The Mystery Behind Why Females Rate Males Significantly Less Attractive on Tinder/Okc Explained

The "mystery" why women rate men like crap on okcupid just got solved for me in a big way. In addition to my previously held position that Tinder-style picture-based mate selection being suitable only for gays (because as males they are visually oriented) while not giving women the social cues they need to make an informed decision (just causing them to not make a decision at all, i.e. less often say "yes")

It's the pill.
If you don't want to see the whole thing, relevant bit I'm talking about starts at 31m. I would recommend subscribing to her, she is my personal science waifu and I want to marry and Fritzl her, and have her in my basement doing science for me.

So what's the thing? After 3 months on the pill, women rate men (masculine faces) MUCH more unattractive than controls not on the pill. This has been reported in the media as "Women find unattractive men more attractive when on the pill" or "pill makes ugly men hot to women", but that is inaccurate, they find ALL MEN less attractive, but in relative terms, they find basedboys less repulsive.

The Okcupid/Tinder sluts are almost certainly on the pill, because when deciding to get back into the "dating game", going on the pill (again) is what you do right before setting up your tinder account and buying some new slutty clothes and practicing to put on makeup again. In fact, online dating is probably the last thing they start doing after those other preparatory actions.

Wanna do something good for society? Get your sisters, cousins, gfs, friends off the pill ASAP! And lobby for strong restrictions to all hormonal contraceptive use. And because women are sociopaths not susceptible to rational arguments that don't appeal to their vanity and personal gain, simply tell them the scientific fact that women on the pill are rated as much more unattractive by men (even when the men don't know) i.e. it not only makes women think men are ugly, the pill makes women themselves uglier to men

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>HORMONE pills fuck with women's hormones, and therefore their behaviour
Stop the fucking presses, OP has figured it out!


It solves both the low birthrates problem and the princess female problem.
Birth control pill is literal cancer on white societies.

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Ah yes because I am the paragon of masculinity. If only women were more interested in masculine features, I would be scooped up instantly! Surely this would not lead to the hypermasculine Chad or Tyrone creating an even bigger harem of horny women desperate for masculinity in their lives, no no. They would instead choose me. Yes goyim, get your women off the pill, let them choose with a clear head who to breed with.

This has NOTHING to do with masculine features.
Women find ALL males less attractive overall while on the pill compared to when not on the pill, mate.

Frankly speaking the pill should be banned anyways because women just end up flushing them down the toilet and contaminating the water supply. Why do you think that mens' sperm count has plummeted so disastrously over the past few decades?

Gee, I wonder who could be behind all of this...

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oh. they like fem/young faces and not scraggly old faces while on the pill?


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why do you keep saying that when it's not true?

...except rising divorce rates could also be caused by people feeling less trapped in a marriage by religion and societal norms.

no they probably find trannys and fem looking men attractive

keep saying thaty tranny and maybe one day it will become true lmao

any fembots on the pill? is this man sexy

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ok maybe not trannys.

any fembots on the pill?

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The war was already lost before he was born, he's a fool

this one seems like correlation.
>divorce rate goes up
>contraceptive use goes up
>contraceptive use causes divorce
is wrong
>sexual revolution happens
>causes divorce rates to go up
>causes contraceptive use to go up
is correct.

the pill isnt the problem. men are ugly, most of the time

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>watch my 60 minute video so I get shekels
>no I won't post actual facts that are readable and fact checkable

behold! men should be beardless

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the pill probably affects attraction by changing what smells turn women on, ie diverse MHC + high androgens. i doubt pictures have much to do with it

Yeah. In fact, having more kids may cause higher divorce rates.

...and what facilities sexual revolution, you fucking retard?

The pill liberated women, males are no longer needed, obsolete creatures

Accept your obsolete condition and find other ways you can get near women, like regular tributes or offering your skills as a service

sounds like some stupid /pol shit

Back in the day, you would just make do with the ugly people.

tributes - beta bux
skills - chad or tyrone

i have decoded thee, mlady

ummm no

attention! women on the pill everywhere DEMAND men to stop looking so ugly.

shave your beards thank you

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this puts the female on the pill into EXTREME arousal

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>the 15-20% of women on the pill account for 100% of the women on dating apps
nope, you're just le retard and everyone knows guys who use dating apps are literally gargoyles

Stop taking the pill

lol im male ._.

