Volcel general

To everyone self-aware enough to accept you never really put in any effort, why?

>have absolutely nothing to talk to women about
Realized this the other day when two Stacies at work sat down next to me. They're nice and all but when they start talking about some DJ they were going to see and joke about masturbation I feel like a 70 year old man.

>never spend any time in any area where women my age are.
Night clubs and stuff are just horrible environments.

>never took great care of my looks
Just didn't see the point. Why bother with details when society feels like shit to the core?

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i hate human contact. we wre all rotten creatures. i hate this hoard for constantly complaining about getting a girl.

this world is dark and they want to us to be tortured and killed.

you got the name wrong its:
>Miserable incels trying to cope, acting like their virginity is a deliberate decision instead of result of their horrific social skills and mental deficiencies general


Do you think it's inconceivable that some men just don't chase after women?

Imagine projecting this hard. Not everyone is as mentally defective as you are.

3d women will never love me for who I really am. Tried it.

I did put in effort at one point and got le trad gf during my Jow Forums phase, but ditched her after I realized I hated that lifestyle irl. Now I just dont really care anymore. Your options for a relationship in the west are just so awful. Have had two opportunities for a one-night stand since starting uni and got sexually harassed at a party. Honestly I fucking hate all this shit and its just become so tiring.

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I will only do it with somebody set to be my life's partner. There's no point otherwise.

this desu
3D whores offer nothing.

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God damn that guy must be strong. He's not even breaking a sweat!

It is said that the hearts of the people are bad since young. But do not let that discourage you. You are to rise from this knowledge and control yourself.
In Chinese those who were sages, were literally called "restrained spirits" by not giving in to the pleasures or pains of the world.

based wholesome chinaman

I've put negative effort in i.e. I rejected a bunch of woman. I did it because even though I have massive inferiority complex I still feel like I deserve 10/10 virgin. idk whats wrong with me maybe I'm just an idiot

No virgin gf, no chance of getting one now. Its over

no such thing as a male volcel that isn't for religious reasons stop kidding yourself, just because you accept that you aren't capable of having sex doesn't mean it's voluntary

i refuse to have sex with a non-virgin

>1st gf
chubby girl I did not really find attractive. kind of obsessed about me. one day she invited me to her and we had sex. more like I fingered her and eat her out. was not impressed.

>1st escort
turned out to be another chubby bitch. sucked me like a pro but that's all, cant really get hard enough to get it in, not impressed at all.

>2nd gf
actually hot one. got drunk, had fun, came to my apartment. before I noticed she is naked in my bed. dry humped me, sucked me... still not hard enough, still not impressed.

and at that point I realized that all the porn and kinky stuff made me impotent. also 2nd gf never met with me again after that.

I don't care enough to want to interact with women. They just repulse me on so many levels (maybe except physical sometimes)

I am a volcel but an insingle. I've wanted nothing more than to be married since I was a young boy (5 at least). I've had plenty of whores show interest in me, but I couldn't care less about them. Then I've shown interest in a few wholesome ladies and I always get rejected as a romantic partner. If I hear that I'm a "great guy" one more time, I might just finally end it all.

i am in all ways luke you, i never tried to get laid or date or anything. but i want to get laid. kind if how i want to be strong, healthy and muscular, but i never work for it.
so im still an incel, just a volincel or something stupid.

I tell people that ask questions like these that I'm waiting for marriage first - honestly though, I'm just a pedo. I could probably groom girls, but obvs that's wrong and damaging so I sit and watch.

I'm good looking and tall, but I don't live in the right place. Majority of girls don't meet my single requirement of having decent tits. Would accept anything even a 1/10 if she had tits big enough to compensate. I'm thinking about moving to another country just to pick a girl and come back marry her.

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Why did you dislike having a trad gf?

I still put effort into my life but dating options are so fucking terrible now. I wanted to wait until marriage but you can't find a virgin woman anymore or even a woman with a low partner count, and marriage itself is far too big of a risk now. Even having an unmarried relationship is a massive risk if you're a man now, a woman can destroy your life at any time. I still self-improve but it's just out of habit. There's really no point to it all so I'll probably just kill myself.

