So Im a fat fuck whose cutting calories trying to loose weight. Im also an alcoholic...

So Im a fat fuck whose cutting calories trying to loose weight. Im also an alcoholic. I know my tde and Ive been budgeting my calories for a pint of vodka a night. People tell me thats its next to impossible to lose weight and drink. Something about the vodka holding on to the calories or whatever the fuck. Even with my pint a night Im still at a deficit of 1500 a day. Would I be loosing more weight quicker if i replaced those alcohol calories? I have a problem

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Yes, you have a problem. That level of alcohol intake will almost certainly take you to an early naptime in wooden pyjamas.

Thanks for answering my question. Quality post

>I know my tde and Ive been budgeting my calories for a pint of vodka a night.

1 pint US=16 oz, 1 oz vodka =70 cals, so roughly 1 pint vodka = 1,120 cals.

> Even with my pint a night Im still at a deficit of 1500 a day

How? That pint alone is more calories than I should eat in a day. I'm lucky if I can have two shots of rum and stay under my tde, but that typically means I skip dinner. Thanks to that pint, you're over-eating.

Have you tried a beer fast? Not some deluded version where you just sip from cans of Bud. Nah, do it like the monks did during Lent. Get a good hearty beer, like a Trappist beer or a bock or something. Have a few of those through the day. Read a human interest of a guy who did that once.

what's the point of losing weight just to kill yourself with vodka?

Im near 400 pounds thats how. I eat one 400-600 cal meal a day and round up to 1500 cals for my pint and the occasional beer or 2

knock that shit off and stop enabling yourself, turn your addictive personality toward working out, get addicted to that

ECA stack

Good question. Ill get back to you on that.

This. And don't try to "ween yourself off" of alcohol. Well, you sort of have to because of the amount, but what I mean is, ask a doctor what the best way to do it is, and do it as quick as you can. And never drink again. You're a straight up alcoholic. You will never be satisfied with "just one drink". A pint is fucking ridiculous. And you're using half of your calories do DRINK instead of eat, which actually fuels your body.

You're dying. Do something about it.

You guys arent changing my mind on the booze, thats not why Im here. When I feel compelled to deal with my alcoholism, Ill do that. For now Im more or less content. I just want to know if the vodka is sabotaging my weight loss despite my calorie deficit. Maybe the answer to that will influence my desire to get fucked up daily. We'll see

Yeah, a friend of mine used to work in a liquor store, see people like you come in all the time, saying they eat healthy but can't understand why they gain weight, even when they polish off a fifth or a bigger bottle of booze in a night.
At least you chose vodka. Hopefully not some shitty sugar-flavor added one. Tequilas and rums are lesser calorie-wise supposedly, but there seems to be debate about that.
Unless your cocktail is a "and diet tonic/water', COCKTAILS ARE RIGHT OUT.
If you use Crystal Light as a mixer, you should just pour yourself a nice cup of bleach to go with it.
What beer are you drinking? They may be shittier, but there are low-carb and low-calorie versions out there. Surprisingly I found a good Trappist beer that was low carb & low calorie, Orval, something like 120-150 cals but very low carb. And dry ciders are good too.

I forget, there's a few other non-shitty low-carb beers. The calorie range is still gonna be around 120-150 cals per can/bottle, but still low-carb. Loook up keto friendly beers.

look how retardedly you spell. I am so glad I never drink retard juice

Im drink unflavored 80 proof vodka with crystal light lemonade mixer. And its not really beer at all its a "vodka soda" called Monaco cocktail. 162 calories per can according to google. Easier to type "beer " than to explain.

Death sabotages weightloss so yes

Tell me, how can I be more like you? You sound pretty based honestly


enjoy your early death

I will. In the meantime, Im looking for the answer to a very simple and specific question that every seems to be skirting around so that they can impart on me some "sage advice"

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>I have a problem
congrats on taking the first step of MANY MANY STEPS. now be honest and tell me what you think is next?

Hopefully one of you getting close to answering my fucking question

you already know the answer

Yes, drinking alcohol, ANY AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL, ANY TYPE OF ALCOHOL, inhibits your weight loss.

So the booze is overriding my

>when i feel compelled to deal with my alcoholism, I'll do that
No you won't. You know damn well that dropping the booze would significantly affect your health, and not just as far as the weight loss. But you're intentionally ignoring that because you're too weak of a man to face that problem. So be it. Hopefully it's worth it when you die early.