lmao ok
1. not all hormonal birth control is estrogen-based; most people on estrogen-based birth control are taking it for medical conditions because it's literally the shittiest form
2. you're leaving out the fact that women on birth control are MORE attracted to men who are genetically similar to them
3. you're also leaving out the fact that in the okcupid study, the vast majority of women still messaged men they thought were unattractive-to-average, while men only messaged the women they thought were most attractive

>more religious anti contraceptive propaganda
How many kids do you have OP? Do you really think the incels of this board, who are short, mentally retarded gamers with no good qualities, will get laid if a few girls stop taking hormones they should already have naturally at those levels?

i never took the pill and find males in general pretty ugly.

*looks at you*
*hear a gong*

ahh my BC is making me cruhazy

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a change in societal ideals away from religious puritanism.

leo makes women on the pill stop wanting to take the pill. he's the anti-pill pill.

That's just correlation too.

attention males! feminist utopia has banned beards. Empowered Ladies! head to your nearesr hospital for your dose of empowerment pills, served by shirtless Chads

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why yes, im a male larping as a feminist how could you tell?

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i don't believe you, males usually have a shittier taste in males

Beards are male's makeup, I thought it was common knowledge.

>look up men with long hair, no beard and skinny faces

hmm that was so hard lole

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they rate masculine faces unnattractive while on the pill.

and inversely they will find beardless men more attractive, while on the pill.

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>addicted to masturbation and porn
>have incredible sex drive but absolutely no interest in an actual relationship, physical or romantic
pill sounds great right about now

>skinny faces
you mean well developed skulls and not chubsters? all of the men you posted are very masculine.

The "mystery"

Ayden might be a self-hating jew but the video is on point.
She could have elaborated on histocompatibility and response to androstenol stimulus in the olfactory bulb. She could have gone more into vasopressin as well.

20%? You wish.

>In the United States 98% of sexually active women have used birth control at some point in time, and ***62% of those of reproductive age are currently using birth control.***[6]

Just google it you fucking tard.

That's bullshit and a lie for many reasons - for example women don't message men almost at all.
It's almost always men initiating, so you're wrong.

right on sis. im not very good at being male.

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you can do better than that. is all of asia on bc, i wonder?

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it's just that excessive body hair, neanderthal brow ridges, deformed potato noses and unibrows aren't generally attractive for us, sis. can you believe that they think a beard will hide their ugly features?

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ofc a superior womyn will have better taste than a male like me.

tfw have to keep turning off my phone when mum walks by.

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>That's bullshit and a lie for many reasons
Go read the study lmao it's literally in there. Facts don't care about your feelings.

Well at least now I know it's not really my fault. I can now mgtow in peace until pill legislation gets put into place or civilization collapses.

Is the pill used in asian countries? That might explain why they love beanboys so much. Kinda jealous of asians right now because they can get so femme. Maybe it's in their tofu?

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Fucking BASED, it probably also explains the bullshit in pic related

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>every single country in the world has access to pornhub

Somebody post this shit on Crystal Cafe....

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Ok so not africa then... What are we left with?

>N.Korea having a pornhub rating at all
Imagine being the only woman in N.Korea with access to pornhub. Your fucked up fetishes would literally warp the statistics of an entire nation.

>What are proxies?
Shut the fuck up, don't ruin this for me.

Sorry to shatter your dreams but this shit's real

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Dude, watch the fucking video: women on the pill are literally more attracted to "feminine" features.
This can't be mere coincidence.

Women have better taste, it's just a fact.

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Anyone still got Aydin's nudes?

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>japan conquering the asian continent with porn
top kek, and I thought the chinks were the jews of asia.

This graph very clearly shows that there's a 10 year gap between the two increasing. You don't think there's any other confounding variables here?

>guys who use dating apps are literally gargoyles

lmao wat

Disgusting Tr*mp supporters are now trying to take away our reproductive rights


Lesbianism is the future

We can clean up after them if we are lucky, else we would just have to stick to doing the menial chores and things like that.

Fuck off, my brow ridge is amazing.

She has nudes?
Based Russia

I agree. That dude is ugly as fuck.
...but I'm a dude.
Looks like Elza or whatever her name is.
Leo was a fucking slayer. Jesus.

>Leo was a fucking slayer
i don't know how all the other males don't just commit collective suicide