Women before feminism

Does anyone else find it depressing how much purer white women were before feminism?

Women today:

>Obsessed with sex
>Use Tinder
>Can't commit
>Talk about having anal openly
>Into trashy hobbies like cosplay
>Bad relationship with their parents
>Don't love kids
>Cruel and unkind (women are meant to be compassionate)

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Well user even in the 19th century women were still whores. Poor women were known to remarry once their husbands were on their deathbeds.

Most women in the 19th century were virgins upon marriage.

Women were always whores. Society rightfully kept them in check up until past few decades.

Because the rest of society would actually look down on them if they weren't. Do you actually think they wouldn't have whored around if it didn't have any repercussions?

Fembots reading this should take note. Respect your dads, respect your brothers, respect the men in your life in general. Obey, be kind, gentle, don't talk back, don't be violent, don't use curse words, be compassionate above all else to people you're close to. Be forgiving too. Men make mistakes sometimes.

lick the bottom of my boots lmao

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Unironically men also got a whole lot worse. Plenty of girls out there if you still want to be a trad guy. Fix others? Then first fix yourself

Oh yes please let me

Yes I understand that women didn't have the same freedoms as a man, but let me remind you that prostitution was a common thing. In addition, to women still having the "primal" urge to bang muscular chads, and ignore their beta factory/farmer/miner husbands.

Stop pretending like all your sexual fantasies aren't insanely degrading and submissive.

>ignore their beta factory/farmer/miner husbands.

The average man back then had way, way higher t-levels than the average man today. You need to factor this in. That average miner husband was strong, could fuck for hours, didn't rot his mind with porn, was big and imposing and probably had had a few street fights when he was younger.

I think people in the past in general, both men and women, were expected to have an interest in the structure of society and in philosophy and culture. Today this is reserved only for a minority of snobs, while everyone else care more about superhero movies, partying and doing drugs, and video games.

We have our own money and careers and have the freedom to walk away from a piece of shit man or choose not to be with one.

You can't change biology. I know you still cry at stupid stuff when you're on your period like emotional news stories. I know you feel protective of small cute children. I know you're not as "hurr durr me strong woman" as you like to make out on here.

It's ok to be vulnerable fembot.

Everything I know about historical relationships I learned from incels of Jow Forums: the thread.

>Everything in the past was worse
>Everything today is better
>This is completely different to faith-based religious beliefs because uh... well... smartphones and stuff

Jesus Christ imagine having a daughter nowadays.

Sure I'll go back to being a good fifties housewife when men stop being porn addicted degenerate cunts unable and unwilling to support a family.

>tfw sworn porn off
>tfw can support a woman on my income but we wouldn't be living a luxurious lifestyle
>tfw used to cheat on girlfriends but have found going to church has genuinely helped me become a better person

>used to cheat on girlfriends
Why did you do it?

We've had to step in because so many of you won't. Boys run to mommie and we defend but when you are an adult you should act like a man but you act like a boy.

I remember as a young boy being hugged by your mom felt like the most protective thing ever. I think it's amazing the lengths women go to for their children.

Google pics of the men who had to work those jobs user, their skinny, dying of diseases, and many where children and old men. Women aren't exactly attracted to these types of men, just like women aren't attracted by some hormones. Women most likely settledown for their betabucks.

>in the past all women were pure virgins until marriage
>in the past I would have been guaranteed a pure virgin wife
Jow Forumstards are delusional retards. Women have always been whores. The current generation is actually more chaste than previous ones.

top kek and you dumb whores still go for the bad boy in the end.

I'm not him but I did it because I felt insecure and wanted validation. It felt good to have lots of women who desired me at once because I was never popular with girls at school. Now I find it difficult to get into relationships if I'm honest with girls about the things I did when I was younger.

theyre still pure and kind. quit being an idiot

You would still be a bad match in the times before feminism I'm afraid.

Definitely not all, but the McKinsey surveys show that virginity upon marriage was largely the norm until the past 50-60 years ago. It was considered scandalous to live together with a woman you weren't married to. Women think this was oppressive but it actually protected you from predatory men who play you for fools and pretend to want something long-term just for sex.

See picture. These men would have kicked the shit out of you for being faggot.

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That sounds exactly like what the guys here usually say women do.

