This is the future of housing, robots. Embrace it

This is the future of housing, robots. Embrace it.

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Other urls found in this thread:—_are_lgbt_districts_across_the_country_endangered/,_San_Francisco

this is literally what the US warned would happen under communism WTF

>having no privacy at all
no thanks

a) Where does anyone jerk off
b) How much?
c) Does it get cleaned by anyone?
d) Any security?

No I'm not going to watch the video

Here's the real future of housing - shared bunks! It's the share economy!

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Only $50 a night

>Pods in Hollywood are $50 a night but in downtown LA, they are $35 a night, $225 a week and $900 a month.

ONLY $1500 A MONTH! hahahahahhaha


Might as well go to a budget motel for $50 a night.

Does anyone else find it really funny how companies can market awful things to millennials by giving them trendy names of the form pod____, i_____, co-______, micro-_____, etc? The most common one of these would have to be driving for uber. You make LESS than minimum wage at it, some even lose money, but because it's "cool" millennials will take it over McDonald's wageslaving. As for this pod thing, you really need to ask yourself if this is better than living with your parents.

So basically a hostel for 50$ a night kek. That city can't get nuked soon enough.

In a world where the natural lack of meaning has been laid bare for everyone to see in society, people grasp for whatever sense of authenticity and purpose they can find, even if it's packaged in stupid corporate boxes.

The corporations are happy to take advantage.

there are no budget motels within 10 miles of these places. sure you could go to one but you wouldn't be staying in the city.

It's interesting how far civilization can go. These people are wealthy by international standards but their living conditions are worse.

Don't forget "DIY". They eat that shit up.

>timelapse of them building the bunks
>large swathes of time of them just sitting on the beds gossiping and playing on their phones
You really can't make this shit up

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$1500/month. People crowded in, and everything is made out of wood. Los Angeles sounds wonderful.

>two people building this by themselves
>not allowed to take breaks
you're trying too hard

make place with no real privacy and to BE social
3:30 into vid lady(?) implies its safer then a hostel and you have to be social at a hostel unlike this place.....


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I cringe for people in cities
>uni dropout
>work part time menial wagecuck job
>afford 2 bed cottage with garage in rural england
>no niggers or crime

Imagine the particular smell

why tf don't they at least have curtains? thats how it was at summer camp

>Inbred hick thinks his opinion matters

It does. I live in a crime free utopia and pay absolutely fuck all for the pleasure. If i need a town i drive 40 minutes. No slaving full time for some studio in a shithole in which i could be shot or robbed, no rush hour commutes on packed trains. You have no argument. Stay jealous

>voluntarily paying $900 a month to live in a concentration camp
big US cities are a complete joke

People would shoot up behind the curtains.

I don't find it funny. I find it very disturbing. The whole "Tiny Homes" thing (which I'm pretty sure there is a show on HGTV called Tiny Homes which is all about young people living in shit like shipping containers and literal boxes on wheels) is very disturbing and enraging to me because they are successfully putting glitter and a bow on what is otherwise a shit sandwich and actually selling it. There is nothing trendy, cool, or improved about you grandparents being able to afford a decent house large enough to raise a family in and actually raising a family and you only people able to afford a bedazzled box on wheels with no hope of raising children.

>You make LESS than minimum wage at it, some even lose money, but because it's "cool" millennials will take it over McDonald's wageslaving.
How many millennial uber drivers have you had?

That's fucking garbage man. This shit did not exist in the eighties, nineties, early new millenium and rents were almost sane. How is this better than China or whatever, I'd rather live in pic related + pollution than deal with this kind of smelly no privacy communal everything shit arrangement

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i m a g i n e t h e s m e l l e s

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imagine having to pay MINIMUM $2,500/month for a one bedroom

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That's nice and makes a bit more sense. I don't understand how all the fast food, retail worker, janitors, uber drivers, etc. can afford to live anywhere near there though.

where's the poz district?

I believe the Holocaust happened but I always thought these pictures looked heavily photoshopped.

Most of these pictures are from post-war german POW camps

They buy it because it's the cheapest option. LA is super fucking expensive. If you have to travel there for work or whatever why pay for overpriced shit if you're only going to use the place to sleep?

If they faked it, you think they couldn't just tell some people to get in a bunch of bunks and then take pictures of it? Are you literally mentally deficient?

The real victims.

Generally they don't. They get pushed out to the end of a BART line, find roommates, or go live in a tent. It's a fucking ridiculous city because the rich tech workers like to pretend their wagie slavies aren't commuting for three hours a day.

All of them, but mostly the Castro.

