How would you define a normie, r9k? Sometimes I think we're all talking about different people.
How would you define a normie, r9k? Sometimes I think we're all talking about different people
Whatever buzzwords I have to use in a row to make sure I keep my No True Scotsman fallacy running on this board.
a normie is someone who laughs out loud in the theater during avengers endgame
Normies for me are the people who do main stream and are not socially weird or outcasts. Just like every day people.
But if you dig into these people you find that they are as broken as us robots, they just enjoy trying to be normal and act like everyone else to lessen the pain
oh thanks, now im ashamed of having green eyes : )
What a weird thing to say
Nothin good going on with you I bet
You know how they say people are social animals? Normies to me are social animals and nothing else. Their opinions and tastes are all borrowed from whatever group they're trying to fit into. Basically the NPC meme except it can apply to anybody in any group. They tend to be able to interact fairly easily with people up to a point, as if it's instinctual.
A normie is a person who has not yet tasted the true depths of despair, heartbreak, or disappointment.
Very similar to robots, in some ways.
Someone that espouses different opinions from mine.
all people are normies except me.
People who bring there mac book to Starbucks
A person who doesn't feel alienated by the mass culture
The type of pricks who colour their hair like this and wear bowties with flannel shirts are the reason western society is dying.
This is the most technically correct definition. Speaking as Anonymous, everyone who is not me is a normie.
Someone who is heterosexual, usually white, usually male.
No one is more normie than incels. Have you ever tried talking to them? They're more basic than my zoomer stepsister.
Basically someone with very broad tastes, to the point where they only are influenced by things that have mass apeal. (Like capeshit) Their opinions and views where handed down to them by either there parents, TV news, or peer pressure from friends.
I guess you can simplifiny it to what Nietzsche called Untermensch.
Also person in comic deserves to be crub stomped for trying to tell parents that they should raise their child to be a polysexual degenerate.
The pattern is called tartan. Most "flannel" is actually other materials. Why the hate? Tartan is cute.
They,alongside homosexuals and trannies,are just a symptome
The real cause is our weakness and (((their))) involvement
Listen mate I do appreciate tartan right, I'm wearing a kilt to my sisters wedding soon right, but see this fucking hipster gay shite? Its awful.
Fuckin' purple hair and purple shirt, its no fucking wonder that this guy likes it up the arse.
Cant wait for the day of reckoning. Even if western society was killed, at least it would be over and we'd get to watch these freaks face the music eh?
God I want to punch the author of this vomit in their smug little face
But I won't because I'm not a Reddit emotional-extremist normie
I imagine you look something like this
Wrong. A normie is someone who would see endgame at all. You were probably judging your fellow normies when you saw the movie and some of them laughed. But in the end you're no different.
stop posting these comics theyre bringing me down with them, the fucking intellectual black hole is too powerful
The real cause is that there are enough resources to escape the loop of stupid perpetual animal survival, explore the human experience and be whoever you want to be. Escape the deprecated system, there are other ways to live.
I saw Us instead :-)
I have a really strong urge to downvote this
pop music listenerss
nice fake Scottish accent lmao
Define incel pls
Someone who self-identifies as such.
The spectrum has always been extrovert vs introvert. Most people fall somewhere in between. Both categories have different wants/needs/language. Find a comparison of cat language (introvert) with dog language (extrovert).
Instead of accepting the fact, that people are different and communicating these differences, people ended up creating a so called "normal" pattern which everyone should follow. The normal patter was however dictated by generations who are pretty much extroverted. This is mainly because prior to the internet your only place to socialize was actually going outside.
But because of this situation, people who do not fit this pattern receive a label based on how far they are from the "desired" pattern. As a coping mechanism people who do not "fit in" start doing rather illogical life choices.
without eccentrics the world would be boring
Most "introverts" are just socially anxious.
I'm just worried because I'm new here and the term incel seems to apply to my persona, altho I dont even know what they stand for nor I feel identified as such, I just didn't happen to cross paths with anyone I'd like to get into a RS for a long time, since I don't think I'm into casual sex.
If you don't hate women for not kicking in your door to ask you out, you're not an incel.
I don't hate women at all, I think they are just human beings, I appreciate their company and friendship. I had my heart broken after a 4 year RS and didn't have sex ever since, that's why I thought I may be an incel, or some odd ball. But I guess I'm not, so thank you, it's a lifting weight off my chest.
if you want to tell yourself that then by all means, have a fuckin' ball
Im not anxious, i just have no interest in spending my time with other people.
I spend my free time reading about computer science and practicing it. Its also what i work with.
You are an incel if you dont enjoy this
This is oftentimes the truth
But real normies do exist
It increases with age as concessions to social conditioning accrue
Narrow interests are shallow interests. You can't go deep without going a little wide. I find there's some near transfer between social interaction and hacking
Not really sure how narrow interests are shallow.
Of course you cant be an expert of a subject if you dont understand the full context.
There are different types of hacking involving different things like social interaction, hardware or software. All are necessary but have different use cases.