The "mystery" why women rate men like crap on okcupid just got solved for me in a big way. In addition to my previously held position that Tinder-style picture-based mate selection being suitable only for gays (because as males they are visually oriented) while not giving women the social cues they need to make an informed decision (just causing them to not make a decision at all, i.e. less often say "yes")
It's the pill.
If you don't want to see the whole thing, relevant bit I'm talking about starts at 31m. I would recommend subscribing to her, she is my personal science waifu and I want to marry and Fritzl her, and have her in my basement doing science for me.
So what's the thing? After 3 months on the pill, women rate men (masculine faces) MUCH more unattractive than controls not on the pill. This has been reported in the media as "Women find unattractive men more attractive when on the pill" or "pill makes ugly men hot to women", but that is inaccurate, they find ALL MEN less attractive, but in relative terms, they find basedboys less repulsive.
The Okcupid/Tinder sluts are almost certainly on the pill, because when deciding to get back into the "dating game", going on the pill (again) is what you do right before setting up your tinder account and buying some new slutty clothes and practicing to put on makeup again. In fact, online dating is probably the last thing they start doing after those other preparatory actions.
Wanna do something good for society? Get your sisters, cousins, gfs, friends off the pill ASAP! And lobby for strong restrictions to all hormonal contraceptive use. And because women are sociopaths not susceptible to rational arguments that don't appeal to their vanity and personal gain, simply tell them the scientific fact that women on the pill are rated as much more unattractive by men (even when the men don't know) i.e. it not only makes women think men are ugly, the pill makes women themselves uglier to men