Tfw I will never see a qt girl pee in real life

>tfw I will never see a qt girl pee in real life


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She looks like a feral animal. Death to western whites

>t. creature of negroid complexion

>Hannah Montana will never piss on you

>he hasn't drank a girl's piss from the source before
Feel sorry for you bro
It's hotter than I had ever imagined

so this is a white person.................

>drinking and pissing at the same time

a steady pipeline of degeneracy

Everybody pees. No big deal.
It's a shame.

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>he has never done that

I've seen a woman peeing, it was the Chaddiest thing that ever happened to me. Looking back on it now it's like it happened to someone else.

I commanded a woman to pee on my hand and I fingered her on the toilet

Step your chad up

I never claimed to the chaddiest person on Jow Forums, I am a 35 year old virgin.

>tfw I made my female friend walk with me to an empty park far from the center of the city and spend there most of the day together, hang out and drink because I knew she would get desperate and had to piss and then I was able toconvince her to just pee behind the tree not far away from the bench we were sitting on and although she said I couldn't look I could hear her strong stream hitting the ground numerous times and look at the puddle she created


but seriously, are there any femanons on here into peeing? I feel like there has to be a lot out there.

I just love seeing girls pee, especially different places.

>drinking beer out of a clear bottle


that's a weak stream and pathetic puddle

Lots of those kinds of mass market beers use hydrogenated hop extract instead of natural hops, which is immune to skunking.

Peeing in elevators, staircases, cinema theaters or malls are my absolutely perfect places to piss. You just know how much you shouldn't do it and how rude and disgusting it is and that's what makes it so fucking hot. I could honestly pay for those kind of videos if some cute, young boi/girl was interested in making them for me.

i always think it's crazy that women can pee so powerfully. it's kinda hot but more shocking than anything.

good luck pee fetish anons :^)

>The woman placed the paper cup underneath her as she relieved herself on the counter, with the lone staff member reportedly calling police.
But the woman exhibited even more shocking behaviour when she picked up the paper cup and drank her own pee, only pulling her pants back up and leaving when she was done.
I need this video.

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exactly! I don't want to pay for it, I just want a girl that likes it as much as I do

What about girls who pee their pants?

Attached: wet herself 7.webm (640x480, 1.26M)

not a fan, I like to see their pussy and the stream

based and hot

pee femanons pls respond

i know you are out there

Are there any girls on here that can pee standing up?

fembots please say yes...this is my exact fetish

I made one pee in the shower while I watched

femanons pls respond

tell us about your peeing