Accidentally swallowed the black pill

How do I get it out? I've tried forcing myself to vomit but it's not working.

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Only a very powerful white pill can cure you, sadly very few was able to find one, so it look you are doom to see the world as cruel.

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How do I find one of these white pills? How much do they cost?

Eat healthy, meditate and take walks in nature

Just embrace it, and realize you like what you like, and that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with that.

Is it between 2 consenting adults? If so, what's the issue?

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If you're actually serious:


Books about CBT.

Literally blocking Jow Forums, nowadays I only come to Jow Forums if I have a specific question I want to ask on a general or something.

Getting out of the house. If you can drive go to the next city over and eat lunch and visit a park, or a music store, or a museum or something.

And possibly medication if you have depression/anxiety which can trick your mind into believing things that aren't true.

The only way out now is by joining clown world. I'm sorry user, but only the honks can save you now.

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The only way that I found worked was to go so deep into misery and despondence you feel a melancholic bliss through it. It's utterly riveting if you can manage to experience it even once, as it's very hard to do and doesn't last long.

I love the melancholic bliss. Music helps me reach it, especially music that sounds like the experience itself.

The entire Starmourner album from Ghost Bath puts me in this state

What does the honk cult even believe or do?

Taking the Honkpill is a declaration of freedom and an act of philosophical transcendence; it is the simultaneous acknowledgment of the Blackpill with the decision to avoid it's attendant nihilism - by consciously choosing to seek joy, to seek adventure, to seek light-hearted and self-amused mastery in the midst of all the chaos. The Honkpill is a philosophy unto itself... and perhaps, in these trying times, is just the medicine this broken world needs.

Isn't that just hedonism in the face of the absurd?

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Once you take the blackpill everything becomes hedonism. The only other option is the rope.

When did you guys realize that nihilism is wrong, even though it's right.

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Gonna be fucking honest, there are so many colors and styles of pills now that I have no idea what blackpill even fucking means anymore.

The black pill is just being nihilistic about everything.
>what's the point of trying if I'm going to die anyway?
>what's the point of making friends if they're just going to betray me down the line?
>what's the point of having pets if one of us is going to due and cause grief anyway?

it's just absurdism. the only way to deal with this life is to realize its all a joke

I legit thought the blackpill was BBC

good job user. welcome to reality.
what did you come to realize?

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You have to go DEEPER.
No one loves you,
Everyone laughs at you,
You are a nothing but a joke to them
Its over

this but truthfully and unironically

The cost of a white pill is entrusting your soul to Jesus.

So it's kind of like when a movie is so bad it turns around and becomes good? I just have to sink deeper and deeper into despair and accept how much of a joke the world is?

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Pretty much, enjoy the madness and laugh at the how fuck up the world is.

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Literally stop caring. I took several blackpills. Nowadays I just don't give two shits anymore about anyone but me and what few people I consider dear to me.
Whatever it is you are blackpilled about avoid it at all costs and do things that make you happy. Basically hedonism if you want, life is too short and too pointless not to be happy.

How many black pills do I need to take or how long do I have to be depressed and jaded before I can finally start laughing and smiling?

depends on how comfortable with the life you had before. It could be one or two, or if you were super comfortable with "reality" and society it might take a hundred. sooner or later you'll break down and realize its all for nothing and that this in fact is a joke of a life.

>literally born into the worst era of humanity
>sit back and watch it burn
thats the only good thing that can come out of all this nonsense. Enjoy the view of everything crashing down.