I was just about to create a thread about this myself. Well, mainly this point:

>have absolutely nothing to talk to women about

I find I literally have nothing in common with most women and especially young, attractive women. I have nothing to talk to femoids about. Hell, less than nothing. I don't listen to shitty pop music, I don't watch reality tv (or any tv), I don't drink or dance or pretend to be interested in socially progressive causes, et cetera. I just can't get into the normie shit. I don't even watch Game of Thrones or give a fuck about the Avengers movies despite being a huge comic book nerd and growing up on high fantasy themed fiction and games. To me, the Marvel movies are a normie tourist's fast food rendition of comic books.

I don't entirely want to pin the blame on foids for being incompatible with me; I fully accept that I am an acquired taste at best. I have an extremely dark, cynical sense of humor that most people will never get. The main problem is that I have terrible social skills as a result of growing up in a highly dysfunctional family (I'm either extremely quiet and withdrawn or hostile and combative over nothing). And besides, who am I to judge girls for liking random normie bullshit? What am I doing that is so great besides shitposting on a Venezuelan whale watching community forum? In short, I am a boring person and I literally can't even fantasize about being able to hold an engaging conversation with 99 percent of women.

In other words, I'm a robot. A real robot. I tend to get triggered when people create threads on Jow Forums to the effect of "my gf/bf is soooo moody today!" You're not a fucking robot if you've made it to that point with another human being.

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eh I never really met a girl I was really interested in besides a small crush so I felt like it would be a disservice to them and to myself if I pursued them for such a superficial reason. plus I've pretty much always been completely career-oriented so I thought that things like that were just distractions, especially since those early efforts have actually put me in a great position to succeed

now I'm slowly trying to teach myself how to interact with girls better by teasing/bantering/jostling around with the girls I know, and presenting myself as a confident, self-assured, and self-aware person. I still have a long way to go. I'm a 5'4" filipino skelly which is not ideal, so I still have to learn how to improve myself physically in other ways, which is something I'll work on after I graduate in a month. I also don't think I'm ready to take that extra step in definitively pursuing a girl, besides spending time and hanging out alone with them, since I still have a lot to work on in terms of even just having a relationship with one beyond being acquaintances. I see it as necessary baby steps and part of the process; I have to make up for 2 decades of having no experience after all.

But I'll see if something changes; maybe it'll be like other things in my life where if I keep trying and keeping track of my progress and what I can do better, one day it'll just click

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>I'm a 5'4" filipino skelly which is not ideal
I don't want to rub salt in the wound but you likely don't even begin to grasp what an understatement that is. Being either one of these is enough to make you invisible to at least 80 percent of women, and that is an extremely generous estimate.

I don't know if I can't have sex. I've never tried. How is not pursuing sex not the same as being volcel? Incel implies that you are celibate despite having wanted it and showing effort to try and get it and being turned down. Unless there's a term for men who don't make a conscious decision im going to continue going by volcel.

I'm 6'1, blonde, blue eyed and fairly attractive and I'll remain a virgin until I find a companion for life.

Actually approaching a woman seems like a very stressful situation. I don't know how normies do it, slayers have it easy but for normies and people in my tier of looks it must be like crawling through hell.
Only blackpilled post. I consider myself an incel, not a volcel.

I do because I'm on this board who likes to constantly remind me about it through all its racebait and manlet threads. It sucks but it's also useless to think about because I can't change it, and there's not much of a point sweating about things I can't change.

All I know from my own life's experience is that though I haven't been given everything in life, if I utilize the skills I have been given and improve on the things I can improve, I can still make something of myself, which I have. I've went from socially oblivious and autistic to having my name on multiple scientific publications and people liking me so much that they apply to grants for me.

Funnily enough despite my height I've never really met that many people my age significantly taller than me despite going to uni in a very big city.

Daily reminder that if you won't date fatasses and ugly girls, you're volcel, which is basically 95% of here but muh anime titties perfect virgin. The mere existence of these girls make you volcel, even if they never really tried to approach you, because you never tried the same.
You're allowed to complain about your shitty life but you don't have any right to claim the rare title of incel.
Please help us by killing disgusting girls instead of killing regular normies.

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Also, the biggest Chad I personally know is a 5'5" Middle Eastern/Indian dude. He's also on multiple publications, is summa cum laude, is going to a top 10 med school, is jacked, and still has time to have a huge clique, thousands of friends on social media, and to go to parties and make out with like 5 or 6 different girls he barely knew beforehand. I always found it baffling just how he was able to do it all.