>women didn't lie about being virgins
>its better to marry your oppressor trust me

Can you post that McKinsey survey so we can analyze it?

Yeah, and I can kind of understand why women do it. But promiscuity damages women emotionally more than it does men so I don't want a girl who did similar things to me.

How does it feel to be a literal whore?

Source: your ass. You Jow Forums incels are as retarded as ever.

>Be guy
>Dislike women for being promiscuous, overconsumers and ewhoring instead of being traditional mothers and home makers
>Be heterosexual and promiscuous
>Realize you need a woman to fulfill your desires, but you'll end up ruining them for others
>Still have the guts to expect a trad wife
Man, it's fuckers like you and the normiefags validating thots on social media that help ruin the girls. You want women not to be promiscuous, then stop giving them dopamine for doing so.

Feels pretty good. I love sex. Most of us love sex. We don't want all this lovey dovey bullshit, we just want good sex with lots of different partners.

That is the most normalfag opinion you could possibly have, I'm pretty sure it's bait actually

Do you not know what "literal" or "whore" means?

>I'm pretty sure it's bait actually

Why is it bait?

I hope this is bait.

>Men make mistakes sometimes.
Yes, only men are allowed to make mistakes.

I fail to see how this isn't an obvious improvement over traditional times

Can't way for the day women feel secure enough to command any male to lick the bottom of their boots

you do want the lovey dovey, and lots of sex with diff partners, carefully selected.

>good sex
>lots of different partners
You're probably a man because for women it's usually one or the other.

>its usually


Did I say that? You're putting words in my mouth.

Men don't deserve to be forgiven by us. Ask god.

>mfw people think there was ever an era during which women weren't whores
theyve always been whores, it's just that they're no longer suppressed whores nowadays

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this. everything's peachy in the orbital neighborhood.

Tbf most women are pretty forgiving if their husband slips up.

lol. thats a lie. gonna have to sweetie you

If their husband cheats but he's otherwise a very good husband, they will generally stay.

feminism didn't exist before industrialization; women were to busy doing manual tasks, and when it did start it was wealthy kept women with too much time on their hands

when labor saving devices became common that women got ""woke""

the recent uptake in male activism is probably a symptom of automation

>>Cruel and unkind (women are meant to be compassionate)

Fuck off incel

a rich husband? ya ofc they will stay

>male activism

lol we arent protesting in the streets for men's rights - just sad posting and quietly slipping away

>what is divorce settlement
>what is alimony
if a woman stays, it's usually for her children

>Women love their children more than their husbands and consider them "her children" (i.e. she has more of a connection with them, apparently)

This is some black pill shit. Women are cold.

>plenty of trad girls
yes, but for every trad girl theres 10 single trad guys

divorce and alimony isnt enough in most cases for her to divorce. unless its jeff bezos where a small portion of his wealth is worth billions.

people been saying that shit about women since the dawn of man

and you would probably still be saying the same shit even if feminism was never a thing you would just have less of an excuse since the "not a man" reason for you not getting anywhere would actually stick

That's just wishful incel thinking. There's nothing traditional about a guy who has no job and faps to animu all day long.

and no, she wont stay or break up for the children, they arent a factor at all.

>and no, she wont stay or break up for the children, they arent a factor at all.
my mom did desu, she earned more than my father and didn't have to stay.

I find it depressing too. Wanting a woman who is a virgin basically means 99% of the adult female population is undateable to you. Of the remaining percent, they were all already taken years ago and are now engaged, or are SEVERELY fucked up and there's a very good reason they're a virgin. I decided to lower my standards (like every fucking man has to nowadays) and instead just tried to find a woman who

>Has a partner count under 4
>Only has sex in long-term relationships after they've known the person for at least a year, and have developed an emotional connection

I couldn't even find this either so I just stopped looking. Really, even if you somehow found a woman to marry she could still destroy your life at any given moment with divorce or with false accustions. I was already into self-improvement before but now I'm just focused on it for its own sake, not for women or for society. It all feels hollow at the end of the day though so I'll probably kill myself in the next 10 years.

she didnt stay for you.

good thing neither of those apply to me

Are there actually fembots ITT? I find the really violent reactions from some of you, angry reactions, insults etc really odd. Nobody insulted you, so why do you have to lash out like this? Most white guys would just be happy with one white girl who actually loves herself, wants a family, and isn't an extreme leftist.

