Do people just get more hostile when you start to finally get your shit together?

It's weird. The more I get my life together and get on a positive track, the more hostility that I seem to get from random strangers and people that I've known for years.

I quit drinking/smoking/drugs/etc., I have about a solid month in of hitting the gym regularly to get in shape, I have quit consuming porn and masturbating and feeling the testosterone and confidence increasing daily, I'm working hard, trying to stay spiritually focused and get back to church, etc. I'm finally dwelling in positivity and not projecting an aura of doom and gloom and misery and it seems like I'm getting more negativity from the world. It is the weirdest thing. Maybe misery just loves company and people resent someone who starts to choose a healthy path in life? Perhaps the devil or just evil in general ups their attacks when you try to give up sin and get your life in order?

I don't know man. I'm still going to take this as a blessing though. If this insane world was supporting me, I would have to reevaluate my decisions in life.

Anyone else experience this?

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maybe you're just a bitch

Or maybe you're being smug and condescending about it?

Probablu this OP?

My experience is the exact opposite of yours. Strangers are a lot nicer, and except very few haters with crab mentality, colleagues and family/friends tend to be quite happy for me.

I know exactly what you mean. A big part of improving your life is telling those people to fuck off and stop associating with them.
It's hard. It sucks. But to be successful, it is necessary to prune those out of your life who drag you down.

its confrontation and its a good thing
or its jalousy

I think that people who don't work out, still drink/smoke/drugs, are enslaved to porn and cum brain lifestyle, etc. will always resent people who get past these vices because it just makes them realize how fucked up they still are in life. Also, if they see someone else getting their shit together, it makes them realize they have no excuses and they can't justify it in their head anymore.

when you were a shit person you made shit friends. they are still shit and maybe just a bit jealous you've turned it around. crabs in bucket my nigga.
I've got the same thing with my brother still being fat and a drunk, whereas my dad is super impressed and we compare gym stories now. others I have met that I befriended that weren't shit people are also happy I'm doing better, whereas the shit people that I do occasionally see are still shit and still say the same shit. if anything I'm bored of their repetitive complaints about the world, although I bite my tongue. I dont see them very much anymore anyways.

keep improving I'll be your friend user

I went from being a fat, nice pushover. that everyone was "kind to" ( they didnt take me seriously, to a monster chad, who can kill people with my bare hands, whose stronger than most everyone in the gym, who looks better than most people in the gym, who has girls relentlessly chasing after me and the amount of outright animosity, hatred, and hostility j recieve from strangers is fucking ridiculous. Its comical. It's really a new way of life. I'm still the same person inside, I'm nice, I care about people but the number of times I get judged negatively is fucking insane.

That one guy, who documented "mires" as he got more and more attractive was completely correct. The more attractive you get the less interest you get from females and the rider people are to you. You literally become an elite class of person and you really only connect with other elite people. Now, elite doesnt mean attractive or financially successful, it basically means people who have a soul, the kind mother of three at the grocery store who treats you like a sweet heart, the awesome gym bro. The mites from girls in public are mostly the same, but try to make a move and they ghost you. They think you're a player. If you tell then you're single, they think you're weird and they ghost you.

Also since it's nearly impossible to even catch the attention these days of a high quality attractive woman, due to social media, you end up dating below your league and the drama and entitlement you get from these women is insane. I had a fat girl get pissed at me because I told her i wouldnt see her if she didnt shave her legs and armpits and she goes " oh so you're just after me for my looks then" and i was like, bitch, you're delusional, if I was after looks at this point I qoukdnt fucking date you because you're a hundred pounds over weight.

So that's why I believe attractiveness is sought after for repordyction because not only does it signify physical health but it also signifies that you get treated like shit in general and have to look out for yourself more.

Is the english language sought after for reproduction, because if so, I have bad news for you.

I've had diabetics who were 150 pounds overweight fitshaming me and basically being abusive to me about my lifestyle while they are literally eating a fucking candy bar and they had to go to the hospital a week prior.

Seriously, being attractive exposed you to an entirely new level of society. You literally see the worst in people but the best thing is that you can rise above it and truly become a good person, but it might take you a few years, because that's a point you get to after personal and spiritual growth.

My phone keyboard is being a faggot and I'm too tired to fight it right now. Apologies.

If random strangers are being hostile to you, you lack humility or are a cunt
Acquaintances could be explained by jealousy but random strangers is harder.

You guys are reading into this WAY too deep. I mean, maybe I just have more positive people in my life, who knows, but when I lost 70 pounds and started putting on muscle, I've had nothing but compliments from everyone around me, and people I haven't even met in years noticing me in public and congratulating me.

I don't understand why you guys still feel the need to be victims of something. You're not. If you're victims of anything, you're victims of yourselves.

I've been treated far better fit than I was fat.

I am extremely humble and nice to people. They do it out of insecurity. There is a human instinct in which you see someone better than you and you want to kill them. Anyone who cruises this board cannot disagree with that.

Sure, I have good people to but the fact is that you become extremely.polarizing. people either love you or they hate you. You get exposed to both extremes.

It sucks but if you want to make long term fixes to your life you need to ditch your old friend group and find new ones.

Who are these people that hate you for losing weight? I'm not trying to be a dick, but have you considered that maybe it's a combination of you being cocky about it and others being jealous?

