Is it healthy to masturbate your butthole a lot? I can't get any satisfaction from vaginal masturbation really. At least penetration, I still like rubbing my clit but I can't stop shoving things up my ass and I've noticed it's gotten looser and looser. I'm worried I'm gonna screw something up.
Is it healthy to masturbate your butthole a lot? I can't get any satisfaction from vaginal masturbation really...
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Too much will cause muscle weakness, and far too much will cause incontinence. Sounds like you have some issues.
Shorter term you can get fissures and infections, then hemorrhoids, and worst case, incontinence and you'll be shitting yourself all day every day. Inserting things that already fit well enough is not a huge issue, but stretching and straining, including straining during a shit, are not good.
How do gay guys deal with it? I'm not size queening, and it's just smaller stuff for now but I've noticed it's definitely gotten looser since I've started.
Have you done kegels?
Aren't those for the vagina?
>girl who wants anal all day
Somehow doubt I will ever find any XX female with that habit
You can do them for your ass too.
>ywn never enable an anal addict fembot
Both sexes can do kegel exercises and it does help keep the anus tight, all you do is just clench and hold the same muscle you use to start/stop the flow of urine, repeat that several times and that's your kegel workout
It is a bit easier to build that muscle if you're a girl because they make special weighted inserts for the vagina that add resistance to the exercise, the options for adding resistance are limited for guys
Anal is both degenerate and unnatural.
I will have to keep that in mind then, I could try doing some of those since they might help but I just don't want any health effects.
Yeah well so are you but you don't see us complaining
Everyone does weird stuff. I personally don't see anal as being that bad and at least I'm not hurting anyone.
You're hurting your body and mind.
How am I doing that?
By stretching and damaging your colon (objects aren't supposed to go there) and conditioning your mind to enjoy degenerate acts above healthy ones.
I can't feasibly control what feels good to me. And as I said before I am not size queening. The largest thing I've put up inside me was a hair brush.
I doubt op is a biofemale
No amount of mental gymnastics are going to excuse what you're doing. It is unhealthy, that is all.
>objects aren't supposed to go in there
what is your literal shit
And who the fuck are you to decide what's degenerate
"mental gymnastics"
>thing feel good up asshole so i put thing up asshole
wow that really is a gymnastic mental feat.
Let me fuck your ass, anonette. I have a modest 6.5" penis that should do the job nicely.
What do you put up there user?
Med student here. Anal masturbation/sex can and does lead to incontinence and prolapse if done regularly. Obviously frequency/size increases the risk. If you're noticing stretching, I'd do it less often. Fortunately you don't have to worry about incontinence as girls don't poop, but prolapse can be very painful and life threatening.
>How do gay guys deal with it?
Gay men have anal sex far less frequently than people think.
I put markers, hairbrush handles, remotes, small makeup bottles. nothing over like 2 inches.
Can I put my benis up there?
First of all you're not a woman so stop pretending faggot. Second, women literally cannot feel pleasure from their ass since there phisically are no pleasure points there.
Men have a prostate which when stimulated provides more sexual pleasure than vaginal sex in women. So stop your baiting, saged and reported
>Med student here.
How come prostate exams and searching of anal cavity is legal if it's so risky?
You should start using my dick instead haha
What's the medical consensus on anal sex? Considering how homophobic and sexist it would be to say HIV is a gay virus, how someone with medical background can even imply in this day and age that anal sex is bad? Asking out of curiosity. How do they deal with that, seems like they will be forced soon to promote it as healthy and safe thing to do, to not harm views of minority.
But on the other hand, a lot of couples do anal, can't imagine most people know thing or two about lube or cleaning before doing it and yet we don't hear a lot about women walking around shitting themselves, not being able to hold their feaces.
>How come prostate exams and searching of anal cavity is legal if it's so risky?
It isn't. A little pinky up the bum isn't gonna cause problems. It's only when you do it regularly that it will.
Also blood tests are frequently done instead of cavity inspection these days.
>how someone with medical background can even imply in this day and age that anal sex is bad?
The same way we get around everything, by half assing it (pun unintended). We say "moderation only". In general yeah, you shouldn't be sticking foreign objects up your ass, but if you really cannot help yourself, only do it occasionally and as soon as you start to notice problems, go see your doctor sooner rather than later.
It's not that I generally get pleasure from it in that sense. If I want to orgasm through anal sex it's impossible I have to have some stimulation on my clit to add to the experience.
>Implying any girl would post a pic like this
the clothed anal was sexy though i liked it.
>only do it occasionally and as soon as you start to notice problems, go see your doctor sooner rather than later.
what can doctor even do at this point other than say stop being a faggot politely
>I can't feasibly control what feels good to me.
100% wrong
What are your thoughts on this guy? Is he legitimate doctor? He makes anal sound like something safe and something you can train wtf?
That art style. Please sb give me the artists name :)
Most girls dont like it in the ass. What makes Op so different?
just try anal chastity device
I just like it. Feels good to me I'm not sure why. The pain that comes with it is part of the pleasure though there's barely pain after the first few times.
Are you this hot?