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My friend is a virgin at 20 and was confronted by another girl about it at a party I was hosting. The girl says "Are you a virgin? I'm getting virgin vibes from you". To which she replies "I am, not that it's any of your business". She is by choice because she's waiting to meet the right man and be in a long term relationship. The other girl was so cruel and said she must be a lesbian and then went and told everyone. My friend was so upset about the mocking and rumours that spread she came to me crying and asking what was wrong with her. This girl to girl hate shocked me, and made me see that modern feminism doesn't give us autonomy over our bodies, in fact it pressures us into having casual sex when we might not want to. I even find there's hostility towards me when people discover i've only ever slept with my long term boyfriend. They say im missing out and should give other's chances. I wish more girls understood that you can go on dates and get to know men without sleeping with them, and that those who are patient enough and kind enough to respect your wish to wait are more likely to be serious about your love and be there for you long term. I just thought it was a shocking example of what the world has come to.

Don't let them get to you, good-hearted fembot.

>more kinship to her actual blood than the guy who just happened to fuck her
>men do not care for their children at all
This is some black pill shit. Men are cold.

Idk, I don't really blame women for putting their kids first above us. I think it's only natural a mother would do that.

Good thing she's female and still has a massive dating pool to choose from. If you're a virgin male who wants to wait for marriage you're considered entitled trash by everybody, nobody likes you just for yourself, you live your whole life without any kind of affection or validation, and you end up committing suicide from the loneliness.

Only retards want to wait until marriage. Male or female.

>Obsessed with sex
that's a bad thing?
>Use Tinder
well yeah it's a fucking dating app no shit
>Can't commit
in your experience, maybe
>Talk about having anal openly
back to point 1
>Into trashy hobbies like cosplay
back to point 1
>Bad relationship with their parents
there are no bad kids. just bad parents.
>Don't love kids
its not their fault current year's kids are fucktarded
>Cruel and unkind (women are meant to be compassionate)
hate to break it to ya user but they've always been this way, it's just now they don't pretend to be otherwise

A lot of people I know look at marriage as something extremely outdated. In NZ once you've lived together for three years you have the same rights as a married couple. Most people I know take this and a general social acceptance of ur relationship as validation enough, which I think is acceptable. I find there's almost something trashy about the show-off weddings and marriages that really puts me off. I would like to be married before I have kids and when I do that it will be the bare minimum family occasion. Before that, I believe it's your headspace and understanding if your partners life goals parallel your own that really count and is the modern day equivalent of a traditional marriage.

Yeah she did. She divorced my father when I turned 18.

Damn. That's true. I am studying law, reading a lot and trying to help suffering people. I work so hard but even rapid whores look upon me. I am losing my will to develop because I am so lonely. No matter how hard I try and how nany times... still nothing. Women are stupid or materialistic or bisexual and crazy etc. I know NO GIRL I would like to be with. Pardon. I know one good and caring girl but she is very fat and has big swoolen face. I don't care about looks so much but there is some minimum because with her I wouldn't even have an erection. I would be pleased with 3/10 looks, a good heart and (attention!) liking me. Plus: no mental illness.
Save us God. Some men are starting to become Ents from Tolkien's world. Where are our women? Those good and caring creatures. We, sad bachelors, will be numb like Ents. Saving energy to wait for comebacks of our women. I am afraid it won't happen.
Dear user. If you have good and wise girl, please, appreciate that and don't let her go and change. But I know that's rare here.

Btw Tinder crushed me too. My works make me so stressed and tired but women are to shallow to help a man.

The best guys I know are alone. I am probably not so great like them. I have a lot of drawbacks. But these guys are simply sometimes shy or have some little problems with looks. I cannot understand how females work if they don't want to give them although a bit attention and be with them. It must be some purely animal instinct. Brrr

One guy in my class (who drinks a lot instead of learning) have two girls who do not know about each other and fucks other girls from tinder.
Sorry for a blog but you probably have similar experience in being sooo lonely. I was saying myself that I have to be noble and work hard to deserve a woman but some time ago I had a breakdown because of years without intimacy. You know. That's basic human need.

Mad world

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