I experience this in my professional pursuits too. I'm in school to become a software developer and got some relevant industry certifications because I felt the course material we were bring fed is weak. All of a sudden my peers seem to be intimidated by my knowledge even though all I did was read a few books and take a few tests. Some people notice that someone else is "better" than them at something but are either too dumb or unobservant to realize that their superior is just existing, not looking down upon them. Every act someone else makes to improve themselves is seen as a personal slight to such a individual. A "How dare they look down at me" type of mindset 24/7. It's a shit way to exist.

>are either too dumb or unobservant to realize that their superior is just existing, not looking down upon them.
lmao fucking mortals

I meant that contextually but lol

>Misery loves company
You said it yourself. I experienced the same thing.
Most people on this earth are miserable humans who are just living a sad existence, very few actually are happy and when you are happy other people don't like you for it. Just ignore them

>difficulty scales with player performance

Men in bars/clubs do

When I was dyel nobody bothered me

Now I get dudes size me up all the time, say shit then go "chill bro just a joke bro"

actually annoying

I can see this happening. Dudes get really weirdly competitive with one another over physique and shit in places where women might be. It is super gay at the highest level.

Happens. Drug addicts, drunks, gamblers, smokers, neets, all usually end up giving up some friends and finding new social circles when they make a real change. Getting fit could be similar if your friends are committed to pizza and cake. But since you say you gave up drinking/smoking/drugs/etc. (what the heck was etc in that list, anyway?) I'm not surprised at all.
Look for friends who build you up and have similar interests. Don't cut anyone off in a spirit of anger or revenge - but do be prepared to cut toxic individuals out of your life calmly and rationally. Don't stay in toxic relationships just to be nice.
If you feel you're under spiritual attack, read the bible and pray daily. The only way out is through, and it should drop off if it doesn't work.
Not so much for strangers, but if you have family, friends or coworkers who are repeatedly sabotaging you in a hostile way, you may need to read up on narcissism. Between 1-10% of the population qualify depending on the definition/cutoff used, so it's quite possible to have one or more in your life. And despite the name, their disorder relates more to seeing other people unhappy than simply having a high opinion of themselves. (First rule of narcissism spotting though: never let a clinical narcissist know you know. Ranges from self-defeating to actually dangerous to your health. Best thing to do is simply separate and insulate yourself from them without calling them out, but some people need to read more about to realize that yes, your relative/bff does actually have something wrong with them.)

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>And despite the name, their disorder relates more to seeing other people unhappy than simply having a high opinion of themselves.
Most important thing to know about cluster b really

>bitch, you're delusional, if I was after looks at this point I qoukdnt fucking date you because you're a hundred pounds over weight

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They started seeing you as competition, before you were a background loser, not worth attention, now you're a threat.

No, but then I've been eating helathy and exercising since I'm 15.
That said, I recall when I was 15 and just started doing push-ups, abs and curls a friend of mine told me I was getting "too big".
Also, I remember some fat dude telling me something on the line of "Well you;re young so it's normal that you're thin, you'll be fat when you're my age" (I was 19, guys was 30). Each time I feel like not working out I remember him to get motivated again.

Pretty sure its (something) bias to believe we are good people in our own eyes. But the contrary solution would be to rely on other peoples interpretations but since people are shit... well fuck.

I see two reasons:

1. Group dynamics- it's the job of the whole group to keep everyone in check. It's something perfectly natural and expected.

2. I have a friend who's been fit since high school. He calls me often seeking advice about conversations he has because someone takes issue with what he has said and he doesn't understand why people just don't get what he's saying. His problem is that not only does he lack diplomacy but he's also self-centered.

Maybe the problem is that you're just an asshole and don't know how to speak to others properly.

Surprisingly yes; most do. Mostly out of envy. Folks find it easier and more satisfying to tear others down than admit they're at fault for not putting in the work. The one's that love and care about you unconditionally will mire.

Yes but it's my own fault. I've been going through a lot of changes this year: getting fit, starting school in my mid 30's, pushing family away since it's toxic and it's made me a bit of an asshole. As in I don't have time for bullshit and I will quickly push a person away for flinging their shit at me. Doesn't matter if it's family or someone I just met. I have goals to accomplish. Fuck everything else, for now.

Probably this. Like children who learn something in grade school and rush home to tell their parents how the Earth orbits the sun like they fucking discovered it, the parents grudgingly entertain their children.

Just like you have recently discovered self improvement and are no doubt elated, those around you may and probably have already discovered this, and your over sharing of this already discovered epiphany of not being a complete tool in the world just irritates them. Probably better to just keep working on yourself and let others notice from a distance.

Good point here.

>There is a human instinct in which you see someone better than you and you want to kill them.
Lol no, look up the halo effect retard

Nah man, there are actually people that hate buff dudes. They make assumptions about your intelligence and personality... "Gymbros are douches", "I but this guy can't even read" and shit like that. It's a real phenomenon and I've ever experienced it despite not being particularly chiseled. People get these ideas into their head as a coping mechanism.

Wow, just fuck my post up, phone. What I meant to say was that I've even experienced this as a muscle fat whose only real exercise up until recently was working a hard job. Hell, I dealt with it yesterday from a friend of mine after I mentioned starting at the gym because I got promoted to the office. Dude said a lot of mean shit about narcissism and the like.