>but mostly the Castro.
is there any particular reason?

>yfw the old boomers already knew and no-one listens since the phone screens are blinking shiny enough.

Onions Green and Logan's Run will become a reality, and it has already started.
Human battery living like that is just a first symptom. Do you really think >muh veganlife bullshit and insect burgers are shoved into the media because people suddenly start to give a fuck about le cows and pigs genocide?

Too many humans everywhere, and the only ones who stopping to breed are bored affluent white midclass people who vote for letting more brown subhumans in.

This vid is nothing, wait until even the remotest flyover states start look like Hong Kong in the Rushhour, then you can start worrying.

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the most pozzed districts were SOMA and the mission. Those were the gay districts of SF which is the gay city of the US

However, the literal faggots are being pushed out by figurative faggots - soibois, techbros, and yuppies—_are_lgbt_districts_across_the_country_endangered/

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I don't know how anyone is ever happy or optimistic in life. Is it all just denial?

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after learning about this stuff I looked into those 3d printed mini houses that cost $4000 and I found out land in my area can be as cheap as $8000. I earned $2000 of savings in half a year.

Absolutely this. I'm surprised this crap even has a market. Everyone can constantly see what you're doing and what you're up to. As someone who puts on a face for everyday interactions, it's already draining already, this would be absolute despair.,_San_Francisco

Cocksmokers BTFO

Why would you pay that much to live in a city that looks like this?

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We're condition from birth to accept this kind of thing. They've been programming us. Social engineering and conditioning is a science, that marketers have truly mastered.
They could turn millenials against democracy in an instant, if they wanted.

San Francisco didn't used to be like that. A bunch of corporate leftist fag tech companies moved in and raised the rent and forced a bunch of people into the subways and began their heroin addiction

>>yfw the old boomers already knew

The boomers who held on to their real estate, bought in under mortgage back in the 1990s, or inherited it from their parents ("Greatest Generation") are making an absolute fucking killing and basically printing money

The boomers (and chinks and foreigners) are the ones who own and rent this shit out for 3k per month while non-gifted millenials like the ones in OP vid can go live in concentration camp conditions

In the slums of India they pack multiple families like 10-20 people into a single-room living space so keep going, keep packing them in

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Unironically imagine the smell.
Massive step backwards. Disease and parasites spread like wildfire in such conditions.

>2 toilets
>2 showers
>floor of 20 people
>no privacy

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If you're doing nothing wrong, then you have nothing to hide. Why would you even need privacy?

>San Francisco didn't used to be like that. A bunch of corporate leftist fag tech companies moved in and raised the rent and forced a bunch of people into the subways and began their heroin addiction

>landlords fuck people over
>somehow blame leftists

the right are a meme at this point

This. Boomers did this to us by refusing to pass on their property to their children, the way literally every single generation before them had done.
Boomers were the first generation to intentionally make life worse for their children out of selfishness.

Now just imagine how long it will be until that oh so brilliant African coder with the slightly evolved stain of ebola-chan in his blood gets invited into your enlightend lil commune.

Ah, the future!

want to jerk off
no privacy but that wont stop some people
daddy told me to not be ashamed of our dicks

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Yeah, but you are mostly complaining about the pros and cons of gender-free restrooms while they are doing their biz, so it can't be that bad, right?

>African coder with the slightly evolved stain of ebola

um excuse me this is racist

diseases are caused by racism

Racist white males are the #1 cause of STDs

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Nobody cares about privacy so yeah, guess we'll have to embrace it

I don't know how priorities got so fucked up. I can blame boomers for their part but that, I don't know. To weak for real conflict so have to make up fights out of nothing? Couldn't take property from the boomers if they/we tried.

Because we always buy into what "speakers for our cause" and such scum tell us.
I am old for Jow Forums, genX, nearly a boomer.
can remember some times when changes happened, or at least the fading backlash of some others.
Iron curtain fall, 9/11, etc.
It is nearly always the same pattern, the people who are clamoring for any changes will get fucked over by their own leaders who steer them toward superfical symbols changing and mostly leaving the rotting basic structures as they are when you started bitching.

Happens by bribery, by the issues being dragged out to long that every participant gets sick of it, sometimes by those leaders simply being only human and therefore fail able too.

Far easier to get some assuaging surface arrangements with the powers that reign going, and call yourself the winner and leave the stage. Better deal then risk losing all progress and gaining nothing (or maybe even get involved with angering the real movers and shakers and getting disappeared in some cases and places)

I sometime sleep in my car but I would rather sleep in the street than in there.

I'd rather live in a tent than this.