>You're allowed to complain about your shitty life but you don't have any right to claim the rare title of incel.
I'm and I agree with this, which is why I was careful to specify the lack of shared interests with young, ATTRACTIVE women. I'm sure somewhere out there there's a 400 lb feminist with blue armpit hair I could be sticking my dick into if I really tried. But I just don't care to even try given that the reward is so low and the hurdle (prolonged voluntary social interaction, i.e. courting) with someone I'm not even interested in) is so high.

>Scared to talk to girls
>Live with parents
>No IRL friends
>Minimum wage job
>Spend free time consuming media and talking to online friends
>Only interested in decent-looking Jow Forums girls I don't have a chance with
>Have rejected two girls, one because she was crazy and a bit below average, the other because she was REALLY crazy

Guess I'm volcel

I just don't want any roasties or any sluts. I have had the opportunity to have a few one night stands but I never wanted that. I just want a virgin that I can marry, or a girl with a low body count. Though it might as well be impossible, through the romantic lens of life, I will wait. I don't want a stacy but at least a 6/10.

I'm 6'3", blond hair, blue eyes. Haven't done it yet because most of the girls around me are social media whores or incredibly weird/awkward. That, and the fact that I am not good at asking girls out.

It's the other way around. If there is any conceivable circumstance where you would have sex, but it is closed off to you, then you are an incel.

I'm a PUA but why pick up used women?

No, because that would mean everybody is incel.

Because i am a blackbot that fits in with nobody. Everyone calls me weird even my parents. And with college on the horizon i can not imagine it being different than the 12 yrs of school i had before with girls only coming to me for homework help

What's the difference between volcels and incels?

why does she have to be a virgin?

>No, because that would mean everybody is incel.

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"you're obviously not trying hard enough why don't you lower your standards, hit the gym, update your wardrobe..."
"you're just a coping ugly virgin who couldn't get laid if you tried"
There's no winning, is there?

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No. Have sex.

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>have no desire to be around people in general
I really dislike having to interact with people. I dislike having to be around others and sadly I live in a large city. The only way to meet men is to go out and mingle, I guess, but work drains me enough already I can't handle doing social things. I would like to find a life partner but I dont think I have it in me to go out and "find" one. Young males are also just as guilty as women being hedonistic garbage so I don't want to settle for a npc.

how can you get sexually harassed at a party? please do tell more

The better term is MGTOW

>>have absolutely nothing to talk to women about
if I still believed this I would literally have 0 hope, but since I've actually met girls I enjoyed talking to I have this nagging bit of hope left in the back of my head that I will one day run across a girl who'll love me. And that's despite the fact that I really don't get along well with normies.

>>never spend any time in any area where women my age are
>Night clubs and stuff are just horrible environments
same and totally agree.

>never took great care of my looks
Basically same, I look and dress in a way I think is generally acceptable but that's it, I prioritize comfort and (low)prize.

To add to that I've only had one serious crush in my life thus far and I never tried asking her out or anything, I knew she wasn't interested, good thing she switched uni after the first year, made it a lot easier to let go of my feelings.

I also have a general distaste for the way dating and especially online dating works, the fact that you're just throwing yourself at a bunch of people in the hopes that one of them will date you and then hoping that said dating works out just rubs me the wrong way. I don't see why I should force myself to take interest in a complete stranger on the off chance that maybe I like her and maybe she likes me, it feels so contrived and forced.
Because of this I don't put in any effort whatsoever and quite honestly I wish I could just get rid of the nogf feels and go back to not giving a single shit like in middle school.

Thanks for reading my blog post.


>have hard time talking to people
>terrified of appearing vulnerable to others
>hate eye contact
>really enjoy personal space
basically autism prevent me from doing the things that create ''chemistry''. guess i could force myself through that shit but it wouldn't solve anything, i wont enjoy everything i feel is wrong with the world, it wont change that i think popular things like shit music, large crowds of people and conversational norms is absolutely shit making me an awful person to be around.

Never had a GF. I think I'm a schizoid not that I mind. But I've never met anyone I connect with. There are women I enjoy talking to at work. Mostly just 1. But she's married way older than me and has a kid in college. She's the only person I ever feel comfortable talking to and not like I'm choking.

Sometimes I ask myself "If someone appeared right now and wanted sex would you?" and I mostly always feel like no, I wouldn't. Also what if I got a GF? I'd have no time for video games and stuff and I doubt she'd play them. I know that's pathetic but I truly love video games. Plus Id have to introduce her to my family and the fact I had cancer and idk. It's too much of a burden. I'm too much of a freak

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i just don't care. i like being alone and i haven't even masturbated in a month