Haven't shitted in four days despite 2,5k daily calories

>haven't shitted in four days despite 2,5k daily calories

Attached: 1493292647117.jpg (297x268, 12K)

Did you fall for that stupid Jow Forums anti-fiber meme?

Good luck user

eat some fiber you retard

Drink a gallon of apple juice.

*shat. and have a strong coffee and poke a soapy finger up the ol' anus lad, it'll have you shitting in no time.

If you don't feel constipated or in pain there is no issue. You just probably cleaned up your diet so your body absorbed more, hence no need to excrete any waste

try olive oil. if you cant drink it straight use bread to soak it up.

taco bell

eat a bag of those laxative gummy bears

It's gonna be a big one fren

Time to get laxatives or have an unwilling scat experience

Prove that fiber helps with digestion.


It doesn't, it helps with passing the stool faster

Yes it does, it slows digestion to maximize absorption ya fuckin goof

Attached: fiberMeme.png (1877x1043, 758K)

what kind of fucking derranged incel says such a thing


One that seeks the truth

He hasn't shidded for 4 days, clearly it's still 'DIGESTING' dr.

How about you just try it instead of writing some dumb shit lol
My digestion has always been best with fiber, when I cut it out completely I wouldn't shit for days

drink some coffee or apple juice

Please understand that it takes few days for meat to be properly digested in your intestines. The more heavy the meals, the more time it takes. Make sure you drink water, so that the shit doesn't stick to your intestines and cause internal bleeding.

i feel you op. having anxiety in my early years made me shit 4 times a day and ever since getting over it, its either i shit like that or rely on the creatine to provide a bowel movement.

gotta get more fiber my guy

I don't see any cited sources, come back with some real shit my man

>only 2500
my morning scoops are 1100 alone
step it up

Fiber literally just makes me bloated and gassy. Probiotic kefir made me shit regularly and without bleeding which is what caused me to try a high fiber diet in the first place. You can say I'm retarded and wrong but that's what happened.

If you are not eating fiber you are fat.

Yeah sure why not. It's your health after all. Good luck

the science behind fiber is pretty shitty
"fiber" is almost meaningless anyway since it doesnt say anything the food. dominos pizza and broccoli simply don't function the same way even though you could get the same amount of fiber from them.
not surprisingly there is no generalized causation between fiber and constipation, gas or diarrhea