Not surprised

>Where does anyone jerk off
"The community polices itself"
In other words, any damn place you want as long as you bring your gun.

I want to be that one dude who never showers and do work outs every day and at night watches porn without any earbuds

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Probably because a lot of them ARE touched up/retouched for dramatic propaganda effect.

Look at them. If they want to jerk off, they'll just hook up. It'll be a fucking orgy.

Would you sign up to have government brain implants that let them read your thoughts? Why not? Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, right? That's the path we're heading on.

>having milennials pay money to live in immigration shelters

It's so trendy to pay to live poor!

Sooner live in a van and shit in bucket.

They have these in japan except with privacy. They're called capsule hotels or something.

Thats for business men and people not wanting to commute or wanting a cheap room. Its not for actually living in

>Jake looks so smug with his macbook and his tv displaying all the channels he can get. I hope he gets attacked by a mask commune mob during the night and has his macbook smashed. Share your stuff with the commune or die, imperialist capitalist pig.

Why not live in a trailer?

>can't jack off during daytime hours
>but there's always the chance some qt will sneak into your bed at night time
Pros and cons seem to balance each other out

>all the roasties choose to sit on the filthy concrete floor instead of sharing a couch with mr. fedora

Because most of them are literally photoshopped jewish propaganda stunts, in an effort to milk money from goyim nations.

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Well how do they get away with it?

I think they keep their distance because most people suspect Jake is a nonce

How do they have sex if everything is all in the open like that? Isn't that something normans do frequently? For jerking off, you could just head to the bathrooms, but how would they fuck?

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The girls go over to chad's place to fuck, because he makes a lot of money and can afford his own apartment. The guys don't fuck, because eww who would fuck some broke loser living in a bunkbed?

Sheeit. I never thought about that.

At night, quietly

no curtains, though. Is it really worth it to stay up until 3:00 am just for some peepee friction, even though there's the chance that someone will see you?

At least it isn't Praying Mantis level hard.

is this some weird christian thing? there's something really off in the way the people all look (like christian actors that only act in christian commercials and things). and the way that she says, "it's community policing, like if you wanna do something bad like drugs or engage in sex with yourself or others, you have all these people watching you". and the way she seems really really enthusiastic about it?

I'd assume lights go out at 10pm or something. The fucking takes place under duvets. This sort of stuff is common in shared living areas and isn't a problem in any way. People will occasionally notice two people are fucking in some other bed, and so what?

I guess. The question is, are they even allowed to do the lewd if there's no curtains, or is that considered indecent or something? I would assume it is, but something tells me it isn't.

Chad can still be a broke loser. Women will fuck him outside in the woods or something.

"You have six pairs of eyes watching you, so you can't do anything bad"
is what the shill lady said in the video. Plus that one other lady that talked about it being like "adult summer camp" was definitely sneaking into the bunk of that guy that walked past her, judging by the way she bit her lip

If they're doing it in the dark under their duvets it's discrete enough. If they're doing it in the middle of the area on the concrete then people would probably chimp out.

>judging by the way she bit her lip
What? Is body language really that subtle? Why would she make it obvious that she's fucking some dude anyways? It's no one's business.
I guess that makes sense.

She was not subtle about that eye-fuck and lip bite
>Why would she make it obvious that she's fucking some dude
Wouldn't you tell everyone if you were getting some?

>that setup with the pantry and the fridge
Your shit would get ate/ drunk by someone else fast as hell

Also that guy who walks in and looks at the camera at 2:20 is the double of this guy

>4:00 got rid of top bunk so you don't have to inconvenience person below

lmao what about the bunk to the left where they have to climb down

>Wouldn't you tell everyone if you were getting some?
No, I don't like talking to people about really personal stuff. Even if I did, I wouldn't want to rub it in everyone's collective face.

>little girl and boy standing at the right
If you voluntarily take your kids to live in a place like this you should have them taken off you, a place like this is gonna attract all sorts of weirdos

Yeah if capitalism's unhinged march of wealth continues to concentrate at the top

Getting serious prison flashbacks... this is identical to minimum security prison... down to the way bunk beds are arranged... 30 people stuffed in a room... everyone with their own TV turned loud.... some people preparing food.... loud groups in the middle of the cell playing cards.... the floor is a sickly filthy carpet with coffee and tea spills everywhere... shit blue-white xenon lights they never turn off....

FUCKing no way I would pay to live there... most people think it's fun living in a large group... they likely never experienced the mind-grating way people behave in large groups.... you probably think it's fun only because of the girls... which I don't have much problems with... so I would never voluntarily live in such filth even if it was filled with girls!