Why is this board, why is Jow Forums in general so shit now...

Why is this board, why is Jow Forums in general so shit now? There are so many people who openly admit to using reddit or outright coming from reddit. Most of you are zoomers (barely an adult) or underage faggots. I think at least 50% of the people here have only been here for a few years at most and found out about Jow Forums from reddit or the news. Maybe 80% of these newfags are cringey autistic retard incels from the_donald subreddit and came during the election.

The only boards that seem to be immune to newfaggots are /a/ and some niche boards because they notoriously don't welcome newfaggottry. The people on r9k don't bat an eye when someone openly admits to being an underage or high school fag.

my conclusion is that zoomers and reddit ruined everything.

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>he had confidence in plebbit
Tourists are a plague for the chans. You have ledditniggers, phoneposters, underages. And why do they come here? To laugh. To mock us. To screenshot le epic greentexts and show them to their normalfag friends. They feel the urge to post whatever moronic, uninformed shit they want. They lecture us, because muh morality, they refuse to go back. Why? I do not understand. Why do they want to make this place the same as the shithole they came from? (they already did eitherway.) Why can't they go back? And the ones that LARP as oldfags, God knows I wish them only misery. They insist on tripcodes, because they refuse to accept anonimity. There was that infographic about how the replacement of the original userbase causes the influx of more and more newfaggots.
They demand immediate answers and TL;DR's, because they need that screencap to post on their shitty profile or whatever to get muh validation about how "weird and zanny le mad haxxor 4chin is".

>Anime poster
You're part of the problem user

>t. newnigger
Rope yourself, cuckditter.

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Kill yourself newfaggot redditor

>complaining about weebs on a weeb site
Do us all a favor and go back to plebbit

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Ask a new faggot to tell you the differences between /a/ and Jow Forums

He won't find one

I've been here longer than you've been alive and I use Reddit.
You shouldn't care so much what a bunch of anonymous losers online think. You're not any better than me, I'm not any better than you.
If either of us was really "better" we'd actually be doing something with our time instead of shit posting about what's the "based" way to waste time.

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>The only boards that seem to be immune to newfaggots are /a/
/a/ is nothing like it was in 2004-2008. Fuck off new shitter

Has been like this since 2008/9 user what's new?

No, you fuck off. /a/ at least has people who recognize stuff from over 10 years ago. /a/ retains some old board culture. if there are newfags on /a/, they at least have the courtesy to lurk or blend in. It makes sense that I like /a/ the most, every other board is complete shit right now.
Kill yourself reddit trash

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>No, you fuck off. /a/ at least has people who recognize stuff from over 10 years ago.
As does any board.

>/a/ retains some old board culture.
Like what?

> if there are newfags on /a/, they at least have the courtesy to lurk or blend in.
This just shows you're a fucking newfag. The fact /a/ takes waifuism seriously is proof against your claim. But you'll rewrite history and say it was always serious and not just an ironic meme like the dumb newfag you are.

>It makes sense that I like /a/ the most, every other board is complete shit right now.
You like /a/ because it makes you feel like you're an oldfag for being here since 2011.

Do you even know what Raspberry Heaven or World2ch were?

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It was always serious and should be taken seriously. Your life is an ironic meme, get out redditor.

>It was always serious
By that logic Moot is a tranny and everyone who wanted to be the little girl was serious too. Jow Forums was always a trans website, yet you probably hate trannies.
I hate you /a/ retards so much. Pic related, this is what /b/ - Anime/Random used to be like. Tripfags everywhere, LOL SO RANDOM posting, and reposts of reposts of reposts.

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>Jow Forums was so much better back in the day these dumb kids don't know anything they need to go back to rebbit

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>Jow Forums only recently died no on thought it was shit 13 years ago

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>You just don't understand things were different back then that's why we all posted like dumb Facebook normies do today

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because this is the reddit board? do you think I take this shithole half as seriously as any other board? hell, I probably think more about my posts on /trash/

>one person was joking means every person on this site is always joking
Are you actually retarded? That's terrible logic. You need to go back to primary school. If you want to argue your point, prove to me why waifuism isn't really serious.

Unironically kill yourself you stupid fucking newfag. Stop trying to appropriate culture you were never part, that you will never understand, and have no right to claim.

>The only boards that seem to be immune to newfaggots are /a/

/a/ is not elitist or hostile anymore I don't believe you. I left /a/ years ago because of that.

You are the newfag though. /a/ is still the best board. If you don't like that, go back to fucking reddit my friend. Not taking waifus seriously means you don't belong here, and you never did.

There is rarely behavior that warrants being hostile unless it's outright bait.

well there you go is not the old /a/ I used to know. the old /a/ was alpha as fuck and more interesting. The old /a/ would put newfags and women in their place. also they will shit on shonen shit or anything popular that would attract newfags.