I have a scheduled prostate exam in around an hour and my doctor is a woman. How do I not get hard?

I have a scheduled prostate exam in around an hour and my doctor is a woman. How do I not get hard?

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Masturbate before hand.


I got hard for mine, they're medical professionals and know the body well. They know that shit is natural and part of anatomy. Just relax.

While having a woman stick her finger up your but is a milestone in of itself. How often to you get to show your erect penis to a woman. But I guess if you are a normie this advice does not apply.

Get shitfaced drunk so that you get whiskey dick

I came all over the medical table when I got mine, cute nurse too. She acted very natural about it and said it happened.

Just relax and show your dick with pride.

Im gonna try this.

Cant go there drunk.

Guess I can just stop thinking about it too, I dont have much time anyways.

Damn it feels that good?

Some of the female nurses must enjoy this.

>Some of the female nurses must enjoy this.
I really doubt it. Nobody wants to put their finger up the butt of a man they don't know, especially not a nurse, and guy's have pretty bad hygiene back there.

Its both uncomfortable and pleasurable. My nurse kept touching the prostate again and again, at times I felt it was intentional, but like the other user said I doubt professionals would feel that kind of sexual attraction over an exposed asshole.There is also the aspect of having your dick and balls hangling in the open in front of a girl.

>My nurse kept touching the prostate again and again, at times I felt it was intentional
Not shit, Sherlock, its a prostate exam if course she's intentionally touching your prostate

be a chad and cum loud cum proud

a doctor would understand if you get hard, just be cool about it, and act like it's natrual

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Look her in the eyes and tell her you love it


Well, its over. Got stupidly hard and even leaked a bit but things went fine. Her palm was on my balls all the time. She made no comment at all.

just be sure to wash your dick off or else she'll smell the semen. unless you want her to.

she put her palm on your balls to feel your perineum, all apart of the prostate exam...though my male doctors have never done that before.

Every part of that situation sounds pretty hot.

why would you even need one? do you have cancer?

its healthy for men between the ages of 18 and 35 to get them every 2 years or so. Its almost necessary after that point. and theres a lot more reasons than cancer to get your prostate checked out. For instance, ive got chronic prostatitis, and a simple prostate exam can verify along with urine samples. But the prostate can effect most everything urinary in a man.

you should probably schedule one, specially if you pee alot...or dont pee a enough. Either could be a symptom of something involving your prostate. Go get a finger up your butt, just for fun.

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Was she hot or cute?

I enjoy cute girls having to suffer the humiliation of my dirty asshole.

based dubs is based kek

Just get hard. Who cares? You think your doctor never saw a hard dick before? Anyway, you probably won't get hard because it's a super awkward situation. Especially if her hands are cold.

Honestly I'd just go in and enjoy the ride but I'm some porn addict weirdo so whatever.