Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation.
Iess fetishisation of trans people, we are not your fap fuel.
more discussion of the trans lifestyle and community, no more abuse and harassment.
no haters and trolls allowed! you literally have 149 of your own threads at all times.
Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation
You do know that Jow Forums has a Christian community right. All your transgender and degeneracy spamming will go nowhere.
OF course op ahahhahah contributing :D
You know maybe if I was born in a different place or 10 years earlier I wonder if I would've ended up trans.
Something happened in my mentally ill brain, or my socially isolated upbringing or something, and has given me a longing for femininity. So if someone was like, "you're still young, take this pill to become cute and girly" I probably would've done it. It's interesting to think about. But it's one of those things you can't dwell on because nothing good will come from it.
Sorry for blogposting.
Alright big boy, see you again in your 30;s when you'll have killed yourself.
But don't forge to suck some cock in the meantime.
except trannies don't look like the anime girl in your photo, get a reality check
God doesn't make mistakes, gender=sex, and if you're born a with a vagina, you're a woman, if you're born with a penis, you're a man.
>B4 but but there hermaphrodite
Those are girls
fuck off and kill yourself tranny. you are just ugly dude, dont pretend to be a femoid.
shut the fuck up you mentally dimmed minority
if the majority of tans people looked like pic related (and still looked like it past 30) people would like them more, unfortunately trans people don't. cry cry baby boy.
No, r9k doesn't need any tranny bulllshit. There's a containment board for you people.
I think we need help from pol again.
trans is nothing more than a fetish.
Being trans is a fetish
Your brain has been poisoned by porn and anime
Or maybe just porn.
Or just anime.
You mean the alt-right community that immigrated here from reddit in 2016? You can go fuck off to the shit hole you came from.
My girlfriend picked us out a movie on Netflix called danish girl, I never cried so much
>Alt right
Choose one, the Jow Forums Christian community has been here way before all this degeneracy
I admire what you're trying to do OP but this is like King Canute trying to make the tide go down by yelling at it
Traps have been a part of Jow Forums culture as far back as 2006, this whole site is "degenerate". Dozens of porn boards, gore, CP etc. You don't belong.
In 2016 a subreddit r/the_donald was very popular on reddit. Reddit mods didn't take kindly to their extremism and starting using the ban hammer. This is were the reddit is left wing meme comes from. The population of Jow Forums tripled in 2016 because of the reddit invasion. They had no where else to go I guess. But this is not your home.
Why do people fall for the most obvious bait in the world as long as it's some LGBT shit?
>trying to have genuine representation on a board full of degenerate niggers that fap to everything that moves
good try user but that's not gonna happen. if you make a proper thread about it you'll just get shit on by retards. bring it up casually in some of the more comfy threads and you should be fine, though
you have a better chance getting Jow Forums to have a positive anything
You really are new to this site user aren't you? Since this site was anonymous, (similar to many internet chat rooms) many closeted Christians took the anonymity to discuss many subjects about our Lord Jesus Christ. Even today, it's used by Christians in muslim nations to communicate. Please user, transgenderism is just another trend by the jews.
>This is were the reddit is left wing meme comes from clue what you're talking about and one of those "T-drumpfh!" people as well. dismissed.
How about you fuck off? Transgenders aren't 'people', they are walking, untreated mental illnesses being enabled by society. Seek help.
I remember when r9k was spammed constantly by kpop threads, then they fucked off to mu
Trans should do the same, simply not the board for this.
The problem isn't the thread or any of the people, it's that it's a cause that no one gives enough of a shit about on here to do anything but ridicule. This isn't a social site for your club meets. The only reason theres persistent threads is because they have a broad enough appeal or they serve as containment threads so people stop shitting up the rest of the threads.
Fuck off tranny. go Back to /lgbt/ with the rest of the faggots
Closeted christian? Have you ever tried going to a church they are everywhere. You have your own community IRL.
And you seriously need to FUCK OFF
>anonymous site needs more representation
>Christian in muslim nation
>Goes to underground church
>Gets killed by a bunch of muslim, for leaving Islam
>Islam is a false religion
Oh wow, who would've seen that one coming.
trannies are scum and the world would be better without them
I'm fine with most of what you said, but
>Iess fetishisation of trans people, we are not your fap fuel.
Who are you to decide what I fap to? Isn't that rather authoritarian? Didn't the movement for queer rights depend heavily on the argument of "What I do in my bedroom is my own business"?
Quit shilling your transvesitite fetish.
This is Jow Forums not /r9Gaaaaaaay/
Nobody on Jow Forums is posting from a muslim nation. Maybe 0.0001% tops, maybe.
there's an /r9gay/ board tho.
See your pic? You're never gonna look like that.
Transgender people are mentally ill and the only time they are featured on 4chins is for people to jerk off to them. Now fuck off faggot.
There's literally a /r9gay/ general thread. Current thread is #708.
>Traps have been a part of Jow Forums culture as far back as 2006
delusional tranny fuck off, no one likes you or your faggotry.
fucking newfags. have you ever used a different board than r9k?
Kill yourselves you disgusting fucking freaks
>tfw traps complain about being alone and shit
>meanwhile psychopaths/insane people speak alone cuz they have nobody to talk with cuz we aren't that many like being psychopath is illegal and being a trap is all good
I miss the times when you could still call trannies disgusting faggots on Jow Forums and people would agree. Now too many trannies from reddit and /lgbt/ (reddit lite) are here and think they own the place. You will still die pathetic and regretful you vile and foul faggots.
>being psychopath is illegal
This, we are not your fetish
Now excuse me while i jerk off to my dick poking out of my skirt in the mirror
Welcome to the tranny/SJW/leftist mindset "rules for thee but not for me"
>Tee hee don't hit on us silly boys.
Actually most of us want you to kill yourselves, aside from the larpers and a few prison gay people.
And don't give me that bullshit about we've got all the threads, you and your AIDS ridden filth spam the shit out of tranny/ gay threads all the time.
I hope you die in a fire.
You need to fuck off with this cancerous tranny bullshit
r9k is for robots only. you're looking for
check the amount of psycho people in asylums and or jail vs traps