yeah, guess the heart doesn't improve by drinking, you're not wrong there, so let me rephrase it: wish drinking excessively made me die by heart failure instead of liver or kidney failure.
we good?

some people do die from heart failure due to alcohol. guess you dont get to choose though

not worth the risk considering liver failure makes your skin and eyes yellow, your gut bloat, cordination shit, stomach pain and puke blood.
heart is like 30 minutes tops and youre dead.

How did Zac Efron manage to maintain a great physique as an alcoholic?

for me, it'll probably be my stomach/intestines, those were fucked up even before I started drinking heavily


This isn't going to work, we already have multiple alcoholics starting daily threads including the feels bar guys and that fucking korean who posts a picture of his raging bitch beer and restaurant-tier lunch every day (his gf's family owns a restaurant or something)

meh, I made it work once, was the main alchie here for a while. would rather not go back to posting these threads on /soc/, I don't like posting my face as much as I used to, and I really hate people posting dicks in my comfy drinking threads (even though 90% of /soc/ is dick threads, for some reason they feel the need to post their tiny limp cocks in every type of thread they can)

finally decided I've had enough of this life. as soon as I finish my booze and get over the shakes, I am leaving California and never returning. where I'm going I don't know, I just know I can't take another second surrounded by champagne socialist cunts and all their hypocritical bullshit, especially not with how much living here costs