Alcohol, in the simplest terms, is poison. Your body has to try to deal with the toxins you're putting in your body on a daily basis, and it does this by surviving. When you're body is trying to survive, it hangs on to every bit of weight it can because that's what it's evolved to do.

this is an attention seeking post and nothing more, you already knew the answer to the question, and if you didn't it was easily answered in a search engine, some strangers reached out and hoped you'd see the error of your ways, and you're reaching out in the first place so you wanted it, now what you do in the future is your choice, I wish you luck sir

Yes, it's overriding your deficit. Alcohol gets metabolized into sugars, and sugars are carbohydrates, and excessive carbohydrate consumption makes you fat.

you already know the answer drunkie. just type it out.
>if I quit drinking my weight loss will improve

Thank you for being the only person in this thread tell me what I want to know instead of trying to save my life on some virtuosity trip

I'm not trying to save your life because it's pathetic and not worth saving. I'm ashamed that I share a genome with you. I've known many alcoholics in my life, and I never thought I'd meet one as pathetic as you.

thank you


Welp, that did it. Im done drinking. That type of shaming is exactly what I needed oddly enough. Your opinion has meant enough to me to change my ways. Thank you, stranger on the internet.

Fatty acids are broken down by the liver. By flooding it with alcohol every day you are preoccupying it with the breakdown of literal poison. So I'd say yes, it does sabotage your weight loss.

It's just so frustrating that he stumbles on this board asking for advice about his drinking, and when people give it to him, he's like "lol stop trying to save my life". Why is he even trying to lose weight when he's going to die anyway? Who is he trying to impress? If he's not trying to impress anyone, is he trying to help his health? Than why does he insist that he has to drink a fucking liter of vodka a night? He's one of the most disgusting, pathetic, weak individuals I've ever met. And I'm inherently an optimist about these things. I never believe people are too far gone. Even on the internet. But I'm not sure I'd get through to him even in person.

I truly hope you get better. But I know you won't. Have fun wasting your life.

you have a sour attitude and I'd be surprised if anyone in your life enjoys being around you

I don't care about your life. I'm just giving my opinion. Actually, I'm stating a fact. Sorry, I'm a little negative when it comes to alcoholism because I've watched it ruin lives.

>anyone in your life
>implying he hasn’t pushed them all away with his smug, lazy defeatism

Why did you say that? I have to be at work in the morning. How am I supposed to sleep with those words lingering in my head?

Why do you insist on poisoning this board like you poison your body on a regular basis? If you're not gonna actually have a conversation, leave. This isn't your personal google.

This is a striking combination humanist virtue signaling and outright misanthropy. This place never ceases to astound me

Stop trying to act smart when you spend 50% of your nights with your face next to where someone shits

This is basic ad hominem. Seriously never change 4channel. This is why I frequent here

>Im looking for the answer to a very simple and specific question
No you’re not, you brain-mush alchy fuck. You’re looking for somebody who (ostensibly) knows something m about fitness to tell you that in this context your pint of problem a day is fine.
You know that the majority of your cals coming from vodka is not going to work sustainably. You can’t do it for long enough to lose significant weight, and you’ve got a hell of a lot to lose.
Most of the calories in vodka are from ethanol, which is around 9kcal/gram, and has precisely fuck all nutritional value. You’re at a deficit, so first the EtOH will build some fat, which your starving body will burn. There’s fuck all protein, so your organs and muscles will waste. There’s fuck all micronutrients, so you’ll become less and less functional. You’ll essentially waste away, primarily from the tissues that you need to survive. You’ll actually lose a little fat, sure. But the fat will go slower than your muscles and organs, so you’ll either quit, or waste your organs and die while having lost hardly any weight.

Good going you frothing retard. Stop trying to find some stupid cunt to validate your absolutely pathetic life choices.

According to the first link that came up on google, a pint of vodka is somewhere between 1040 and 1320 calories. That's like 4 to 5 Big Macs.
I mean, it's not that hard to figure it out. Calories are a measurement of energy, and alcohol is so energy dense that you can use it to fuel cars.
Like absolutely quitting/reducing alcohol should be your priority number 1 even if we talk about it from a weight-loss perspective

> Wooden pyjamas
Heh, nice

You really do have a problem. At least tone down the alcohol and replace it with healthy food. You’ll live longer.

Recovering alcoholic here, ill give you a straight answer since no one else will. Yes, you can still drink your pint of vodka and lose weight, but I'd probably just have one small meal a day, and thats it.

At my worse I was drining more than a pint a day, and maintaining 180lbs at 6'0. I was only eating about 500 cal/day though.

You can definitely lose weight while drinking, its just a pain in the ass, and you'll have to basically stop eating. If you choose to go that route, start taking a multi vitamin.